On the Importance of Performing HRV Analysis on Subjects using Narcotic Drugs

Case Report

Austin Cardiol. 2016; 1(1): 1002.

On the Importance of Performing HRV Analysis on Subjects using Narcotic Drugss

Conte E¹*, Norman R¹, Mendolicchio L1,2, Orsucci F³, Casciaro Losito F1,4, Losito AM1,5 and De Masi De Luca G1,6

¹School of Advanced International Studies on Applied Theoretical and non Linear Methodologies of Physics, Bari, Italy

²Clinic Villa Miralago, ASL Varese, Italy

³Psychoanalysis Unit, University College, London, England

4Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, University of Bari, Italy

5Clinic Santa Maria, G.V.M. Hospital, Italy

6UTIC Hospital “Cardinale G. Panico”, Unit of Cardiology, Italy

*Corresponding author: Elio Conte, School of Advanced International Studies on Applied Theoretical and non Linear Methodologies of Physics, Bari, Italy

Received: November 30, 2016; Accepted: December 09, 2016; Published: December 12, 2016


We demonstrate the potential value of performing an HRV analysis at rest and in the condition of controlled respiration as a basic test for subjects suspected of using narcotic drugs.

Keywords: HRV Analysis; Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dysfunction; Narcotic Drugs

Case Presentation

The present note is written to alert cardiologists, psychiatrists and toxicologists concerning the importance of performing Heart Rate Variability Analysis (HRV) upon subjects using narcotic drugs.

In relation to this potential use, we present the case of a young female subject upon whom was performed an R-R recording by consenting left finger plethysmography and an ECG. The R-R recording was analyzed in real time, one time with the subject at rest and the second time within a regime of controlled respiration by automatic software driving the subject. The result is a profound, long, rhythmic, structured inspiration and expiration, which carefully avoids any stress for the subject.

The results are given in Figures 1,2,3.

In Figure 1 we have the tachogram and the real time results of the R-R analysis with the subject at rest.