Novel Analysis of Endodontic File Manipulation Using a Newly Developed Apparatus for Recording Force and Torque Values with Real-time Lissajous Curve Display

Special Article - Root Canal Treatment

J Dent & Oral Disord. 2017; 3(5): 1073.

Novel Analysis of Endodontic File Manipulation Using a Newly Developed Apparatus for Recording Force and Torque Values with Real-time Lissajous Curve Display

Niwano K¹, Okiji T² and Noiri Y¹*

¹Division of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Department of Oral Health Science, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan

²Department of Pulp Biology and Endodontics, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

*Corresponding author: Noiri Y, Division of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Department of Oral Health Science, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan

Received: August 23, 2017; Accepted: September 13, 2017; Published: September 20, 2017


This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of visualized mechanical action exerted in vitro during root canal preparation. The newly developed Apparatus for Recording Force and Torque values with Real-time Lissajous curve Display (ARFTRLD) was used. Ten volunteers were enrolled into the study. They manipulated a file using a watch-winding motion in a root canal model block while viewing their trajectories. Data were collected from each participant twice. During the second data acquisition session, a fixed target was superimposed on the screen, and the participants were instructed to move their trajectories within the target. During a predetermined interval in the first and second sessions, the numbers of data points within the target were compared. For the next analysis, the data from the second sessions were used to extract the watch-winding motion pattern. The numerical data were translated into letter sequences, and patterns were matched with regular expressions designed for analysis. The numbers of matched letters and data points within the target were compared. The analyses revealed that participants were able to alter their trajectories toward the target and the location and torque pattern control were not correlated. The ARFTRLD will be useful for objective evaluation.

Keywords: Lissajous curve; Endodontic file manipulation; Force and torque values; Regular expression; Root canal


Root canal preparation is a critical step in endodontic treatment. An inadequately shaped root canal becomes an inadequately obturated root canal [1], and canal shaping that alters the original canal taper is a risk factor associated with failure of endodontic treatment [2].

Endodontic instruments have been improved or modified in cross-sectional and longitudinal design, in the alloy material used, and in the mode of file motion [3-7]. A variety of file products is currently used in endodontic practice, including conventional stainless steel files.

The operability of those file products are not the same. A few factors that are probably related to sensation during the operation were investigated among file designs or products, such as “screwin force” [8], flexibility [9,10], or vibration [11]. Additionally, the operator could recognize the difference in operability between the three file products, i.e., a conventional stainless steel hand file, and a rotary and a reciprocating file system, when it is first used [12].

There is the diversity among operators concerning their experience with file product use. Several in vitro studies reported the differences between experts and novices in root canal preparation [13,14]. However, the differences in manipulation brought about those results were not clear because the findings were mainly derived from the comparison of pre and post-operative root canal shape. Another study indicated the importance of preclinical training for NiTi rotary instruments [3]. However, there are few reports on objective evaluation method for file manipulation in training.

Analysis of the mechanical action exerted with an endodontic instrument is one method for investigating phenomena that occur during root canal preparation. The potential usefulness of a waveform display of the mechanical action to investigate the operator’s file instrumentation has been suggested. For example, the studentparticipants’ adaptation to their waveform movements and their ability to reproduce the endodontists’ waveforms has been described [15]. Additionally, possible inter-operator comparability with the newly developed apparatus has been noted [16].

The mechanical action in previous studies [15-17], in which participants were enrolled for root canal preparation, was displayed graphically over time using torque-time and force-time curves.

A novel mechanical model, in which force and torque values exerted by file manipulation were classified into four distinct groups corresponded to the four quadrants of a Cartesian plane, was implemented in this study. Contrary to previous studies, a display format with the Lissajous curve was used in our study. A newly developed Apparatus for Recording Force and Torque values with Real-time Lissajous curve Display (ARFTRLD) was used. The ability to control trajectory using the visual information was evaluated using two post-recording numerical analyses.

Regular expressions have been used in pattern matching with character strings, and also applied as motif descriptors in bioinformatics [18]. We applied them to extracting the particular file manipulation mode, and used them to verify the hypothesis that there was a correlation between two file control abilities.

Material and Methods

Mechanical model

A two-axis force/torque model was introduced in this study. Force and torque were treated as linearly independent vectors. The direction of force exerted by file manipulation was classified into coronal (UP) and apical (DOWN) directions. Similarly, the direction of torque was categorized into clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) directions. We define intervals on a Cartesian plane: UP = {y | y > 0}, DOWN = {y | y < 0}, CW = {x | x > 0}, and CCW = {x | x < 0}. In this display format, sampled force and torque values are represented as a Lissajous curve, i.e. force–torque curve.


A computer-based apparatus was newly developed for the study (Figure 1a). The apparatus was divided into two parts: the sensor unit and the computer unit. The components of the sensor unit were force/torque transducers, instrumentation amplifiers, 12-bit analogto- digital converters, digital isolators, and a 32-bit microcontroller. The force/torque transducers were composed of all-element varying Wheatstone bridges [19] with the strain gauges (KFG-2-350-C1-23; Kyowa Electronic Instruments, Tokyo, Japan) bonded onto an aluminum alloy element with parallel beam structure (Figure 1b). In the computer unit, an IBM PC compatible computer was used. The software for the apparatus was written in C or Perl (Table 1) [20]. The sensor unit and the computer unit were linked with a Universal Serial Bus to a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USB-to- UART) bridge. The straight root canal model block (S8; Nissin Dental Products, Kyoto, Japan) was modified to be connected to the force/ torque transducer and used for data acquisition at a sampling rate of 200 Hz. The apparatus had two major functions: real-time display, and recording. Recorded data was used in the post-operative analysis.