Hybrid Nano-Composites by Deposition of Ag<sub>2</sub>WO<sub>4</sub>/ Carbon Nanotube: Efficient Biological Application

Research Article

Austin J Environ Toxicol. 2021; 7(1): 1035.

Hybrid Nano-Composites by Deposition of Ag2WO4/ Carbon Nanotube: Efficient Biological Application

Akshatha G1,2*, Abhilash MR1,2*, Jagadish K3 and Srikantaswamy S1,2

¹Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India

²Centre for Materials Science and Technology, VijnanaBhavan, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India

³Department of Studies in Chemistry, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India *Contributed Equally to this Work

*Corresponding author: Akshatha G, Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India; Centre for Materials Science and Technology, VijnanaBhavan, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India

Received: February 16, 2021; Accepted: March 09, 2021; Published: March 16, 2021


For nearly a decade, researchers have debated pollution prevention to achieve a sustainable environment Recently, various nanoscale materials, including silver tungstate (Ag2WO4) nanoparticles, have been actively studied for their capacity to effectively prevent bacterial growth. A critical challenge is to enhance the antibacterial properties of nanomaterials while maintaining their biocompatibility. CNT is addressed in terms of sustainable environment and green technologies perspective, such as wastewater treatment, biocompatibility, photocatalytic and green nanocomposites. In this work, we built up a straightforward science strategy to combine Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) adorned with silver tungstate nanoparticles (Ag2WO4) utilizing various strategies. The synthesized nanocomposite is employed for the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine-B (RhB) in a single step which resolves organic dye contaminant issues with nontoxic molecular intermediates at the same time, removal of heavy metals. The development of Ag2WO4 with functionalized bunches on the outside of CNT was investigated by X-ray diffraction, TEM, EDS, XPS, The normal size of CNTAg 2WO4 was around 8.26nm with about uniform size appropriation. Antibacterial impact of CNT-Ag2WO4 nanocomposites was assessed against two of Gramnegative pathogenic organisms and two Gram-positive microbes. adjusting the electron microscopy examination on cytotoxic effect of the drug on various cell line & antioxidant component of CNT-Ag2WO4 is a physical connection with cell layer, the enormous development of cells by anti-mitotic potential, and quicker destructibility of cell, henceforth bringing about cells demise can lookout.

Keywords: Silver tungstate; Carbon nanotubes (CNT); Microbial inhibition Concentration (MIC); Antioxidant activity


Water is an essential part of life and its availability is important for all living creatures. On the other side, the world is suffering from a major problem of industrial effluent [1]. Numerous organic pollutants, heavy metals, microorganism, micro-pollutant and non-disintegrating materials are present at extreme concentrations [2]. Traditional water/wastewater treatment technologies remain ineffective for reducing a scarcity of water & providing adequate safe water due to increasing demand of water coupled with stringent health guidelines and emerging contaminants [3]. Among various treatments, recent advanced processes in nano-material sciences have been attracting the attention of scientists [4]. The present manuscript reviews the potential developments in nanotechnology with respect to wastewater treatment [5].

Since from crude civic establishments, particularly Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Persians, and Romans, are considered the first proof of the application by oxides, salts, and metals in the field of treatment for disease, nourishment safeguarding, horticulture avoidance prophylaxis of microorganisms [6]. Transition-metal tungstate which speak to a significant class of utilitarian materials, have been strongly researched as a result of their fascinating structures captivating physicochemical properties and various applications as antimicrobial and against malignant growth materials and photocatalysts [7]. Metal tungstate are a significant group of inorganic materials that have incredible application potential in a few territories [8]. Among the group of tungstate especially Ag2WO4, displays fascinating physical and substance properties that can be balanced for different applications [9,10]. Silver tungstate (Ag2WO4) is a significant multifunctional material with hexagonal structure that shows space gathering (P63/m), and gamma (γ) for the cubic structure with space group [11]. The regularly expanding exploration movement around them depends on their one of a kind physical, compound, and organic properties toward applications in catalysis for decrease oxidation and oxidative coupling reactions [12].

“Nanoeffects” are especially accomplished in nanomaterials with enormous surface territory to-volume ratio [13]. Since the disclosure of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) [14], major research on CNT and their applications have made quick progress [15-19]. Ag2WO4 just as CNT is a compelling antibacterial material for assortment of bacterial species [20] technologies utilizing silver tungstate nano-composites with carbon nanotubes exclusively or joined have demonstrated to offer promising options for bacterial inactivation [21]. In this work, we planned to create CNT based half and half nano-composites by coupling with silver tungstate (Ag2WO4) [22]. Considering designed nanoparticle CNT/Ag2WO4, it interests us to ponder the manufacture of carbon nanomaterial’s with Ag2WO4 [23] created Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) covered with 10wt.% and 20wt.% Ag2WO4 by means of aqueous medicines which were incorporated [13]. CNT have been accounted for to have entrance properties as an extraordinary supporting material for example, high surface zone and substance stability [24]. Revealed that the solid grip of nanoparticles on functionalized CNT makes the Ag2WO4 less dangerous in light of the fact that they are not discharged effectively to human cells [17,25]. To upgrade their antibacterial proficiency silver tungstate and carbon nanotubes have been altered synthetically and physically and have also been related with other treatment technique [26]. The manufactured examples with expanded measures of Ag nanostructures indicated uniform CNT circulation just as improved warm and electrical properties [27].

The CNT/Ag2WO4 composite application have vast utilization. Then the antibacterial activities of carbon nanotubes hybrid with Ag2WO4 and it’s applied to cultures of gram-negative and grampositive bacteria are examined. Also the wound-healing activity of the best antibacterial concentration using animal model was tested in future [28].

Materials and Methods


Every one of the synthetic compounds utilized were of the systematic evaluations of immaculateness. Silver nitrate (AgNO3), Acetic acid (CH3COOH) (99%, Sigma Aldrich, India) and sodium tungstate (Na2WO4 •2H2O) (99%, Sigma Aldrich, India) were utilized moving along without any more cleaning. Every one of the arrangements were set up in two fold refined water.

CNT synthesis by CVD method

The underneath Figure demonstrates a schematic graph of the trial set-up utilized for CNT development by CVD system in its least complex kind. The strategy includes passing a hydrocarbon vapor (normally 15-60 min) through a rounded reactor during which an impetus material is available at adequately warm temperature (600- 1200°C) to deteriorate the hydrocarbon. CNT develop on the impetus inside the reactor that is gathered after cooling the framework to room temperature [29]. Inside the instance of a fluid hydrocarbon (benzene, liquor, and so forth.) the fluid is warmed partner exceedingly in a cup and an idle gas is cleansed through it, which progressively conveys the hydrocarbon vapor into the response zone. In the event that a strong hydrocarbon is to be utilized on the grounds that the CNT forerunner, it are regularly straightforwardly whole in the low-temperature zone of the response tube. Pyrolysis of the impetus vapour at proper temperature free metal nanoparticles unaffected (such a technique is comprehended as gliding impetus strategy). CNT amalgamation includes a few parameters like hydrocarbon, impetus, temperature, weight, gas-stream rate, testimony time, reactor geometry (Figure 1).