A Case of Pityriasisrosea Following Cosmetic Shaving

Case Report

J Fam Med. 2014;1(1): 2.

A Case of Pityriasisrosea Following Cosmetic Shaving

James Studdiford1*, Elisabeth P. Collins3, James Studdiford, Daila Pravs1, Brooke Salzman1 and Jeffrey M. Guarino2

1Department of Family and Community Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, USA

2Christiana Care Health Systems, Christiana Hospital, USA

3Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, USA

*Corresponding author: James Studdiford, Department of Family and Community Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, 1015 Walnut St. Suite 401, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA

Received: July 15, 2014; Accepted: July 21, 2014; Published: July 22, 2014


Atypical cases of pityriasisrosea are relatively common; however, there are very few reports of pityriasis rosea exhibiting a koebner-like phenomenon. We present a case of a 25-year-old healthy male patient with multiple salmoncolored, oval-shaped lesions on his abdomen, following along the same area which he had previously shaved two weeks prior. The patient was subsequently diagnosed with pityriasis rosea presenting in an atypical pattern. It is proposed that this atypical presentation of pityriasis rosea was a result of a koebner-like phenomenon triggered by the cosmetic shaving, either caused by a latent human herpes virus, the putative cause of pityriasis rosea, which was reactivated by the trauma of the shaving, or by koebnerization of a small herald patch that was present before the patient shaved. In general, the authors recommend that other differentials be excluded before arriving at a diagnosis of atypical pityriasis rosea. Yet, with the increased incidence of cosmetic body depilation, it is in a physician’s best interest to keep trauma-induced or koebner-like phenomenon on the differential.


A 25-year-old previously healthy Caucasian male presented to an outpatient family medicine office with a complaint of a pruritic rash extending from his umbilicus down to his proximal thighs. The patient had shaved his abdomen and groin two weeks prior. One week before his appointment, he noticed a single, red, scaly patch on his right lower abdomen, which spread across his lower abdomen about 48 hours before the office visit. On exam, it was noted that the skin had been shaved recently, with clear shaving borders from the umbilicus to the proximal inner thighs. Multiple pink and red oval-shaped lesions with fine central scale in collaret configuration were noted on his abdomen, within the clearly demarcated shaving borders (Figure1). The rash also involved his proximal medial thighs within the region that had been shaved. Given appearance of a patch prior to the onset of more extensive lesions (herald patch), as well as the characteristic features of the rash, pityriasis rosea was suspected. The patient was sent home with symptomatic treatment. HIV and RPR were ordered and were later confirmed to be negative. The rash resolved two weeks later, supporting the suspected diagnosis.

Citation: Studdiford J, Collins EP, Studdiford J, Pravs D, Salzman B and Jeffrey M. A Case of Pityriasisrosea Following Cosmetic Shaving. J Fam Med. 2014;1(1): 2. ISSN:2380-0658