Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Chronic Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsies

Research Article

Austin J Neurol Disord Epilepsy. 2016; 3(3): 1026.

Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Chronic Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsies

Turaga SP*, Motturi P, Pakeeraiah, Nallabothu SC and Soanpet P

Department of Neurology, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), India

*Corresponding author: Turaga Surya Prabha, Associate Professor in Neurology, Department of Neurology, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Telangana, India

Received: September 09, 2016; Accepted: November 14, 2016; Published: November 16, 2016


Background: Chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients are known to be associated with dysfunction of visual and verbal memory. Recent studies have shown that executive dysfunction which is present in these patients demonstrates existence of abnormality beyond the site of involvement.

Aim: To see whether there is evidence of executive dysfunction in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and whether it has any correlation with variables like age of onset, duration of illness, number of antiepileptic drugs, side of lesion and seizure frequency.

Materials and Methods: 126 consecutive patients who fulfilled the criteria for unilateral chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy after detailed evaluation are taken into study. Detailed neuropsychological assessments like Intelligence Quotient, verbal and visual memory in addition to extensive tests of frontal dysfunction are done.

Results: All tests of executive function have shown statistically significant dysfunction. Age of onset, number of AEDs, duration of illness, seizure burden are seem to have an effect on the executive function. Quality of life is negatively correlated with tests of planning and working memory.

Conclusion: Evidence for frontal lobe dysfunction noted in mesial temporal lobe epilepsies. Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy has effects beyond temporal lobe suggesting the effect of epilepsy on networks. Age of onset, number of AED, duration of illness, side of lesion, seizure frequency seem to have an effect on the executive function. Tests of planning, working memory are correlated with poor quality of life.

Keywords: Frontal lobe dysfunction; Chronic mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; Executive functions; Quality of life


Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) patients are the patients with refractory seizures that are not responding to usual antiepileptic therapy in most of the cases. They are found to have febrile seizures or febrile status epilepticus in early childhood (30-40% of them) and after latent period of few years used to develop refractoriness. They are characterized by typical MRI Brain lesion suggestive of sclerosis and atrophy and loss of interdigitations of amygdala, hippocampus and para hippocampal gyrus. Neuropsychological impairment is an important comorbidity of chronic epilepsy especially for temporal lobe epilepsy. Chronic MTLE patients are found to have problems with visual and verbal memory and emotional cognition in concordance to structural abnormalities of amygdala and hippocampus [1]. Frontal lobe function which is thought to be high level function in the cognitive process like decision making, planning, working memory, executive skills are thought to be necessary for day to day life activities. Initially it is thought that frontal lobe functions are spared in temporal lobe epilepsy. Later it is challenged by other studies with emerging evidence of involvement of frontal processes in temporal lobe epilepsy. Functional abnormalities in MTLE may extend beyond the temporal lobes. This fact has also been noted as in PET CT scan Brain where hypometabolic changes have been extended beyond mesial temporal lobe including lateral temporal areas, prefrontal cortex and in sub cortical structures like thalamus and basal ganglia which are also involved in cognitive functions such as set shifting, planning [2]. Working memory is part of frontal lobe function that has primary role in cognitive processing of the storage and manipulation of information temporarily, whose dysfunction leads to impairment of daily activities including reading a newspaper or following a conversation. The working memory system is supposed to involve subsystems that have bidirectional flow of information between frontotemporal pathways. This is supported by the evidence from psychiatric and neuro degenerative disorders that have temporal lobe involvement in frontal lobe disorders. There is also evidence of disruption of frontotemporal connectivity leading to executive dysfunction [3-7]. Most of the processing deficiencies that are involving executive functions of frontal lobe dysfunction are vital cognitive processes that lead to learning difficulties, social dysfunction that effect lack of employment. This may lead to even worse outcomes in daily living and difficulty in rehabilitation of these patients [7]. The nature and extent of extra temporal involvement in temporal lobe epilepsy is not fully understood. In temporal lobe epilepsy, the frontal lobe impairment is due to either extensive temporal lobe involvement or secondary to propagation of epileptic activity to frontal lobe [8].

Identification of the mechanism of derangement helps to manage the TLE patients by addressing root cause. Recently there are studies which are focused on this aspect. However some studies have reported reduced performance in executive function for MTLE patients as compared with controls whereas other studies have found that there are no relevant differences between patients and controls(). There is no uniformity in the frontal tests used for various studies. There are not many studies which have shown the relation of frequency of seizures or seizure burden on executive dysfunction.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the study include the following

Materials and Methods

126 patients with unilateral MTLE attending epilepsy clinic of department of Neurology in Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences are taken into study. After detailed clinical and neurological examination, prolonged video-EEG monitoring and detailed neuropsychological examination is done. High-resolution (1.5Tesla/3Tesla) Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI Brain with epilepsy protocol is done to determine the side of lesion. MTLE is determined in MRI brain by presence of loss of volume (atrophy) and loss of interdigitations and grey –white matter junction differentiation and hyper intensity in T2 in hippocampus. (Abrahams) Side of lesion was analyzed by MRI Brain and detailed history with lateralizing signs. History in addition to prolonged video EEG monitoring which was done for at least 12 hours and if possible seizures are recorded in order to identify the side of lesion. After taking detailed clinical examination along with demographic data and clinical history like age of onset, duration of illness, frequency of seizures, maximum remission period for the seizures, no of AEDs used, family history, birth history are taken. An extensive neuropsychological test battery for executive function is used. All patients had undergone detailed neuropsychological examination including tests for co-morbidities like depression with Hamilton (HAM- D) and QOLIE – 31 to determine the quality of life. Written informed consent is taken from all patients. Various tests of neuropsychological assessment are done that include assessment of Intelligent Quotient (Wechsler’s Adult Intelligent Scale III), assessing learning and memory-verbal memory (Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test), Visual memory (Rey complex figure test) and various tests of executive function. Various domains of executive functions are tested by the following tests. Attention is by Digit span (digit forward & digit backward), Fluency by (Phonemic and Categorical fluency), Set shifting and perseveration is by Wisconsin’s Card Sorting Test, Working memory is by verbal and visual N back, psychomotor speed & cognitive flexibility by Trail Making Test A & B, Response inhibition is by Stroop effect, Planning is by Tower of London. All these tests are done in all patients. Planning has been defined as the identification and organization of the steps and elements needed to carry out an intention or achieve a goal (Lezak, 1995). This is best evaluated by Tower of London. In this test, the Subject is presented with a goal state of the arrangement of the 3 balls on one of the boards, which is placed near the examiner. The arrangement of the balls in the other board is the initial state. This board is placed near the subject has to arrive at the goal state in the board placed on his side. This can be done with a minimum of 2 moves (2 moves problems), 3moves (3 moves problems), 4 moves (4 moves problems) and 5 moves (5 moves problems). The test commences with the simple level i.e. the 2 moves problems. This is followed by the 3 moves, 4 moves and 5 moves problems in that order. From the task done by patient, mean time to solve the problem, mean number of moves, number of problems solved with the minimum number of moves and overall score of the total number. Set shifting ability is tested using the Wisconsin card sorting test (Milner, 1963). This test examines concept formation, abstract reasoning and the ability to shift cognitive strategies in response to changing environments. The test consists of 128 cards each card is a square of dimensions 8cms by 8cms. Stimuli of various forms are printed on the cards. The stimuli vary in terms of three attributes: color, form and number. The stimuli are geometrical figures of different forms (triangle, star, cross, circle) in different colors (red, green, yellow, blue) and in different numbers (one, two, three, four) which are presented on each card. The deck of 128 cards is arranged according to the sequence of presentation in the test manual and is placed to the left of the subject. The subject is instructed to study the cards and match each successive card from the pack to one of the four stimulus cards. This subject is told only whether each response is right or wrong and is never told the correct sorting principle. The subject has to guess the concept based on the examiner’s feedback and continue with the test. Each time the subject places a card if it is according to the principle of sorting in operation at the time, the examiner puts a number on the scoring form starting from the numbers are put in serial order for consecutive correct responses. After the subject places 10 consecutives cards correctly, the tester changes the concept without the subject’s knowledge. The subject’s capacity to form a mental set is measured by how quickly he/she attains the concept and retains it for 10 consecutive trials. The subject’s capacity to perceive a change in the concept when the next sorting principle is introduced is a measure of the set shifting ability. The test is terminated after the subject attains all the 6 concepts or after all the 128 cards have been used. Ambiguous & unambiguous responses, perseverative & non-perseverative errors are recorded. Response inhibition measures the ease with which a perpectual set can be shifted both to conjoin the changing demands and by suppressing a habitual response in favor of an unusual one. The prefrontal areas are essential for response inhibition. For this the procedure is that stimulus sheet is placed in front of the subject. The subject is asked to ready the stimuli column-wise as fast as possible. The time taken to read all the 11 columns is noted down. Next, the subject is asked to name the color in which the word is printed. This time also the subject proceeds column wise. The time taken to name all the colors is noted down. The words are presented in the mother tongue of the subject. The color names “Blue”, “Green”, “Red’’ and “Yellow” are printed in capital letters on a paper. The color of the print occasionally corresponds with the color designated by the word. The words are printed in 16 rows and 11 columns. Verbal Working memory N Back Test will be done by presenting thirty randomly consonants common to multiple Indian languages auditorily at the rate of one per second. Nine of the 30 consonants are repeated. The consonants which are repeated are randomly chosen. In the 1 back test the subject response whenever a consonant is repeated consonant is repeated consecutively. In the 2 back tests the subject responds whenever consonant is repeated after an intervening consonant. The consonants used in the 1 back and the 2 back versions are given in the appendix. Visual working memory was tested using N back test with 1back and 2 back versions. It consisted of 36 cards each of which had one back dote placed randomly along a circle imagined to on the card. The dimensions and location the imaginary circle on each remained constant in all cards. Each card was individually presented to subject. The subject was told to respond whenever the location of dot repeated itself. In the1 back test, she/he was told to respond whenever the location of the dot was repeated after one intervening card. The number of hits and errors in each test formed the score.

Those patients who are having the following are excluded from study.

Exclusion criteria

Statistical analysis

Results on continuous measurements are presented on Mean ± SD (Min-Max) and results on categorical measurements are presented in number and percentages (%). The power of the study is 76 patients. We included 126 patients as the results are lying within normative data which is detected by using the SPSS, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used to find the significance of study parameters between groups of patients. Student t test (two tailed, independent) has been used to find the significance of study parameters on continuous scale between two groups (Inter group analysis) on metric parameters. Comparison with normative Data which is age, sex & literacy matched is done with in relation to NIMHANS neuropsychology Battery, 2004. Correlations with outcome variables was done with age of onset, duration of illness, number of AEDs, side of lesion and seizure burden with ANOVA and chi-square test. Multiple logistic regression is done to know whether any single test will detect t he executive dysfunction or not. The Statistical software - SAS 9.2, SPSS IBM version 20.0, Stata 10.1, MedCalc9.0.1, Systat 12.0 are used for above calculations.


Out of 126 patients, males are 78 (61.90%) whereas females are 48 (38.1%).The mean age of presentation is 28.42 ± 9.40 years (ranging from16-61 years). Out of them most are i.e, 52.38% are college educated (66/126), 38.8% are school educated those who completed high school (49) and 8.73% are uneducated [11]. Most of them are right handed (98.41%) whereas only two patients are left sided. Right sided MTLE is seen in71 (56.34%) &left sided in 55(43.65%). Mean duration of illness is Family history is seen in 23.38%. Most of them are refractory cases requiring polytherapy (37.66%) and with seizure frequency of Engel score >6 in 80.52%. Overall average quality of life as measured by QOLIE 32 is poor in 61.53% (Table 1). When compared the results of extensive executive battery of tests in comparison with normative data of Indian standard battery NIMHANS Battery of tests, there is statically significant difference with various domains of following tests like Digit span (digit forward & digit backward), Phonemic and Categorical fluency, Wisconsin’s Card Sorting Test, verbal and visual N back, Trail Making Test A & B, Stroop effect and Tower of London that is depicted in Table 2 indicating that there is statistically significant difference in all domains of executive dysfunction. Various domains of executive function are compared with age of onset, duration of illness, frequency of seizures, side of lesion, number of AEDs On univariate analysis, it is found that each test of executive function when compared with the above parameters found to have the following results depicted in the Table 3. Age of onset correlated with Digit backward TMT-A, TMT-B, verbal 2 back errors Visual N back 2 error, 1 move of Tower of London. Duration of illness correlated with TMTA&TMT B, 3&5 moves of Tower of London, Verbal N back 1hits & Visual N back 2 errors. Side of lesion correlated with Digit forward & Digit backward, 3&4 moves of Tower of London. Seizure burden is correlated with Digit forward, Categorical fluency, all domains of WCST , Verbal 1&2 hits & Errors, Visual 1& 2 Hits &errors, TMT –B, 2, 3&4 moves of tower of London and IQ of the patients . Number of AEDs is correlated with categorical fluency, visual 2 hits, 2&5 moves of Tower of London, IQ of the patients. Quality of life when compared with above parameters it is found that there is correlation only with increased number of AED s thereby suggesting that refractory patients using polytherapy are to have low quality of life. When tried to evaluate one single test to determine executive dysfunction in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy on multiple logistic regression, any one of the single test of extensive battery had no statistically significance for any test there by suggesting that there are multiple cognitive sub domains of temporal lobe epilepsy exists and monitoring one domain of executive function does not reveal the whole problem of its burden on temporal lobe epilepsy patients. We also found that though there is executive dysfunction in patients with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy, when compared with quality of life it is not get impaired which is statistically not significant.