Prevalence of Renal Impairment among Workers of a Paint Manufacturing Factory

Case Report

Austin Occup Med. 2016; 1(1): 1003.

Prevalence of Renal Impairment among Workers of a Paint Manufacturing Factory

Hegazy IS¹, El-Raghi HA¹, Mohammed AM²*, Rizk SA², Badawy NA² and Rashad HM²

¹Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

²Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, National Research Center, Egypt

*Corresponding author: Asmaa M. Mohammed, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, National Research Center, Egypt

Received: September 12, 2016; Accepted: October 24, 2016; Published: October 25, 2016


Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a major public health problem throughout the world. Adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease can be prevented through early detection and treatment. Workers with a history of exposure to paints, glues, degreasing solvents, and cleaning solvents must be evaluated for renal impairment. Objective: To detect the prevalence of renal impairment among workers exposed to organic solvents as nephrotoxic substance.

Subjects and Methods: This is a analytical case control study conducted on all workers (n=181) of a paint manufacturing factory exposed to organic solvents during their work and 186 control individual never exposed occupationally to organic solvents and engaged in administrative tasks outside the factory. we evaluated their renal function using both routine renal function tests namely; serum urea, serum creatinine, estimated glomerular filtration rate in addition to urinary biomarkers; N acetyl-B-D glucosaminidase.

Result: The results of the study revealed statistically significant difference between the Urinary-N-Acetyl glucosaminidase activity (NAG index); (P-value<0.001) of the workers that exposed to organic solvents and their matched controls. The proportion of exposed workers that have abnormal NAG activity (53.6%) is higher than that in their matched controls (29.6%) and represent about two fold increase in the activity with high statistically significant difference (p-value<0.0001).

Conclusion: It appears that at least one of every two workers exposed to organic solvents in this factory has early renal impairment which couldn’t be detected by the routine renal function tests.

Keywords: Chronic kidney disease; Renal impairment


It is clear that an individual’s likelihood of developing progressive Chronic kidney disease results from complex interactions between multiple genetic (none modifiable factors) and environmental factors (modifiable factors) [1]. Identification of the modifiable and controllable risk factors. eg. exposure to nephrotoxic substances such as organic solvents, is an important first step in understanding and hopefully, revering the increasing incidence of such disease [2]. Millions of workers are exposed to organic solvents worldwide at different workplaces. Depending on the vapor pressure of the individual solvents, workers may be exposed by inhalation. Exposure concentrations may be very high, at least for some procedures (e.g. cleaning). In addition, dermal exposure may contribute considerably to the overall exposure. Exposure may occur despite the use of protective clothing, because solvents may penetrate certain types of gloves or cloth. Solvent mixtures are frequently used. Therefore, effects may also be caused by combined exposures. Threshold limits in the air, established by several national and international institutions, enable control of a large number of solvents in air at the workplace [3]. Workers with a history of exposure to paints, glues, degreasing solvents, and cleaning solvents must be evaluated for renal impairment. Such patients may not know the risks of their exposure and may actually not understand the relationship between an exposure to kidney toxic solvent and the development of high blood pressure or in the worst case scenario the development of endstage kidney failure [4]. Renal damage resulting from toxic exposure is progressive and will, if untreated, end in irreversible renal disease. There is, therefore, a need to develop a battery of tests for early detection of these effects [5]. As renal damage from solvent exposure may remain clinically silent for many years due to the large functional reserve capacity of the kidney, it is necessary to apply sensitive, reliable early indicators (“biomarkers of effect”) to detect early effects and prevent further damage [6]. The aim of this study to detect the prevalence of renal impairment among workers exposed to organic solvents as nephrotoxic substance.

Subjects and Methods

Study design

Analytical, case control study

Study location

This study was implemented in one of the biggest factories manufacturing paints in Great Cairo, Egypt.


The study population consists of two groups:

Workers group (Exposed) composed of 181 industrial workers exposed currently to the organic solvents during their work in a paint manufacturing factory.

Case definition: All workers of the factory that exposed to organic solvents.

Were included in the study without any exclusion.

Control group (none exposed occupationally) consists of 186 of clerks engaged mainly in administrative tasks in organization away from the factory and haven’t exposed occupationally to organic solvents neither currently nor in the past. They are matched with the workers group in number, sex and age group (5 year interval).


Both workers and control groups were subjected to:

I. An interview to complete a questionnaire form

II. Full clinical examination: to evaluate the health status of the workers and their matched controls. General and abdominal examination were performed with emphasis on the signs of chronic renal disease (puffiness around eyes, lower limb edema, high blood pressure, etc…)

III. Laboratory investigations

a) Blood samples were collected from both exposed and their controls by sterile disposable syringes. Each sample was left to clot and centrifuged. The separated serum was used for estimation of routine Kidney function tests namely;

Statistical Analysis

The collected data, the clinical and laboratory results have been computerized and coded using SPSS version 20.0 software and statistically analyzed. Data were expressed as mean values ± Standard Deviation (SD). Ranges, frequency of distributions were estimated for quantitative variables. The mean of quantitative variables of the two comparable groups (exposed group and control group) was compared using the Independent-Samples Student’s t-test. The significance of differences between proportions was tested by the Chi-square test (χ2). The correlations between individual variables were tested using Pearson correlation coefficient (r) Values ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Multivariate logistic regression analysis used to detect the odds ratio of the outcome in response to certain variable with adjustment of the other cofounders (CI =95%).


A total number of studied exposed group (n=181) are males. Their mean age is 42±10.7 and age range (21-59) years old. Most of them are married (88.4%). The exposed workers that have either basic education or less form a great bulk in the factory (40.5%). About two fifth of the workers are currently tobacco smokers (45.3%). About one fourth of the workers smoke shisha occasionally (24.2%). No other special smoking habits have been recorded.

The range of duration of exposure to organic solvents was (1- 42) years with mean duration (17.3±11.4) years. The workers in the factory are exposed during their work daily to mixture of organic solvents; 5 days weekly for 8 hours daily. It was observed that 52.5% of the workers (n=95) are using the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) regularly while 47.5% (n=86) always didn’t use PPE. The workers group was matched in age with 186 employers engaged in administrative tasks outside the factory. Statistically significant difference (P-value = 0.016) in the smoking pattern of workers when compared to their matched controls. About half of the workers are currently smokers (45.3%) compared with (38.2%) among controls.

Figure 2 represents statistically insignificant differences in mean values of routine renal function tests between the workers group and their controls.