Cancer Risks from Disinfection Byproducts of Drinking Water: The Neglected Issue in the Global South

Research Article

Austin Pediatr. 2017; 4(4): 1063.

Cancer Risks from Disinfection Byproducts of Drinking Water: The Neglected Issue in the Global South

Ambelu A1*, Fikre T2 and Mekonen S1

1Jimma University, College of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Science and Technology, Jimma, Ethiopia

2Gambella Regional Health Bureau, Gambella, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Argaw Ambelu, Gambella Regional Health Bureau, Gambella, Ethiopia

Received: September 29, 2017; Accepted: October 31, 2017; Published: November 07, 2017


Surface water treated with chlorine is known to have undesirable disinfection by-products. Many disinfection by-products such as chloroform are known to cause chronic illness such as cancer. In most sub-Saharan Africa, bacteriological treatment of drinking water is much more emphasized than the risk of disinfection by-products. The purpose of the present study was to determine chloroform concentration from municipal water distribution system of surface and groundwater sources. Water samples were collected from municipal water distribution systems of Jimma and Agaro town before and after chlorination. Chloroform concentration was determined using gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD). In addition, household survey was conducted to determine the water consumption, bathing habit, and body weight of the consumers. Human exposure and risk assessment was done using USEPA exposure estimation method. From the findings, the mean concentrations of chloroform were 93.75μg/L ± 77.19 and 4.67μg/L ± 5.33 in Jimma and Agaro town water sources, respectively. About 50% of the water samples collected from Jimma town was greater than the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) maximum concentration level (MCL) for trihalomethanes (THMs). Chlorine dose, pH, and residence time predicts the occurrence of chloroform. The cancer risk from chloroform exposure via ingestion and inhalation was greater than World Health Organization (WHO) acceptable cancer risk value. Hence, attention is required to the disinfection by-products to safeguard consumers’ health.

Keywords: Chloroform; Cancer Risk; Exposure Assessment; Surface and Groundwater 


Access to safe drinking water is essential to human health and a component of effective policy for health protection [1]. To provide potable water for drinking, food preparation and recreation, destruction of pathogenic microorganisms is an important issue of concern. Due to this needs, the water is commonly treated by the use of reactive chemical agents such as chlorine for the safety of consumers [1]. However, chlorine can easily react with natural organic matter (NOM) present in surface water which results in the production of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) [2,3]. Trihalomethanes (THMs) are the primary disinfection byproduct where the major are chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform [4].

Chloroform is the most prevalent among THM compounds in chlorinated water and has been classified as possibly carcinogenic substance to humans, based on sufficient evidence from experimental animals [5]. Since early 1974 up to present, many studies were carried out to evaluate health impact of chloroform using laboratory animals. Some studies revealed that, chloroform has damaged different cells in the body and has risk on cell mutation and develops cancer in exposed organs [6–9]. Even though there is a difficulty for direct evaluations of the effects of THM on human subjects, there are studies which indicated, THMs are known to increase risk of bladder cancer, intestine, anal, esophagus, and some reproductive health impacts like abortion, low birth weight [10–12].

The concentration of THMs vary based on the level of Organic Matter (OM), ultraviolet absorption, pH, temperature, chlorine or bromine dosage and residence time [12–17]. Surface water sources in sub-Saharan African countries are rich in OM, which can easily exposed to direct sunlight and often with elevated water temperature. On the other side, the water supply system in many cities of such countries is abstracted from surface water source such as rivers, ponds, lakes, canals, etc., which is subsequently treated with chlorine. This apparently makes the water to have elevated concentration of THM and exposure of consumers to these chemicals. As the result many countries promulgated guidelines to control DBPs [18] (Figure 1). Special concerns are associated with the THMs, because they have been recognized as potentially hazardous and are the major by-products of chlorination [19].

Regular monitoring of DBPs in the public water supply system of some sub-Saharan African countries is hardly available. However, there is no information available on the nature, distribution and typical concentrations of DBPs in Ethiopian and other sub-Sahara African countries. Unlike the attention given to microbial and physical contamination, level of DBPs in municipal water supply system is missing, the level of consumers’ exposure and risks is not known. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to investigate the level of DBPs in particular to chloroform in the water distribution systems of Agaro and Jimma southwestern Ethiopia, and to undertake consumer cancer risk assessment.

Materials and Methods

Study area

Jimma is situated in the southwestern Ethiopia at a distance of 352km far from Addis Ababa. The existing water distribution network covers an area of approximately 31km2 and the source is surface water. The distribution system uses conventional water treatment such as coagulation, sedimentation and filtration and addition of free chlorine for disinfection [20]. While in the second study area which is Agaro there is no water treatment system except chlorination before distribution [21].


To determine the concentration of chloroform and its precursors, fresh water samples were collected from the treatment plant and distribution taps. The analytical procedures for collection and analyses of water samples were made according to USEPA Method 551.1 of 1995 [22]. Duplicated raw and treated water samples were collected in 125ml glass bottles. The glass bottles were previously washed with phosphate free detergents and tap water, then rinsed thoroughly with distilled water and allowed to dry at room temperature and then placed in an oven at 400°C for 30 minutes. Before sampling, 1.5mg of ascorbic acid was added to bottles to eliminate any residual chlorine and to stop additional chloroform formation. The tap water were allowed to slowly flow about 5 minutes before sampling and then the bottles were filled just to overflowing without passing air bubbles through the sample. The samples were stored between 0°C to 4°C during transportation from field to the laboratory.

Samples for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and UV-absorbance measurements were collected in 125ml brown glass bottles which were adequately washed in a similar way with the above procedures. Once collected, samples were carefully stored in the dark below 4°C and were transported to Addis Ababa, JEJE Labo Analytical Testing Laboratory for analysis. To evaluate the water consumption rate, bathing habits and their body weight 768 individuals (384 in each town) were interviewed and the date were used for human exposure assessment.

Analytical procedures

The pH and temperature of the water samples were determined using a pH meter and digital Thermometer, respectively within an hour time following the sample collection. Free and total chlorine residual, for each chlorinated samples was determined using HACH, CN-66 model free or total chlorine test kit using colorimetric DPD. The information on residence time and distance from treatment plant to sampling sites were obtained from water supply offices of each town. After samples were filtered at 45µm, UV absorbance was measured by UV/visible spectrophotometry of DR 5000 Hach model at 254nm with 5mm optical path quartz cells. TOC was analyzed using a Shimadzu TOC analyzer (Shimadzu TOC 5000) following method 10129.

For the determination of chloroform concentration a 10mL of water was taken and poured in 15mL glass bottle and 1.5g anhydrous sodium sulphate and 2mL n-hexane was added as an extraction solvent and shaken by hand for 4 minutes and left undisturbed for 2 minutes. Then 2μL the extracted sample was injected into an Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatography system equipped with an Electron Capture Detector (ECD) for the quantitative determination of chloroform.

Chromatographic condition

The gas chromatographic separation was achieved on a capillary column HP-5 (30m length x 0.32mm internal diameter (I.D) and 0.25μm film thickness). The oven temperature was kept at 80°C for 15 minutes. The temperature of the injector and detector were set at 200°C and 250°C respectively. The extraction procedures were undertaken at room temperature. Nitrogen gas (99.99% pure) was used as both carrier and make up gas with constant pressure of 10psi and a flow rate of 1mL/min.

Exposure assessment

Ingestion of water is one of exposure pathway to THM among many, such as inhalation and dermal contact during bathing, swimming, dishwashing and clothes washing [23]. In current study, population exposure to chloroform via ingestion was estimated using chronic daily intake (CDI) estimation method as described in USEPA exposure estimation method [24]. Parameters like body weight, age and amount of daily water intake for adults were obtained from the survey and used in the following equation.

CDIIngestion = Cw* (IRw/BW) x (EF * ED)/AT                             (1)

where; CDIIngestion= Chronic daily intake through oral ingestion exposure (mg/kg-day), Cw (mg/L) = Concentration of chloroform in drinking water of the study site (mg/L), IRw (L/day) = Ingestion rate of drinking water, 2L for adults (USEPA, 2005), BW (kg) = body weight; 70 for adults [25], EF (days/year) = exposure frequency; 365 days/year [24],

ED (years) = exposure duration; for average of 70 years [25] but life expectancy of Ethiopians were taken as 54 and 59 years for males and females respectively  [27],

AT (days) = EDx365days/year [24] and absorptivity of body is assumed to be 100% [23].

Cancer risk estimation

The target cancer risk estimation model is adopted from the method used by Ching-Hung Hsu and his colleagues in 2000 for estimation of Potential lifetime cancer risks for THMs from Consuming chlorinated drinking water in Taiwan. For carcinogenic effects THMs, risk is expressed as excess probability of contacting cancer over a lifetime (70 years). Because contact rates with tap water for children and adults are different, cancer risks during the 1rst 30 years of life were calculated using age-adjusted factors. The model considers mainly ingestion and inhalation route for cancer risk estimation. In the current study, we used some parameters depending to our countries situation and we compared with adopted model standards. The model for estimating target cancer risks (lifetime cancer risks) is presented below in equation 2. Additionally, cancer risk is also predicted for ingestion exposure alone by multiplying CDI via ingestion with its carcinogenic slope factor of 6.10x10-3 [26].

TR= Cc*EFr * [(K* IFAadj *CPSi) + (IFWadj *CPSo)]/ ATc *1000 µg/mg


IFWadj (L* year/ Kg* day) = (EDc* IRWc)/BWc + ((EDtot-EDc)*IRWa)/BWa                  (2)


Cc is contaminants in water (µg/L), TR is target cancer risk, CPSo is carcinogenic potency slope oral (risk per mg/kg/day) = 6.10x10-3,