Using Google Maps to Present the Pattern of International Author Collaboration in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics

Research Article

Austin Pharmacol Pharm. 2017; 2(1): 1009.

Using Google Maps to Present the Pattern of International Author Collaboration in Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics

Chien TW1,2, Chang Y3 and Kuo SC4,5*

¹Department of Medical Research, Chi-Mei Medical Center, China

²Department of Hospital and Health Care Administration, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, China

³National Taiwan University, School of Medicine, China

4Department of Ophthalmology, Chi-Mei Medical Center, China

5Department of Optometry, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, China

*Corresponding author: Shu-Chun Kuo, Department of Ophthalmology, Chi-Mei Medical Center, Department of Optometry, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, 901 Chung Hwa Road, Yung Kung Dist, Tainan 710, Taiwan, China

Received: November 23, 2017; Accepted: December 11, 2017; Published: December 18, 2017


Objective: To investigate research patterns of international author collaboration in pharmacology and pharmaceutics by collecting data from Medline and to visualize data using Google maps and Social Network Analysis (SNA).

Methods: Selecting 14,403 abstracts, author names and countries, keywords, and Medical Subject Headings (MESH) on November 23, 2017 from the Medline based on the title involving pharmacology or pharmaceutics, we reported following features of pharmacology and pharmaceutics: (1) nation and journal distribution; (2) main keywords frequently presented in papers; (3) the prominent author and the research domain defined by the MESH terms. We programmed Microsoft Excel VBA routines to extract data from Medline. Google Maps and SNA Pajek software were used for displaying visual representations on features of pharmacology and pharmaceutics.

Results: We found that (1) the most number of nations are from US.(3272, 40.27%) and UK.(721, 8.87%); (2) the most number of journals in production of pharmacology and pharmaceutics are J Pharmacol Exp Ther (351, 2.44%) and Arzneimittel-forschung (315, 2.19%); (3) the most linked keywords are pharmacology and experimental lab study; (4) the research domain defined by MESH terms are pharmacology and molecular targeted therapy for the prominent Author Joanna L Sharman.

Conclusion: Social network analysis provides wide and deep insight into the relationships among entities or subjects. The results drawn by Google maps can be provided to readers for future paper submission in academics.

Keywords: Authorship collaboration; Google Maps; Social network analysis; Medline


Google Maps offers a global view of geospatial visualization for our interesting objects dispersed on a map [1,2]. However, only four papers were collected in Medline library using keyword Google map to search on November 22, 2017. Many papers [3-5] have conducted studies on co-author collaboration in academics, but failed to display results using graphical representation on Google maps.

The co-author relation is similar to the comorbid co-occurred with one another in medicine. Many studies have made efforts to explore the association of two or more entities (or objects) such as obesity and altered aspirin pharmacology [6] and pharmacology and perioperative considerations of pain medications [7]. The pattern of international co-author collaboration in pharmacology and pharmaceutics is still unclear. It is hard using traditional statistics to observe the association of two or more symptoms co-occurred at one moment. Even if Social Network Analysis (SNA) [8] has been launched to explore the pattern of elements in a system, none were found incorporating SNA with Google maps to report their results.

An apocryphal story often told to illustrate the concept of co- occurrence is about beer and diaper sales. It usually goes along with both beer and diaper sales which were strongly correlated [9-11] in a market place. All possible pairs our observed in a system can be counted using advanced computer techniques. However, we have not seen any computer algorithms that can teach us how to select the most possible pairs co-occurred in a system.

Social network analysis (SNA)

Social Network Analysis (SNA) [12] has been applied to authorship collaboration in bibliometrics. Co-authorship among researchers can form a type of social network, called co-author network [13]. We are thus interested in applying SNA to investigate the most number of authors and keywords in relation for the topic of pharmacology and pharmaceutics in which we are interested.

Author collaborations and international relations

Many papers have been saved in Medline library. However, few extracted data from Medline to investigate valuable information regarding author relations and keyword frequency in an academic domain. Whether the field of pharmacology and pharmaceutics is similar to the finding [14,15] that the dominant nations come from U.S. and Europe. International collaboration in science has increased rapidly in recent decades [16]. Mass data storage electronic communications [17] and less expensive travel might be ones of the drivers and facilitators [18] to facilitate international co-author collaboration in paper publication. Some governments of notably smaller nations [19] also invest purposefully in the stimulation of internationalization. We are thus interested in investigating the pattern of author collaboration in pharmacology and pharmaceutics using Google maps.

Aims of the study

Our aims are to investigate patterns of international collaborations in pharmacology and pharmaceutics by collecting data from Medline and to visualize results in following representations: (1) nation and journal distribution; (2) main keywords frequently presented in papers; (3) the prominent author and the research domain defined by the Medical Subject Headings (MESH).


Data sources

We programmed Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) modules for extracting abstracts and their corresponding coauthor names as well as keywords on November 23, 2017 from Medline library. Only those abstracts entitled with pharmacology (or pharmaceutics) and labeled with Journal Article were included. Others like those labeled with Published Erratum, Editorial or those without author nation were excluded from this study. A total of 14,403 eligible abstracts were obtained from Medline since 1992. Only 8,129 papers are labeled with 1st author nation in Medline database.

Data arrangement to fit SNA requirement

We analyzed all eligible papers with complete data including author countries, MESH terms. Prior to visualize representations using SNA, we organized data in compliance with the SNA format and guidelines using Pajek software [20]. Microsoft Excel VBA was used to deal with data fitting to the SNA requirement.

Graphical representations to report

Author nations and their relations: Two cross tables (i.e., columns for publication years and rows for the 1st author nations as well as journals) were made for presenting the distribution of nations and the most number of journals publishing papers of pharmacology and pharmaceutics. The bigger bubble means the more number of the nodes (i.e., nations, authors, or MESH terms in this study). The wider line indicates the stronger relations between two nodes. Community clusters are filled with different colors in bubbles.

Keywords, authors and MESH terms to present the research domain: Keywords are defined by authors. Research domain can be highlighted by the relation between any pair of two keywords using SNA. The presentation for the bubble and line is interpreted similar to the previous section.

Statistical tools and data analyses: Google Maps [21] and SNA Pajek software [22] were used to display visualized representations for papers published in the field of pharmacology and pharmaceutics. Author-made Excel VBA modules were applied to organize data.


Author nations and their relations

A total of 8,129 eligible papers with complete author nations based on journal article since 1992 are shown in Table1. We can see that the most number of nations are from US. (3272, 40.27%) and UK. (721, 8.87%). The trend in the number of publications with authorship from countries is present in the column of correlation (denoted by corr.) in Table 1. The diagram (shown by SNA and Google maps) in Figure 1 displays author collaboration among nations. The highest productive nations are from US. and Europe. China (corr. =0.98) and Australia (corr. =0.74) also placed a distinct portion and an increasing trend. Any nation collaborated with other nations are shown with a blue line. Interested authors are recommending clicking the bubble of interest to see details on a website at reference [23].