Psychiatric Thought Disorder Detection by Quantum Resonance Spectrometer Applied to Psychotic Symptom- Based Objective Diagnosis

Research Article

Austin J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2015; 2(2): 1038.

Psychiatric Thought Disorder Detection by Quantum Resonance Spectrometer Applied to Psychotic Symptom- Based Objective Diagnosis

Shi J¹*, Zhang Y1,2, Liu F1,2, Dai Z1,2, Yue X1,2, Zhang H³, Du X1,2, Sun L1,2, Xu T4, Zhang M1,2 and Cui X1,2

¹Department of Informatics, Institute of Mental Health Center, China

²Department of Molecular Neuroscience, University of Mental Health Institute, China

³Department of Medical Science, University of Quantum Medical Science Development, China

4Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, China

*Corresponding author: Jianguo Shi, Department of Informatics, Institute of Mental Health Center, Shaanxi, China

Received: August 10, 2015; Accepted: October 08, 2015; Published: October 28, 2015


To evaluate reliability and psychiatric clinical value of Quantum Resonance Spectrometer (QRS) in thought disorder detection, as psychotic symptombased objective diagnosis. We studied 1014 schizophrenic patients, 155 patients with bipolar disorders patient, and 100 normal controls. Thought disorder symptoms of same subjects obtained from QRS test and psychiatrists’ diagnoses were compared. Also thought disorder symptoms of renumbered 65 schizophrenia patient and 100 normal controls were discriminated using QRS test. Kappa values were more than 0.65 in 6/9 symptoms of schizophrenia, and more than 0.74 in all 3 symptoms of bipolar disorder. Same consistency could also be seen in Pearson R value, and ROC AUC. In the discriminated analysis, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive of delusion, looseness of thought and paralogism thinking detected utilizing QRS are more than 0.70 compared with psychiatrists’ diagnoses. In summary, QRS is a predictor of psychiatric thought disorders, and an objective identification and diagnosis instrument. Psychiatric thought disorder detection by QRS could be applied to psychotic symptom-based objective diagnosis.

Keywords: Quantum resonance spectrometer (QRS); Symptom; Thought disorder; Schizophrenia; Bipolar disorder; Detection; Diagnoses


Schizophrenia is one of the most severe and chronic forms of mental illness. A complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors appears to be critical in its pathogenesis. Ranking among the ten most frequent causes of disability in developed countries, schizophrenia affects roughly one percent of the world’s population. The current psychiatric classification systems, the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) [1], and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition (DSM-IV) [2], base the diagnosis of schizophrenia exclusively on its clinical symptomatology. Clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on patient interviews and observation of the patient’s behavioral patterns, is subjective. More and more instruments [3] began to consider used in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders with the progress of science and technology, which would be more objective and controlled. According to the interview and observation, schizophrenia is symptomatically characterized by hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking or negative symptoms, etc. These symptoms may be based on a neurobiological brain dysfunction associated specifically with schizophrenia. The need for more precise and reliable diagnostic markers is underscored by a well established association between the duration of untreated psychosis and an unfavorable clinical outcome of schizophrenia [4-6]. Therefore, in addition to the interview and observation of the patient, a biological marker related to the brain dysfunction or brain potentials of schizophrenia may also be useful in determining the clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia [3,7-9].

In order to find a biological marker of schizophrenia, many researchers have performed psycho physiological or cognitive neuroscience tests related to the potential brain dysfunction of schizophrenia [5,10]. The method including symptomatology, Cerebro Spiral Fluid (CSF)-biochemistry, Computed Tomography (CT)-scan, neurophysiologic and psycho physiologic (Electro dermal activity, EDA) parameters before antipsychotic treatment was initiated during a 20-year period [5,11]. At the same time human body is an aggregate of numerous cells, which continuously grow develop, split, regenerate and die. In the process of cellular split-up and renewal, the charred bodies of nucleus and extra nuclear electrons as the basis unit of a cell are moving and changing ceaselessly at a high speed as well, emitting electromagnetic waves without interruption. The signals of electromagnetic waves emitted by human bodies represent the specific condition of human body and therefore, different signals of electromagnetic waves will be emitted by the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases, etc [12,13]. The conditions of life can be analyzed if such specific electromagnetic wave signals can be analyzed [14,15]. The electro dermal tests also be tried to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of in allergic subjects [11,16]. So, we have studied quantum resonance of schizophrenics and normal people while subjects freely holding the sensor. This method is called exploratory quantum resonance test. Therefore, the above physiological or neuroscience defects, the change of electromagnetic wave signals [8,17], may show promise as biological markers of schizophrenia [18,19]. The aim of the research was to develop an easily available and easily replicable biological objective system, Quantum Resonance Spectrometer (QRS), which could be used as predictor of psychiatric diagnoses, and could attenuate subjective ratings [20]. In our previous studies, only psychiatric cardinal symptoms have revealed consistent distribution as diagnosis of psychiatrist [21-24]. The detection result obtained from QRS in the specific symptoms such as: hallucination symptom, attention disorder, impaired memory and affective disorders, or in common psychiatric symptoms both has good sensitivity and accuracy. Based on these findings, we have proposed that the QRS test may be useful as a biological marker for the clinical diagnosis of psychiatric disorders [21-24]. Jianguo Shi et al. [21] performed also tried to discriminate 37 hyperthymic from 58 depressed patients and 27 healthy controls using QRS data, and obtained a high rate of discrimination with both the sensitivity being over 70%. Zhifang Guo et al. [24] also tried to evaluate detection of the hallucination symptom in 241 schizophrenics using QRS. The auditory hallucination symptom was detected by QRS with a sensitivity of approximately 98% and an accuracy of approximately 90%. These results [25,26] suggested that QRS might be useful for clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia affective and thought disorders; however, the sample size of these studies was not very large. Thus, replicated studies with larger samples were needed to confirm these findings. Also we used a sample in the discriminant analysis between schizophrenics and non-schizophrenics using the QRS data. According to results of the discriminant analysis, we examined an application of the QRS for the clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia thought disorder in this study.



We studied 1014 schizophrenic patients, 155 patients with bipolar disorders, and 100 normal controls. The patients were in/outpatients recruited from the Mental Health Institute of Xi’an (Xi’an, PR China). Diagnoses were made by experienced psychiatrists according to the ICD-10 criteria for research [1]. The control subjects were also recruited from the Mental Health Institute of Xi’an. Most controls were employees of the hospital. Show the demographic characteristics of the subjects. There were significant differences between the groups in age, and gender, except duration of illness. Psychiatric patients who had a history of alcohol abuse or illicit substance abuse, or head injury were excluded from the study; also excluded were those with convulsive, neurologic or ophthalmologic disorders.

The normal controls were healthy volunteers without physical, ophthalmologic, neurological or psychiatric disorders, and there was no family history of psychiatric disorders as distant as third degree relatives. This study was approved by the Ethics Committees of Xi’an Institute of Mental Health. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants, after the procedures and possible risks of the study were fully explained.


For this study, we explored and developed a biological wave sensing device, a QRS (TJQ-D, Chongqing, PR China) (Figure 1), in psychiatric examination. It comprised a biological wave detection unit, a biological operation control unit, a power, and a follower, wherein, a contact of the biological operation control unit is connected with an input end of the follower, and the other contact is connected with an cathode of the power, the biological wave detection unit is made of conductors, and connected with the cathode of the power, or the input end of the follower. This system automatically recorded the special biological wave and could effectively transform message into electrical signals which can be dealt by computers, to get resonance score.