Intramedullary Nailing of Femur Fractures in the Obese: A Retrospective Comparison of Patients with Normal Weight versus the Obese

Research Article

Austin J Trauma Treat. 2014;1(1): 5.

Intramedullary Nailing of Femur Fractures in the Obese: A Retrospective Comparison of Patients with Normal Weight versus the Obese

Aneja A1*, Yang E2, Briscoe M2, Graves ML1, Porter SE3, Bergin P1 and Russell GV1

1Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA

2School of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA

3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurosurgery, Greenville Health System, USA

*Corresponding author: Aneja A, Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Rehabilitation, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39216-4505, USA

Received: September 25, 2014; Accepted: October 15, 2014; Published: October 16, 2014


Objectives: To compare retrograde and antegrade intramedullary nailing in obese patients at a single level one trauma center relative to normal and overweight patients with respect to perioperative variables.

Design: Single center retrospective review.

Setting: University medical center (level one trauma center).

Patients/Participants: A total of 121 consecutive patients were studied (84 in the antegrade group and 37 in the retrograde group) with breakdown of 46 normal weight, 39 overweight, and 36 obese.

Intervention: Antegrade and retrograde intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fracture.

Main Outcome Measurements: Patient and fracture characteristics, prep time, operative time, fluoroscopy time, and estimated blood loss were evaluated.

Results: Statistical differences were only in the antegrade group where increasing body mass index was related to average increase in prep time (10 minutes; P = 0.08), operative time (56 minutes; P = 0.0003), and estimated blood loss (80 mL; P = 0.08).

An increase in body mass index of 2 kg/m2 for the antegrade group was associated with a mean increase of 1.2 minutes prep time, 5.9 minutes operative time, and 7.5 mL estimated blood loss. Retrograde group values were 1.9 minutes, 1.2 minutes, and 7.4 mL, respectively.

Conclusion: Obese patients had statistically higher operative times for antegrade intramedullary nailing while retrograde intramedullary nailing permits easier percutaneous execution and indirect reduction resulting in a decreased operative time.

Keywords: Femur; Fracture; Intramedullary; Nailing; Obese


AG: Antegrade; RG: Retrograde; IMN: Intramedullary Nailing; BMI: Body Mass Index; EBL: Estimated Blood Loss; PCL: Posterior Cruciate Ligament; OTA: Orthopaedic Trauma Association; SD: Standard Deviation


Obesity is a national epidemic with over 30% of the US adult population between the ages of 24-70 classified as obese [1]. The rate of obesity in America has increased by about 50% per decade over the past 20 years [2]. With these trends, the numbers of obese trauma patients that seek care will likely rise. Obese patients are at a higher risk for a number of postoperative complications and may exhibit a different set of injuries compared to normal weight patients [3-7].

Femoral shaft fractures are recognized as high energy, potentially life-threatening injuries that usually result from blunt force trauma. Intramedullary Nailing (IMN) is the standard of care with the nail introduced in an Antegrade (AG) or Retrograde (RG) fashion based on indications and ease in identifying the anatomical starting point [8]. AG IMN involves using a canal entry point just medial to the greater trochanter in the piriformis fossa while RG IMN involves an entry point anterior to the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) in the trochlea of the distal femur [9,10]. Tucker et al [4] conducted a prospective multicenter study to evaluate differences in operative time and functional outcome of obese and non-obese patients undergoing IMN for femur fracture. Although insertion of the intramedullary nail through an entry point in the piriformis fossa is the most commonly accepted method, their results suggest that RG IMN of femur fractures may be preferred for obese patients due to lower operative time compared to AG IMN [4]. This has also been suggested by other authors who have concluded that identifying the bony landmarks necessary for the safe and efficient placement of an AG nail through the piriformis fossa may be prohibitively difficult in the obese patient population [11-13]. This difficulty is not insignificant when compared to the ease of finding the distal femur starting point for retrograde nailing in the same obese population.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perioperative differences in caring for obese, overweight, and normal weight patients sustaining a femur fracture at a single level one trauma center. Elucidating these differences in the obese trauma patient may lead to more effective treatment modalities and algorithms to improve the outcome for this segment of our population. This study is unique in that this medical facility is the only regional trauma referral center in one of the most obese states in the country [1]. As such it allows for the unique opportunity of having a large volume of patients treated within a single institution trauma protocol (Advanced Trauma Life Support). Therefore this study represents the largest reported series of obese patients with a femur fracture treated at a single institution and aims to contribute to the discussion of antegrade versus retrograde nailing in the literature which is relatively sparse especially when considering the effect of obesity on key perioperative variables.

Materials and Methods

The study was approved by the university’s institutional review board. Procedures on patients treated with terminology codes for IMN of the femur were queried. The query period included the dates between January 2005 and December 2007. During this time, 261 femur fractures were seen and evaluated. Inclusion criteria for further study included ages between 16 and 75 years, an isolated mid shaft femur fracture that could be classified as a 32 by the AO/Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) comprehensive classification of fractures [14] and operative treatment of this injury using a reamed, statically locked IMN. Exclusion criteria included patients whose age was outside of the previously established age range, patients with femur fractures that were more appropriately classified as proximal (subtrochanteric or peritrochanteric [AO/OTA 31]) or distal (supracondylar [AO/OTA 33]) femur fractures, multi-trauma patients with additional injuries treated under the same anesthetic, fractures treated with plate fixation, cephalomedullary nails and intramedullary nails placed without reaming the femoral canal, and dynamically locked intramedullary nails and AG intramedullary nails that were inserted through an entry point other than the piriformis fossa.

If definitive fixation of the femur fracture in question could not be performed immediately, the patient was placed into skeletal traction until operative stabilization could be carried out. All fractures were treated with the Titanium Cannulated Retrograde/Antegrade Femoral EX nails (Synthes USA, West Chester, Pennsylvania). AG nails were inserted with a piriformis fossa starting position. RG nails were inserted using a transpatellar tendon approach and an intercondylar starting point anterior to the origin of the posterior cruciate ligament. Investigational variables were patient body mass index, prep time, operative time, fluoroscopy time, estimated blood loss (EBL), and nail insertion point. Weight classes were defined as normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 and < 30 kg/m2) and obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [1]. Patient height and weight measurements were taken directly from each patient’s emergency department documentation or the information contained in the preoperative evaluation. Prep time was defined as the number of minutes from the patient’s entry into the operating room until surgical incision, and included the time needed to safely anesthetize a patient, place the appropriate operative monitoring devices, suitably position the patient, and sterilize the affected extremity with multiple bactericidal solutions. Operative time was defined as the number of minutes from the time of initial incision to the time at which the postoperative dressings were applied. EBL in our institution is clinically calculated by postoperatively measuring the volume of fluid in the operative suction canister and subtracting the volume of any fluids used as irrigation. These values were obtained from the anesthesia record.

Data analysis was conducted using SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Descriptive data are presented as mean ± the standard deviation or percentage, as appropriate. Association between surgical variables and BMI was analyzed using linear regression, without and with adjustment for age and sex to reduce the variability for comparison. Group differences were analyzed using one-way ANOVA/ANCOVA, with post hoc tests of pairwise differences in group means. All P-values are two-sided, and an alpha level of 0.05 was used to judge statistical significance.


A total of 121 patients met the inclusion criteria. One patient was excluded as an outlier with an excessive estimated blood loss (1,300 mL), leaving a study population of 120 patients. The average age was 30 years (SD 13.3 years, minimum of 16 years, maximum of 71 years) and 73% of the patients were male. The mean BMI was 28.1 kg/m2 (SD 7.5 kg/m2, minimum of 17.8 kg/m2, maximum of 68.1 kg/ m2); 30% were obese, 32% overweight, and 38% normal weight. The obese group had a higher percentage of females (38.9% vs. 15.8% in the overweight group and 26.1% in the normal weight group) and a higher average age (33.8 years vs. 30.0 years in the overweight group and 27.2 years in the normal weight group).

The majority of the fractures (68%) were caused by blunt force trauma, usually as a result of a motor vehicle collision. Gunshot wounds (13%) and falls (10%) caused the rest. Eighty-four patients (70%) received an AG femoral nail and 36 (30%) were treated with a RG nail. In the obese group, 58.3% received an AG nail and 41.7% an RG nail, compared to 76.1% AG and 23.9% RG in the normal weight group. The breakdown in the overweight group was similar to that in the normal weight group: 73.7% received an AG nail and 26.3% an RG nail.

Overall the mean prep time was 56.2 minutes (SD 22.7 minutes, minimum of 10.0 minutes, maximum of 157.0 minutes), the mean operative time was 140.7 minutes (SD 50.2 minutes, minimum of 60.0 minutes, maximum of 345.0 minutes), and the mean EBL was 206.5 mL (SD 139.9 mL, minimum of 30.0 mL, maximum of 750.0 mL). The mean values for the surgical parameters in each weight group are shown in Table 1 (crude (unadjusted)) and Figure 1 (multivariable-adjusted for age and sex to reduce the variability for comparison).