Science of Consciousness

Special Article - Consciousness

Ann Yoga Phys Ther. 2017; 2(4): 1032.

Science of Consciousness

Kumar N*

Department of Internal Medicine, Yatharth Super speciality Hospital, India

*Corresponding author: Naveen Kumar, Department of Internal Medicine, Yatharth Super speciality Hospital, India

Received: July 06, 2017; Accepted: August 17, 2017; Published: August 24, 2017


Consciousness is the state of awareness of self and surrounding in which we exist. It’s the feature which differentiates living from non-living entities. It’s the basis of our all endeavour and scientific achievements. There is no doubt that current science has innumerable miracles to its credit. But actual credit should go to our state of consciousness, which is the base of current science. However, consciousness itself has remained the most perplexing topic before present science. We cannot solve this puzzle using whole volume of our present knowledge. Consciousness is the topic of ‘conscious’ science. Later is present in indicative form in old books (e.g. Vedas from India), which were written by old scientists, better known as seers. To understand consciousness, we have to step in the zone of ‘conscious’ science.

Keywords: Consciousness; Conscious; Science of consciousness


Anything we observe in this world by our senses can be divided into two categories: living and non-living. Other way to say it is conscious and unconscious entity respectively. Accordingly science can be divided into two groups: science of consciousness and science dealing with all unconscious entity (physics, chemistry, maths, language, all scriptures ets). Before going into details of this science, it’s important to know difference between conscious and unconsciousness entity.

Conscious vs. Unconscious entities

Consciousness exist where there is a conscious entity. Wikipedia state “Consciousness is the state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself”. So it’s a ‘state of awareness’ of the conscious entity, i.e. a state in which a living organism exist. How we can define what is a living or conscious entity? Defining it will solve the puzzle of the state of consciousness.

Great Indian sage Gautam writes about defining feature of a conscious entity as ‘Eech had we shprayatnasukhdukhgyananiaatmanoleengam’ (Sanskrit language)

The defining features of a conscious entity are: eechha (desire), prayatna (tendency to put effort), gayan (knowledge), dwesh (hater), dukh (pain, sorrow), sukh (happiness). For example, suppose a boy is hungry, he see an apple on a table, he went there and ate it. So the boy has the knowledge (gayan) about his hunger and apple lying on table. He has the desire (eechha) to eat that food. He put an effort (prayatna), reached the table and ate apple. So the boy is a conscious entity. The apple on the table don’t have knowledge of itself or that the boy is coming to eat it, doesn’t have any desire to save itself or put any effort in this direction. Hence, as it is lacking these basic instincts, it’s an unconscious or non-living entity. These features has been further elaborated by great Indian sage, Shri Sadafaldevji, in his book Swarved, an encyclopaedia on science of consciousness, as below-

“Eechhgyanprayatnahai, chinh so chetanjaan”

Jamah teen yah nahidishaee, taakahjaadkarimaan.’(51/6/2-SV) [Hindi language]

[Word meaning: Eechh (desire), gyan (knowledge), prayatna (effort), hai (is), chinh (feature), so (of), chetan (conscious), jaan (you know), Ja-mah (In which), teen (three), yah (these), nahi (not),dishaee (seen), taa (that), kah (say), jaad (unconscious), karimaan (you belief)]

Meaning- Desire, knowledge and effort are basic features of living entity. The place where you don’t see these features, consider that to be non-living entity.

ShriSadafaldevji categorised the six features as mentioned by Sage Gautam into two categories and writes in Swarveda

‘Sukhdukhdweshprakriti se, sudhaatm guan naahi,

Ichhgyanprayatnahai, chetan dharma samahi.’(14/6/2- SV) [Hindi language]

[Word meaning – Sukh (happines), dukh (pain, sorrow), dwesh (hater), prakriti (nature), se (origin), sudh (pure), aatm (soul), guan (feature), naahi (not), Ichh (desire), gyan (knowledge), prayatna (effort), hai (is), chetan–dharma (pure soul’s feature), samahi (consider)]

Meaning- Happiness (sukh), sorrow (dukh), hater (dwesh) are not pure features of a conscious entity (aatma-soul), but is acquired by it in presence of nature (prakriti). Only desire (ichha), knowledge (gyan) and effort (prayatna) are self-possessed and actual features of a conscious entity.

So one which possesses these six features is a conscious entity. Three are its pure eternal features (desire, knowledge and effort) and three acquired due to its association with nature (happiness, sorrow and dwesh). All living entity we see is living in this state of association with nature. This state of association produces our present state of awareness we are in, the so called ‘consciousnes’ we are appreciating at present and which is the topic of this article.

Science of consciousness

From time we are born, we are embedded in this abode. We exist somewhere inside it. From there our energy emanates and make contact with subtle internal organs (not physical organs we know), which are meant to connect us to outside word. This association of our energy with non-living/lifeless internal organ is the ‘association with nature’ mentioned previously. These internal organs further connect the energy of conscious entity to external sense organs (eye, nose, ear, tongue and skin) and we come to know about outer world, which create the state of consciousness (i.e. state of awareness) we are in. So we are living perpetually in a state in which, energy of conscious entity flows (can be said as ‘flow of consciousness’), from inside the body to outer world. We come to know about the outer world (awareness of surrounding) +and recognise ourselves with this body (awareness of self). These two combine creates the state of consciousness we know. But point to be noted is, it’s a state of manifested self, in associations with ‘nature’. If we are able to separate our energy from its association with these external and internal organs, we separate ourselves from nature and can reach true self.

But we don’t know how to regulate this flow. Like in a telescope or microscope, we know how to adjust the lenses which shift the focus of light so that we can see very faraway or very small objects. There is a separate science (separate from physical science we know), which teaches us as how to regulate this flow of consciousness from insideout in the body. It teaches us how to separate our energy form the external and internal organs (hence separates ourselves from nature), as mentioned above and reach state of self. It teaches us that after reaching this state of self, what the further goals of this energy. This science is called science of consciousness and centre point of Indian spirituality.

Science of consciousness vs. ‘unconscious’ science

Remaining in this ‘manifested’ self of awareness or consciousness, the whole volume of science we created is the science of ‘unconscious’ entity. Mankind has created miracles with this consciousness: it has reached moon, created revolution of information technology, analysed tiniest (subatomic particle) to biggest (universe). All these we have done with aim of achieving happiness. But the biggest irony is, mankind have never tried to analyse this state of consciousness, with which it has made such strides.

The way mankind is approaching to analyse this state and flow of consciousness is wrong. We wants to analyse a conscious force with unconscious machines, tried to express them in equations and limited it to rising and falling levels of neurotransmitters. The vision of modern science has got so blurred with volumes of information it has created, it wants to solve all questions it is facing based on these knowledge. We are committing childish mistake of analysing a conscious force with knowledge acquired from an unconscious science. It’s creating more confusion and we are erroneously concluding that observations of our old scientists, our sages, are wrong. To understand message of our sage, we have to use the conscious methods told by them.

Complete vs. incomplete science

Science of unconscious entities is an incomplete science. It’s all branches are still growing. Einstein’s law, which created revolution at one point of time, is not universally accepted at present. So it’s still in a state of childhood. But if we see conscious science, it’s a complete science. A small example is, to explain the nature of conscious entities, I gave two examples above. Interesting fact is, the two sages I mentioned are of totally different time; Sage Gautam lived thousands of years before Shri Sadafal Devji. However, there is not even iota of difference between experience or knowledge of two sage; after acquiring full practical knowledge of ‘conscious’ science, both mentioned features of a conscious entity exactly same. Whoever have achieved complete state of conscious knowledge, there is a strange similarity in there expressed words. And the most interesting fact is, achieving complete knowledge of conscious science also make us master of the ‘unconscious’ science, which we all know today as science.


Consciousness is the topic of ‘Conscious’ science. The base of science and world we know today are our senses. The state of awareness in which we exist, we are unable to appreciate our conscious energy separate from our senses, but consider it to be one. The first step of ‘Conscious’ science is to separate our energy from senses. This will begin journey from ‘manifested’ consciousness to our true self or true consciousness. For that, one has to reach its master who knows it practically.

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Citation:Kumar N. Science of Consciousness. Ann Yoga Phys Ther. 2017; 2(4): 1032.

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