Considering an Entity’s Business Model in Financial Reporting

Review Article

Austin J Account Audi Financ Manag. 2014;1(1): 5.

Considering an Entity’s Business Model in Financial Reporting

Richard C Jones*

Department of Accounting, Hofstra University, USA

*Corresponding author: :Richard C Jones, Accounting, Taxation and Legal Studies in Business, Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, Hempstead.

Received: August 05, 2014; Accepted:August 23, 2014; Published: August 26, 2014


This paper discusses and evaluates the International Accounting Standards Board’s proposal to consider incorporating the business model concept into its Conceptual Framework for financial reporting. After pointing out the various ways in which the business model concept is either explicitly or implicitly incorporated in international accounting standards and analyzing the various proposed definitions of “business models”, the paper concludes that rather than incorporating the business model concept in the Conceptual Framework, the IASB should develop a single definition of the term for application throughout IFRS.


In July 2013, the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) issued Discussion Paper (the “DP”), A Review of the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting p [1]. The DP is the initial public document associated with the IASB’s project considering a revision of the existing conceptual frame work and obtaining comments on IASB proposals related to the conceptual framework.

The DP solicits comments on numerous issues identified as either “problems in the existing conceptual framework” or topics that the Board indicates are not fully and clearly explicated in the current version of the Conceptual Framework. In the DP, the IASB addresses the following:

Use of the Business Model Concept in IFRS

In the DP, the Board does not define the term (or concept meant by the term) the “business model concept.” However, in the summary of the DP, the IASB notes that they are considering adding the business model concept into the Conceptual Framework because “financial statements can be made more relevant if the IASB considers, when it develops or revises particular Standards, how an entity conducts its business activities.” (IASB, 2013, p. 14)

As explained in the DP, the Board believes that an entity’s business model influences:

Lastly, on its current technical agenda, the IASB has a project on financial accounting and reporting for rate regulated entities.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Considering an Entity’s Business Model in Financial Reporting

In paragraph 9.30 of the DP, the Board discusses the advantages of including the business model concept as a factor when the IASB develops authoritative guidance. It says:

Some have argued that the business model concept should play a significant role in standard-setting. They think that applying the business model concept when developing IFRSs provides relevant information because it provides insights into how the entitys business activities are managed. Consequently, it helps users of financial statements to assess the resources of the entity, claims against the entity, and how the entitys management and governing board have discharged their responsibilities to use the entitys resources.

However, the Board recognizes that others use the Conceptual Framework to interpret the application of IFRS for the preparation and interpretation of financial statements and related information. As a result, in paragraph 9.31, the DP notes that including a business model concept in the Conceptual Framework might reduce financial statement comparability. It says:

  1. Having a business model approach could result in different classification, measurement or disclosure of the same economic phenomenon or transaction. For example, identical financial assets could be accounted for differently depending on whether the entity will hold the asset for collection or for sale.
  2. Some believe that the business model approach to financial reporting provides entities with a choice about how to report the same economic phenomenon or transaction.

Therefore, as long as the Conceptual Framework can be used by preparers and users for interpreting and applying existing authoritative literature, the IASB must consider balancing its use in the Framework with its use by financial statement preparers of financial statements and related information.

In an April 2013 staff memorandum discussing the business model concept, the staff noted that some “other concerns about adopting [this] concept” as a component of the formal Conceptual Framework includes:

  1. Reducing the emphasis on neutrality in financial reporting information; and
  2. Developing a definition that is clearly defined and can be consistently applied.

In the existing Conceptual Framework, the IASB states that one of the two fundamental qualitative characteristics of financial information is that it “faithfully represents [the economic] phenomena that it purports to represent”. Faithful representation has three features: (a) its complete, (b) its free from bias, and (c) its neutral.

In paragraph QC14, the Conceptual Framework defines neutral financial information as:

Without bias in the selection or presentation of financial information. A neutral depiction is not slanted, weighted, emphasized, de-emphasized or otherwise manipulated to increase the probability that financial information will be received favorably or unfavorably by users. Neutral information does not mean information with no purpose or no influence on behavior. On the contrary, relevant financial information is, by definition, capable of making a difference in users decisions.

Of course, as noted above, in the DP, the IASB expressed concern that introducing the business model concept might result in entities applying IFRS in a way that might bias the “depiction” of a transaction or event in their reported financial information.

Further, the DP indicates that, currently, when the Board uses the business model notion in a standard or an interpretation, they describe their meaning rather than providing a single definition.

For example [12], Financial Instruments, requires an entity to classify, reclassify and measure financial assets consistent with the entitys “business model” for managing those assets and the cash flow characteristics of the asset.

In a summary discussion explaining the meaning of the term “business model” for managing financial assets, the IASB states that: A business model refers to how an entity manages its financial assets in order to generate cash flows–by collecting contractual cash flows, selling financial assets or both.

Given their current approach of describing the business model notion based on an entitys approach for managing it business activities, the Boards concerns about reaching a definition that would result in comparable application among entities with unique economic concerns and approaches for resolving those concerns is valid.

Business Model Concept Defined by Others

In December 2013, the International Integrated Reporting Council (the “IIRC”), a private sector group calling for an approach to corporate reporting that will “explain to financial capital providers how an organization creates value over time” issued The International <IR> Framework [13].

The report notes that the business model is at the core of any organizations value creation process. Therefore, an integrated report should describe and explain the organizations business model. The IIR Framework defines an entitys business model as follows:

An organizations business model is its system of transforming inputs, through its business activities, into outputs and outcomes that aims to fulfill the organizations strategic purposes and create value over the short, medium and long term [14].

As explained in the IIR Framework, an entitys integrated report would describe the key characteristics and features of its business model. The list of topics that an entity would discuss about its business model is rather extensive. Among the information about the business model that an entity the IIR Framework proposes for inclusion in an integrated report are:

Concluding Comment

As discussed above, in the DP, the IASB provides several areas in IFRS in which an entitys conduct of business explicitly influences the entitys approach for implementing the related authoritative guidance [11].

As pointed out in this paper, IFRS guidance implicitly and explicitly requires application of its guidance with consideration of an entitys approach for the conduct of its business. Thus, the notion of considering an entitys business model is already an important aspect of applying international accounting standards.

Clearly, the IASB can clarify its views on how an entitys business model will be considered in developing new authoritative guidance. However, because, in certain instances, financial statement preparers can use the Conceptual Framework as a guide when selecting accounting policies, the IASB is concerned that incorporating the business model concept into the Conceptual Framework might introduce unwanted bias in the financial information presentation and reporting.

In my view, the IASB should develop a single definition of the term “business model” and use that definition, or refer to it as appropriate. As noted in the [12] project summary discussion: A business model can typically be observed through the activities that an entity undertakes to achieve its business objective. As such, a business model is a matter of fact rather than an assertion. Objective information, such as business plans, how managers of the business are compensated and the amount and frequency of sale activity should be considered. Judgment needs to be used when assessing a business model and that assessment should consider all relevant available evidence [2].

Interestingly, in [18], The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, the IASB provides a definition of “functional currency” that seems to capture most, if not all, of the characteristics necessary for identifying an entitys “business model.” Paragraph 9 of IAS 21 provides the primary factors that should be considered when selecting a foreign subsidiaries functional currency:

An entity considers the following factors in determining its functional currency:

  1. The currency:
    1. That mainly influences sales prices for goods and services (this will often be the currency in which sales prices for its goods and services are denominated and settled); and
    2. Of the country whose competitive forces and regulations mainly determine the sales prices of its goods and services?
  2. the currency that mainly influences labor, material and other costs of providing goods or services (this will often be the currency in which such costs are denominated and settled).

Paragraph 10 of IAS 21 adds the following considerations, which they enhance in later paragraphs of IAS 21:

The following factors may also provide evidence of an entitys functional currency:

  1. The currency in which funds from financing activities (i.e. issuing debt and equity instruments) are generated.
  2. The currency in which receipts from operating activities are usually retained.

The point here is that with some minor revision, the IAS 21 description could be adopted to address the relevant factors to consider when determining an entitys business model. And, of course that is a sensible observation because, as discussed in paragraph 9 of IASA 21, a functional currency represents “the primary economic environment in which an entity operates is normally the one in which it primarily generates and expends cash,” which implies that the functional currency is the currency in which the entity primarily conducts its business activities, or said another way, implements the entitys business model.


  1. International Accounting Standards Board. “Discussion Paper: A Review of the Conceptual Framework in Financial Reporting”. IFRS Foundation Publications Department. UK. 2013.
  2. International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standard 9. “Financial Instruments”. IFRS Foundation Publications Department. UK. 2014.
  3. International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standard 10. “Consolidated Financial Statements”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2011.
  4. International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standard 8. “Operating Segments”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2006.
  5. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 1. “Presentation of Financial Statements” IFRS Foundation. UK. 2007.
  6. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 8, “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2003.
  7. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 11. “Construction Contracts”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 1993.
  8. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 26. “Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Plans”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 1987.
  9. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 41. “Agriculture”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2001.
  10. International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standard 4. “Insurance Contracts”. IFRS Foundation Publications Department. UK. 2014.
  11. International Accounting Standards Board. International Financial Reporting Standard 6. “Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Assets”. IFRS Foundation Publications Department. UK. 2014.
  12. International Accounting Standards Board. Project Summary: IFRS 9. “Financial Instruments”. 2014.
  13. International Integrated Reporting Council. “International Framework” IIRC. 2013.
  14. Integrated International Reporting Council. “Basis for Conclusions: International Framework” IIRC. 2013.
  15. Chatterjee S. “Simple Rules for Defining Business Models”. California Management Review, winter. 2013; 55: 97-124.
  16. De Reuver M, Bouwman H, Timber Haaker. Business Model Roadmapping: A Practical Approach to Come from an Existing to a Desired Business Model. International Journal of Innovation Management. 2013; 17: 1-18.
  17. Bouwman H, T Haaker, H De Vos. Mobile Service Innovation and Business Models”. Springer (New York). 2008; 13: 327.
  18. International Accounting Standards Board. International Accounting Standard 21. “Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2003.
  19. International Accounting Standards Board. “The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting”. IFRS Foundation. UK. 2010.

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Citation: Jones RC. Considering an Entitys Business Model in Financial Reporting. Austin J Account Audi Financ Manag. 2014;1(1): 5.

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