Exploring Digital Amnesia Among Generation Z: A Literature Review

Review Article

Austin Addict Sci. 2024; 6(1): 1018.

Exploring Digital Amnesia Among Generation Z: A Literature Review

Shella Mae Tanghian Laid*

Student, Department of General Science, Philippines

*Corresponding author: Shella Mae Tanghian Laid Student, Department of General Science, Philippines. Tel 09381563700; 09381563700 Email: shellamaelaid09@gmail.com

Received: April 12, 2024 Accepted: May 08, 2024 Published: May 15, 2024


Over the past ten years, the widespread use of mobile devices, especially smartphones, has changed how teenagers communicate. But worries have surfaced about how using a smartphone excessively affects cognitive abilities, particularly memory and attention, which can result in a condition called “digital amnesia.” The effects of excessive reliance on smartphones, computers, and search engines on short-term memory are the main focus of this literature review, which also examines and summarizes empirical findings on digital amnesia among Generation Z. A methodical search strategy was used to find studies, that were then assessed for methodological rigor and relevance. The findings suggest that using a smartphone during adolescence may interfere with the development of attention and memory. Digital amnesia may be influenced by digital devices, which emphasizes the need for more study and treatment. Improving functional media literacy, along with addressing concerns about long-term cognitive effects and encouraging healthier technology habits, emerges as a critical strategy to prevent digital amnesia. The results highlight the need for more research, interventions, and improved media literacy to protect people’s general and cognitive health in the digital age, especially for Generation Z.

Keywords: Digital amnesia; Generation Z; Smartphones; Memory; Smartphone; Academic performance; Literature review


Over the past decade, mobile gadgets like smartphones have become a common form of communication, particularly among teenagers. The rapid adoption of portable gadgets such as smartphones and tablets has significantly transformed the information and communication landscape. Phones have evolved from simple calling devices to nearly replacing computers for online browsing, instant messaging, and productivity applications. However, constant connectivity has led to heavy smartphone usage, potentially causing distraction [9].

Brief distractions, such as using a phone for three seconds, can shift attention away from cognitive tasks, resulting in decreased academic performance. Concerns have arisen regarding the impact of technology on the well-being of children and adolescents, particularly regarding mental health disorders [2]. Additionally, the growing use of technology has changed how individuals interact with and rely on technology, leading to phenomena such as the 'Google Effect', or in other ways 'digital amnesia,' where people tend to forget easily accessible information stored on digital devices [3]. It's like leaning on a crutch so much that our legs become weak. So, when we don't have access to our devices, we might struggle to remember basic information or tasks that we would have easily remembered before. Neelima and Sunder (2019) as cited in Ellison's article "Are Smart Phones Making Us Dumber?" highlighted that short-term memory serves as an indicator of an individual's attention span during the learning process, and investigated its adverse impacts on brain function.

By examining several studies, this paper aims to explore, synthesize, and integrate important empirical results about digital amnesia in Generation Z. Excessive reliance on smartphones, computers, and search engines may weaken short-term memory, leading to the forgetting easily accessible information. To stop digital amnesia from impairing people's ability to think clearly, researchers should continue examining the effects of technology on memory in the future. This work seeks to assist future researchers who wish to delve deeper into this subject by providing an overview of what we currently know.


A systematic search approach was utilized in this study to locate pertinent literature from a comprehensive range of electronic databases and scholarly platforms. Specifically, searches were conducted across prominent databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Springer, Mendeley, and reputable international journals. Articles with a focus on the terms "digital amnesia," "memory," Generation Z”, “lit erature review”, “academic performance” and "smartphones" that were published between 2019 and 2024 were chosen. Every paper was put through a rigorous evaluation process that determined whether or not it should be included based on factors such as the presentation of primary data, methodological reliability, the clarity of the findings, and the use of reputable assessment tools. This narrative literature review only included research that was considered exceptionally good and especially pertinent.


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Citation:Laid SMT. Exploring Digital Amnesia Among Generation Z: A Literature Review. Austin Addict Sci. 2024; 6(1): 1018.