Physiological and Molecular Biology of High Temperature Stress in Plants

Special Article - Abiotic Stress

Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2021; 6(2): 1072.

Physiological and Molecular Biology of High Temperature Stress in Plants

Ye J*, Zhong T, Yu D and Sun S

National Maize Improvement Center, China Agricultural University, Beijing, PR China

*Corresponding author: Jianrong Ye, National Maize Improvement Center, China Agricultural University, 2 West Yuan Ming Yuan Road, Beijing 100193, PR China

Received: February 17, 2021; Accepted: March 16, 2021; Published: March 23, 2021


During the past few years, climate change induced by global warming had caused the appearance of extreme high temperatures worldwide, which had resulted in devastating damage to crop production. High Temperature Stress (HTS) is becoming an increasingly significant problem for agricultural production. Recent studies have elucidated the complex regulatory networks and versatile metabolites involved in HTS tolerance. Here, we provided an overview of current knowledge regarding the adverse effect of HTS on plant growth and development, the impairment of HTS on photosynthesis and membrane system, the role of carbohydrate metabolism, accumulation of osmo-protectants and secondary metabolites, the induced production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROSs) and ROS detoxification system, and the synthesis of protective proteins like Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) in HTS tolerance. Furthermore, the role of different phytohormones in plant response to HTS were discussed and epigenetic modifications are reported to be one of the three major signaling pathways associated with HTS response in plants, through the development of a ‘stress memory’ that is generated by hypomethylation to improve the plant’s survival under recurring HTS conditions. These physiological and molecular knowledge underlying plant response to cope with HTS will be helpful for the future directions of breeding crop tolerance to HTS using these factors or other strategies for agricultural applications.

Keywords: High temperature stress; Heat stress; High temperature; Physiological and molecular biology; Plant


High Temperature (HT) or extended time of High Temperature Stress (HTS) induces Heat Stress (HS), which is a critical environmental constraint for plant growth and distribution, and a major limiting factor for agricultural productivity [1]. The data from the fifth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts an increase of 0.8-4.8 ºC in global mean surface temperature within the twenty-first century [2], thus giving serious alarms due to its strong effect on plant distribution and survival, and biodiversity [3-5]. HS is caused by temperatures far exceeding optimal plant growth conditions that damages cellular components through mechanisms such as membrane fluidization, ROS generation, and protein denaturation [5]. Likewise, crop yield will also suffer greatly from global warming, resulting in the incapability to sustain a growing and more demanding world population [6,7]. The global warming will also have significant impacts on the scientific research to adapt crop species for high tolerance to HTS, which directly affects the yield and quality of crops. Studies show that a 1oC increase of global temperature can lead to a 10-20 % decrease in maize production [8].

When higher plants are exposed to more than 5ºC above their optimal growing conditions, they will show a characteristic set of cellular and metabolic responses required for them to survive under the HT conditions [9]. These induced metabolic and cellular adjustments during an acclimation period enable plants to endure detrimental HTS by reducing the caused damage and help organisms overcome the injuries [8]. Plants have evolved various physiological, cellular and molecular mechanisms to ensure survival under elevated temperatures (Figure 1). The most well-known HTS tolerance mechanisms used in long-term phenological and morphological evolutionary adaptations and short-term stress avoidance and acclimation, are to synthesize osmo-protectants, stress proteins, free-radical scavengers (antioxidants), ion transporters, factors involved in signaling cascades (the production of phytohormones such as abscisic acid, and miRNA) [8]. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROSs) and ROS detoxification related antioxidants, such as ascorbic acid or glutathione and ROS-scavenging enzymes, including Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Ascorbate Peroxidase (APX), Catalase (CAT), or Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX); protective molecules like Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) and LEAs, are also involved in plant response to HTS. Furthermore, transcriptional control (accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of normal proteins and the accelerated transcription and translation of HSPs) are also essential to counteract the adverse effects of HTS [5,10]. The negative effect of HTS on plant growth and development is achieved in a complex manner by disrupting the stability of various proteins, membrane fluidity/permeability, and cytoskeleton structures in cellular level. Thus, various plant physiological processes are negatively affected by HTS, such as photosynthesis, primary and secondary metabolism, lipid and hormonal signaling [5], and temperature becomes a major factor governing the distribution and seasonal behavior of plants.

Citation:Ye J, Zhong T, Yu D and Sun S. Physiological and Molecular Biology of High Temperature Stress in Plants. Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2021; 6(2): 1072.