Evaluation of Chickpea Varieties Growing on Residual Moisture of Vertisols in Southern Ethiopia

Research Article

Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2021; 6(6): 1096.

Evaluation of Chickpea Varieties Growing on Residual Moisture of Vertisols in Southern Ethiopia

Allito BB* and Geda GG

Department of Plant and Horticultural Science, Hawassa University College of Agriculture, Hawassa, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Bayou Bunkura Allito, Department of Plant and Horticultural Science, Hawassa University College of Agriculture, Hawassa, Ethiopia

Received: August 25, 2021; Accepted: September 29, 2021; Published: October 06, 2021


Vertisols are suited to dry-land crop production in semi-arid environments since the residual moisture in the soil can support crop growth after the end of the rainy season. However, traditional cropping systems seldom utilize residual moisture of Vertisols for crop production. Farmers need suitable crop species to sustain and enhance their production under such soil and climatic conditions. Chickpea is the strategic crop well adapted to Vertisols and derives most of its water requirements from the residual soil moisture. Yet, different chickpea varieties found to adapt and produce different yields at different locations. The experiments were conducted for two consecutive years (2016 and 2017) on farmers training centers in two districts of Southern Ethiopia. Six released varieties; Arerti, Habru, Yelibe, Naatolii, Fetenech, Kutaye and a Local check were used for the experiment. The trials were laid in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Data were collected on phenological traits, growth and yield attributes, and grain yield. The results showed that there was significant variation among the tested chickpea varieties in all the agronomic traits recorded. Varieties Arerti and Habru revealed superiority in grain yield, pod setting, hundred seed weight and biomass over the Local check across locations. Based on yielding performance and farmers’ preference, varieties Arerti and Habru are recommended for production in the selected districts and similar agro-ecologies in southern Ethiopia.

Keywords: Chickpea; Residual moisture; Variety; Vertisols


Climate change related insidious, particularly erratic and unreliable rainfall has considerable negative effect on livelihood of smallholder farmers in semi-arid tropics. In these regions, average annual rainfall seems enough to produce one or two crops per year; but, rainfall pattern is highly erratic with frequent dry periods within the rainy season [1]. The shift in the timing and amount of rainfall interrupt agricultural production and food security [2]. Vertisols are suited in semi-arid tropics as the soil can provide the residual moisture for the crop after the cessation of the rainy season. However, traditional cropping systems seldom utilize residual moisture for crop production in the region. Farmers need suitable cropping system to fully exploit the productive potential of Vertisols under such climatic conditions.

Chickpea is one of the main food legumes in Ethiopia [3] usually grown toward the end of the main rainy season using residual moisture in Vertisols. The crop is widely grown in the semi-arid regions of the country by subsistence farmers under rain-fed conditions [4]. Chickpea production gives smallholder farmers the opportunity to be engaged in double cropping for intensive and productive land use [5]. The crop is also known for its soil nitrogen enrichment and rotational advantages as well as cheaper cost of production than other field crops. In addition, the growing demand of chickpea in both domestic and export markets provides income for smallholder producers and contributes to the country’s foreign exchange earnings [6]. Smallholder farmers are well-positioned to earn better income while improving soil fertility on their limited land. Furthermore, the crop enhances livestock productivity as its residue is rich in digestible crude protein [7].

Since its inception, chickpea research in Ethiopia has focused on landrace evaluation and germplasm enhancement from which various chickpea varieties have been developed and released for production [8]. To fully exploited production potential, the varieties should be productive and match the growing conditions in the country. Several research findings [9-14] indicated that chickpea varieties produce significantly different yields at different locations emphasizing the need for their evaluation under various climatic and soil conditions. The participation of small-scale farmers is also limited during improved variety development. Thus, there is a considerable gap in identifying appropriate and adapted chickpea varieties for different agro-climatic conditions in Ethiopia. The aims of this research were to: (1) evaluate chickpea varieties for yield performance and adaptability, and (2) assess farmers’ preference criteria for selecting chickpea varieties in two districts, Southern Ethiopia.

Materials and Methods

The experimental sites

The experiments were conducted under field condition in two districts (Borricha and Dalle) in southern Ethiopia during the main cropping season (August-December) of the years 2016 and 2017. Two locations, Dilla-Arfe and Darara-Goribe, in Borricha district and two locations, Debub-Kege and Semen-Mesenkela, in Dalle district were selected for field experiments. Samples were cored to a depth of 20cm from 20 random spots of the entire experimental field and composited for determination of soil chemical and physical properties using standard laboratory methods [15]. Textural class of the surface soil of the study locations was classified as clay with the bulk density varied from 1.21 to 1.42 gcm-3. The soil pH ranged from slightly alkaline (pH = 7.8) to alkaline (pH = 8.5) [16] with low organic carbon (1.02-1.71%) and total nitrogen contents (0.077-0.122%) [17]. Cation exchange capacity of the soils ranged from 34.41-47.4 cmol(+) kg-1 were within the very high range [17]. Exchangeable K and Mg in the study sites varied from 0.90-1.08 and 7.16-10.15 cmol(+) kg-1, respectively whereas exchangeable Ca ranged from 23.31-34.37 cmol(+) kg-1. Soil available phosphorus contents were low (less than 1.46mgkg-1) suggesting that supplementary phosphorus is mandatory for optimum crop production. The soils of the study sites were classified as Vertisols.

Treatments and experimental design

A randomized complete block design with four replications was used to conduct the experiments. The trials included six released chickpea varieties, Arerti (FLIP 89-84C), Habru (FLIP 88-42C), Yelibe (ICCV-14808), Naatolii (ICCX-910112-6), Fetenech (ICCV- 92069), Kutaye (ICCV-92033) and a Local check.

Land preparation was done following conventional practices to make the field suitable for planting. Each variety was planted in 10 rows of 4m length per plot. The inter-row and intra-row spacing was maintained at 40cm and 10cm, respectively. The crop was planted in mid to late August. Fertilizer was applied to all plots in the form of NPS at the recommended rate of 100kgha-1 at planting.

Data collection and analysis

Data were collected on the number of days to flowering and maturity, pods plant-1, plant height, hundred seed weight, straw weight and grain yield. At physiological maturity, ten plants were sampled randomly from each plot leaving two border rows on both sides. The height of each sampled plant was measured and pods were counted. The number of seeds per pod was determined from 20 pods randomly selected from the sample plants.

The final plant stand of the eight central rows per plot was counted leaving 0.5m on both sides of each row. The pods were removed, sun dried and threshed by hand. The grain was further dried and weighed with sensitive balance. The moisture content was determined with portable moisture tester and adjusted to 10% stand moisture content. Hundred seed weight was measured from randomly counted 100 seeds per plot in three replicates. Ten plants per plot were randomly selected and cut at collar. The straws were cut into small pieces, placed in pre-marked paper bags, and then oven dried at 700C to constant weight. The above-ground biomass yield was obtained by adding the grain and straw yields.

The data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance using SAS (2010) computer software (SAS Institute Inc.). Mean separation and comparison were done by using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. A Pearson correlation test was conducted to determine association among treatment means using a p <0.05 probability level.

Preference ranking

A total of 60 farmers, 15 farmers from each village, were invited to visit the experimental sites at pod filling, maturity, and harvesting stages. Participant farmers set selection criteria and used matrix ranking to identify the most suitable chickpea varieties for their locations. The participants were provided with rating sheet and asked to place the scale for each variety. A scale of 1-5 was used to assess traits with definitions as: 5 = not preferred, 4 = less preferred, 3 = moderately preferred, 2 = highly preferred and 1 = excellent. The scales were added to get total for each trait per variety and the smallest sum was assigned as first in rank.

Result and Discussion

Growth and yield attributes

The tested chickpea varieties revealed significant variations in all agronomic traits recorded except number of seeds per pod and harvest index despite the variations were slight among experimental locations (Figure 1). Days to flowering varied among chickpea varieties, and the varieties matured within 96 and 140 days. Chickpea varieties Yelibe and Fetenech showed the lowest (42 and 42) days to flowering and the shortest (96 and 109) days to maturity, respectively; whereas Ararti and Habru showed the highest (140 and 132) days to maturity, respectively. This variation might be due to the genetic variation as reported by Goa et al. [14]; Alemu et al. [9]; Gonzales and Gonzales [10].