Integrated Management of Peanut Foliar Diseases by Cercospora, Alternaria and Web Blotch

Review Article

Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2022; 7(1): 1108.

Integrated Management of Peanut Foliar Diseases by Cercospora, Alternaria and Web Blotch

Parvin MS1,3*, Haque MDE2, Akhter F2, Shafin MS4

¹Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh

²University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

³Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

4Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author: Most Shanaj Parvin, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh; Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Received: December 21, 2021; Accepted: January 24, 2022; Published: January 31, 2022


The concept of integrated management was first conceptualized in the 1950s by entomologists to describe the selection of specific pesticides with adjusted dosages and application timings to control harmful insects and mites while preserving beneficial insects. However, the management of disease conveys the idea of a continuous process that is more preventative in which the loss from disease is kept below some economic level. Over the decades, the concept was eventually expanded to include all relevant biological, cultural, and chemical tactics to manage insect, pathogen and weed pests of crops; a multi-tactic approach to pest management. Notably, the concept of plant health management was taken up by the American Phytopathological Society in the early ’90s, which resulted in series of Plant Health Management publications such as “Wheat health Management” and “Potato Health Management”. In this review article, we will discuss the closely associated pathogens included Cercospora, Alternaria, and Web blotch, which cause peanut foliar disease, and its management strategies.

Keywords: Insects; Cercospora; Disease; Management; Program


A successful disease management program depends on a number of factors; for example; pest management, selection of appropriate varieties, irrigation system that minimizes leaf wetness, fertilizer program that results in optimal plant growth, plant density, and canopy management that facilitate optimum air circulation and pesticide coverage when needed, disease-free seed production program, effective pest monitoring by scouting regularly during the season, minimize transplant shock, a safe and sound harvesting & shipping procedure that maximizes shelf life and produce quality [1]. IPM/IDM refers to all the tactics available to growers for example; cultural, host-plant resistance, biological, field scouting, a chemical which provide acceptable yield and quality at the least cost and compatible with the environment. In a holistic approach to plant health management, accentuating to maximizing total yield and control of pests to maximize total economic return, food safety, and environmental protection. Notably, the production economics becomes the bottom line.

The major elements of an IDM approach are described such as:

Prevention: The entry of the pathogen can be inhibited through planting materials, irrigation water, farming tools or equipment and workers.

Monitoring: Regular field scouting is imperative to recognize disease symptoms and plant disease vectors.

Accurate Disease Diagnosis: Diagnostic clinics and identifying the causal organism for a disease as relevant to determine the appropriate biological and chemical management options.

Development of acceptable disease threshold: Asses the effect of disease and tentative yield loss. For example, 15% disease incidence result of a specific pathogen may not cause substantial production gap in oilseed crop where their chemical control may be an unnecessary expense.

Optimal Selection of Management Tools: To determine an effectively integrated management plant mostly depends on the disease, crop, and field history. The previous cropping pattern is imperative in assessing the risk involved in the production. Agronomic, cultural, host-plant resistance, biological and chemical control options need to be considered for the specific location [1].

Among the four “fundamental principles of plant disease control” as described by Exclusion is the first principle among the four principles of disease control and is directed to the causal agent/ pathogen. It refers to prevent the entrance and establishment of a pathogen in an uninfected area, i.e., by quarantine. Preventing the host plant from coming into contact with a plant pathogen. The avoidance of disease by excluding pathogens from the garden, field, region, state or country.

The use of pathogen-free propagating material is related to quarantines in the implementation of exclusion as a disease management strategy. The goal of both is to prevent the introduction of large numbers of pathogens to an area where a plant or a crop is to be planted. Both approaches are also directed at the initial pathogen population. Both approaches are also largely regulatory in nature. Pathogen-free may be a misnomer for propagating a number of plant materials because a low population of the pathogen is the goal instead of absolute elimination of the pathogen.

Eradication and sanitation have a certain level of difference. Eradication refers to the complete removal of inoculum (pathogen or infected plant materials) from a geographical area. However, it is biologically not feasible. Sanitation replaced the concept of eradication. It illustrates the removal of pathogen inoculum from the host or from the soil rather than the total eradication of the pathogen. Sanitation is more pragmatic technically and biologically as it reduces the amount of inoculum and reduces the chances of infections in a given ecosystem. One method of managing seed-borne disease using the principle of exclusion is to locate seed production in an isolated area, usually where moisture is not a factor contributing to foliar fungi or bacterial infection. These seed production area is usually isolated away from the commercial production area of that crop.

Before undertaking the disease management approaches, it is necessary to understand the following parameters of disease as follows; Assessment of the amount or efficacy of primary inoculum: This is the most important phenomenon of forecasting plant disease either caused by a monocyclic or polycyclic pathogen. However, this approach is highly emphasized on monocyclic pathogen as it considered mainly the amount of initial inoculum. A large amount of initial inoculum or if the number of generations (secondary cycles) is small. For some plant pathogens, the initial pathogen population is always very large but disease severity still varies from one season to another. The seasonal variability in disease intensity is due to changes in the environment that affect pathogenesis (inoculum efficacy). As a result, there is no direct relation between the size of the initial population (always large) and subsequent disease. Assessment of the speed of the secondary cycles: This is very important for diseases that have very small amounts of initial inoculum and the potential for a large number of rapidly produced secondary cycles are high. Forecast based on the number of secondary cycles or the amount of secondary inoculum that can be produced is useful for plant diseases. For these type of diseases, growers need a forecasting system that will indicate when management tactics should be initiated and what intensity it should be [1].

Cultural methods can be frequently utilized to modify the environment in order to suppress disease development. Cultural practices and its modification can influence crop-climate in several ways. Besides, cultural practices brought very little success in some areas, for example; in a climate with few seasonal changes and all year around rain, in regions with uniform soil conditions and essentially flat land, and or crops grown under conditions approaching their natural habitat or the conditions for which they have been bred. However, the extent to which cultural practices can change the crop-climate depends primarily on the microclimate and the adaptation of crops to it. With the increasing diversity of cropping conditions, the scope for cultural practices to be value for disease control. For example; Use of slopes, adding water via irrigation, plating dates, and planting in different seasons. Cultural practices can influence crop-climate by improving growth and overall health under two primary conditions. For instance; Annual crops are grown out of season in climates with contrasting seasons, for example, hot and dry while rain and cold etc. Mitigating stress or disease by adjusting the planting dates and managing by mulching, tillage, and moisture. Perennial crops grown in areas that differ from natural habitat, crops moved from tropical conditions to warm areas without tree cover, for example, cocoa. Temperate zone crops are grown in warmer climates during winter months, for example, deciduous fruits. Topography, use of slopes, moisture management, and shading to trigger flowering and fruiting. Cultural practices for example; sanitation, crop rotation, tillage have a positive effect on primary inoculum, and rate of inoculum build up [2]. Crop nutrition has positive effects on length of susceptible phase, length of the latent period, the apparent rate of infection, a period of infectiousness and rate of inoculum build up. While irrigation has a positive effect on primary inoculum, length of susceptible phase, length of the latent period, a period of infectiousness, the apparent rate of infection, and rate of inoculum build up. Time of planting and planting practices have a positive effect on all these parameters. Harvesting practices have a positive effect on primary inoculum. The proximity of inoculum sources has a positive effect on primary inoculum, length of susceptible phase and rate of inoculum build up. Several principles can be demonstrated by the previous parameters. For instance; all cultural practices except crop rotation and planting practices affect inoculum buildup and the subsequent rate of buildup, Secondly, crop rotation and planting practices affect all other factors involved in pathogen infection, Last but not least, the length of time a host remains susceptible is affected by all cultural practices that affect the size of inoculum and rate of inoculum buildup [1]. Seed treatment is assumed to be the simplest and least costly chemical control measure. It is an essential farm practice and treating true seed treatments are very effective in protecting seed and in managing many seed-borne pathogens. This type of treatments is excellent as a control measure when integrated into other strategies and tactics for disease management.

At a Glance Peanut

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), also known as groundnut or monkey nut (UK) that belongs to Fabaceae family. It is an important leguminous oilseed crop which is cultivated approximately 23.1 million hectares, with a production of 44 million metric tons in 2016. While China itself produced just 38% of the total production [3]. In the US, peanuts are mainly grown in the southern states where the environmental conditions are conducive for the leafspots epidemics [4]. Peanut providing all source of nutrients for example; protein, fat, oil, and carbohydrates. Peanut has an important natural phenomenon to synthesize stilbene phytoalexins (antibiotic compounds) that resist the fungal invasion. It is believed that the manipulation of host plant resistance mechanisms is much more appreciable to achieve an economical and eco-friendly approach to manage the diseases. Peanut flowers have been reported to trigger a high level of flavonoids and spermidines which is unique, it helps to protect against pests [5]. Several studies have been reported that the peanut pod yields positive correlated with disease severity aggravated by the early and late leaf spot [6,7].

Foliar Diseases of Peanuts

Early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) and late leaf spot (Cercospora personatum)

There are a number of foliar diseases that seriously affects the yield return of peanut, for example; Early Leaf Spot (ELS) caused by Cercospora arachidicola Hori. Late Leaf Spot (LLS) by Cercoporidium personatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Deighton these diseases have profound importance on a global scale. Both diseases are caused by very closely related pathogens; early leaf spot is the most common foliar disease of peanuts while late leaf spot appears infrequently. Moreover, the disease cycle of these pathogens and the nature of damage by the two diseases are similar. Late leaf spot causing pathogen is more virulent than the early leaf spot causing pathogen and more difficult to mitigate the disease. These diseases are severity is high if peanuts are grown in the same field year after year, without following any crop rotation. Due to shedding or defoliation of leaflets, drastically reduce the tonnage. In some cases, more than 50% yield loss can happen as a consequence of heavy defoliation. The dropping of leaves affects healthy leaf area that might result in vulnerable stems and pegs undermine the pods to fall off during digging and harvesting. Hence, appropriate control measures are imperative for producing high yielding peanut crop [8].

Symptoms: Both pathogens cause infection any above ground portion of the plant, though the leaf spots are the clearest symptom. Under favorable conditions and the same cropping history leaf symptoms generally, appear between 30-50 days after planting. Early and late spot first appears as brown or black and pinpoint size dots on the upper leaf surface. Symptoms of ELS on the upper leaf surface are irregular to circular, dark brown spots typically surrounded by a yellow halo (Figure1). On the other hand, symptoms of LLS on the upper leaf surface are irregular to circular, but dark brown to black spots surrounded by a faint yellow halo or without a halo (Figure 2). ELS on the lower leaf surface is smooth in texture, brown spots typically surrounded by a yellow halo, no sporulation (Figure 3). LLS on the lower leaf surface are typically black spots, rough texture surrounded by a faint yellow halo or without a halo, abundant moldy tufts of sporulation (Figure 4).