Estimation of Leaf Water Content of Different Leaves from Different Species Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Data

Research Article

Ann Agric Crop Sci. 2022; 7(2): 1111.

Estimation of Leaf Water Content of Different Leaves from Different Species Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Data

Yasir QM¹ and Zhang W²*

¹Key Laboratory of Geographical Processes and Ecological Security in Changbai Mountains, Ministry of Education, School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China

²Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

*Corresponding author: Zhang W, Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100094, China

Received: December 27, 2021; Accepted: February 08, 2022; Published: February 15, 2022


Water content of individual leaves or vegetation canopies is a significant variable in plant physiological processes. The water content of the vegetation leaves plays a very significant role. The ability of hyperspectral advanced technology to accurately evaluate leaf and canopy water content has improved large-scale measures. Due to the presence of water absorption band in near and SWIR wavelength range, electromagnetic spectrum will allow us to correctly measure the leaf water content. Three different parameters were used to describe the water status: Equivalent Water Thickness (EWT), Gravimetric Water Content (GWC), and Plant Water Concentration (PWC), with leaf multi angular reflectance spectrum, to find sensitive spectral indices, to correctly assess water content of leaves in a wide range of plant species. Using spectral indices derived from multi angular reflectance spectra, we looked into the possibility for predicting leaf water content of six species in the study area. To analyze the status of leaf water, three different forms of hyperspectral indices were evaluated, including the Simple Ratio (SR), Normalized ratio wavelength (ND) and Double Difference ratio (DDn). To look over the possibility of predicting the leaf water status of the species in the study field, we proposed four new indices. The results showed that EWT is comparatively more sensitive to trace leaf water status than GWC and PWC. The best-established EWT indices were (R905-R1795)/(R1905-R1935), R1350/R1390, (R840-R1565)/(R840+R1565) and (R925-R1625)/ (R925+R1625) and the performance of the proposed hyper-spectral indices surpassed the performance of other indices in this study. The mentioned indices were then further analyzed on LOPEX and ANGERS databases for validation of our suggested indices and we come up with better results. This study indicates that spectral indices can be used and could be more reliable to predict leaf water content, but future studies will need to include more plant species and field data. The newly developed indices can be used to estimate EWT using simple laboratory measurements, making them helpful for agricultural environmental sciences and ecology related studies.

Keywords: EWT; PWC; GWC; LAI; Remote sensing; Hyperspectral indices


The water content of the leaves and canopy is essential in many environmental processes because it plays a mjor part in activities such as plant food preparation, evapotranspiration, and total primary productivity [1,2]. Photosynthesis is influenced by the quantity of water in a plant’s leaf; this information may be used to predict water stress during different growth stages. An important sign of early stress in a plant is a rapid decrease in or absence of sufficient water content [3]. As a consequence, knowing how much water is in the leaves may help you to figure out how healthy a plant is [4], drought assessment[5], wildfire hazard prediction [6], and a slew of additional environmental, agricultural, and forestry uses [7], [8]. Physiological development in plants is closely related to water availability, which also needs to be improved [9]. Traditional methods in order to collect high-quality data on leaf water content, on the other hand, have significant drawbacks: They are inefficient and objectionable, and the findings produced for a small research area usually do not properly reflect the spatial variation in leaf water content across different zones.

It has been discovered that optical approaches for determining plant water status are effective [10-16]. A spectral reflectance factor based on theoretical radiative transfer models could be used to extract and identify leaf water [17], [18] and empirical models [15], [19-23]. At the leaf level, experts identified a link between reflected spectral signature and leaf water content, which they subsequently extended to the canopy level. [15,21,22]. However, in recent decades, remote sensing has been emerged as a critical instrument and method for monitoring water condition at different scales [24,25]. So two widespread methods of remote sensing were developed, including model inversion [26] and spectral indices [27]. Based on reflectance data, these two methods were used to investigate leaf water status. The second method, which is spectral indices, is considerably better compared to the model inversion. Despite the fact that it is based on a mix of narrow and wide spectral bands, it is simpler to connect with leaf water status. By establishing the generic spectral index, we may use remote sensing to evaluate vegetation quality and attract more people [25,27].

Since the reflectance factor in one, two, or more wavelength is used to calculate them, spectral indices have been used to analyze the amount of water in leaves and how it is distributed [25,28-31] Spectral indices can offer information on the change of leaf water content with varied degrees of precision at various scales using ground, aerial, and space borne sensors [30,32-34]. Because of continuous advancements in remote sensing technologies, the assessment of leaf water content and other biochemical characteristics is becoming more common. While using the hyperspectral reflectance factor, several spectral indices may be used to enhance estimate of leaf water content from various plant species [25,34-37]. They use the standard watercentered absorption bands at approximately 970, 1200, 1450, 1950, and 2500 (nm).

On the other hand, the increasing application of high spectral and spatial resolution data of leaves or plant multiple layers creates certain issues. There have been several hyperspectral indices suggested, however they have only been used to assess leaf water content in certain plant species or under specific measurement protocols [38,39]. The response of dying leaves responds differently from healthy leaves in several stages of water stresses, and as a result, leaf reflectance tends to increase throughout the dehydration process all across spectrum, 400-2500 (nm) [40-46]. Previous research has demonstrated that the leaf experiments may also provide a dataset with a wide variety of leaf water status and many other biological variables.

Because of the random orientation of individual leaves and variations in light directions, multi angular reflectance has been employed to calculate biochemical properties of leaves [47]. The distribution and amount of directional reflectance factor are regulated by the specular reflectance of a leaf’s surface, which is independent of the leaf’s biochemical characteristics, according to the majority of research [48-51], On the other hand, the majority of leaf reflectance measurements were made in a single direction, such as from the nadir, with a leaf clip, or with an integrating sphere [15,28,38,39]. In these studies, the impact of multi angular reflectance on the estimation of leaf water content is completely disregarded. Due to the anisotropic reflectance of plant cover, researchers observed that view angles affects the values of spectral indices [52,53].

Previous studies have reported that reflectance near 700 (nm) and its ratio to NIR reflectance spectra can track plant water stress [54,55]. Nonetheless, pigments and other variables that directly affect plant water features have a substantial impact on wavebands near 700 (nm), since they do not provide the predicted outcome. These problems are the most significant impediment to the empirical method’s broader application. It is critical to investigate the use of hyperspectral reflection at various viewing angles to improve the use of high spectral and spatial resolution data in the evaluation of leaf water content for ecological, agricultural and forestry applications.

Multi angular spectral reflectance characteristics of different leaves from six plant species were determined in the lab. The main aim of the analysis was to: (1) demonstrate the relationship between the published indices and the species taken for this study and the actual response (2) to evaluate s indices based on different reflected spectra of leaf water status in the dataset. This analysis was conducted using a leaf experiment in which six different species were collected.

Materials and Methods

Experiment involving leaf sampling and dehydration experiment

Leaves of six different plant species, including Prunus padus L., Swida alba Opiz, Epipremnum aureum, Acer saccharum Marsh, Schefflera microphylla Merr, and Pachira aquatic. For calibration, samples were taken from Northeast Normal University’s plant garden in Changchun, Jilin Province, China. As in prior experiments, we only picked healthy leaves with a uniform Colour and no visible evidence of damage [56,57]. Young, aged, and full mature leaves were chosen at random from top to the bottom of plant canopies. Senescing and ageing leaves represent those seen in plants under threat from polluted air, high temperatures, drought, and disease [58,59].

During the 2020 growing season, which runs from April to October, the reflectance parameters of leaves were tested in the laboratory. The leaves were gathered, enveloped in plastic bag with moist paper, and taken to the lab for examination. Then, on adaxial leaf surface, the angular spectral reflection was measured using the Northeast Normal University Laboratory Gonio Spectrometer System (NENULGS) [60]. NENULGS, which is equipped with an artificial light source, an ASD spectroradiometer (Analytical Spectral Devices Field Spec 4, Boulder, CO, USA), and goniometer, was previously described in detail in a prior article [60]. NENULGS has been used in various studies to accurately examine different properties of leaves [61-63]. Fresh weight was measured after taking the reflectance measurement and then air-dried to a stable weight for some time after that sample. Finally, the samples were placed under 80 oC for 36 hours in the oven to dry and dry weight was then weighed [64]. On its hemisphere, it has used the spectrum of reflection which ranges from 350 to 2500 (nm) in a variety of inclinations. In this experiment, we employed wavelengths stretch from 400 to 2500 (nm) [58,64].

Due to the structural constraints of NENULGS, the smallest portion angle that could be measured was 8, measurements in the backward scattering direction could not be performed when both viewing and incident angle are same.

While the measurements were collected, leaf sample was put on object stage, which were completely covered with dark black strips of tape. Black background has no influence on leaf reflection since it a wavelength independent reflectance factor of less than 0.05. The reflected radiance (dLSample-lab) from the leaf sample surface is normalized by the reflected radiance (dLReference-lab) from the reference surface (Spectralon) in the same viewing geometry to give the Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) [65] (Figure 1 and Table 1,2).