Assessing the Efficacy of Mass Releases of Podisus maculiventris Treatments for Biocontrol of Mexican Bean Beetle Populations Infesting Snap Beans

Special Article: Mixed Farming

Ann Agric Crop Sci 2024; 9(2): 1153.

Assessing the Efficacy of Mass Releases of Podisus maculiventris Treatments for Biocontrol of Mexican Bean Beetle Populations Infesting Snap Beans

Pasco B Avery1,2*; Erin Barbeau2; Lizbeth Ayala2; Paris L Lambdin1

¹Entomology and Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

²Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Institute for Agricultural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, FL, USA

*Corresponding author: Pasco B Avery Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Institute for Agricultural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce, FL, USA. Tel: 772-577-7335 Email:;

Received: February 16, 2024 Accepted: March 16, 2024 Published: March 22, 2024


all EMR treatments ranged from 60-94% compared with the DWGF treatments (0-25%) for both years. SSB nymphs become predacious as 3rd instars and the ratio of SSB 3rd instars available for EMR: DWGF middle and highest treatments at 7 days post-egg deposition (PED) was 39:1 for Year 1 and 20:0 for Year 2. A decrease in the number of SSB nymphs observed for 7 days PED was negatively correlated to heavy rainfall and other abiotic factors during both year evaluations. Overall, seasonal abundance of the MBB stages was lower on plants with the middle and highest treatment of 125 and 250 total eggs per plot for both years; however, there was no significant differences (P > 0.05) noted among means for the defoliation index. Mean pod yield was significantly greater for treatments containing 125 and 250 total eggs per plot, compared to all the different rates of dewinged gravid female releases and no release. SSB clearly demonstrated potential for use as a biological control agent against MBB populations infesting snap beans. SSB egg mass release treatments did appear to be a promising method for augmentative biological control of MBB for areas where snap beans are economically important. However, practical application of augmentative releases of SBB for control of MBB on snap beans will require further research. This will include the timing of releases, the numbers required, methods of mass production, distribution, and evaluation of field efficacy.

Keywords: Epilachna varivestis; Mexican bean beetle; Podisus maculiventris; spined soldier bug; Phaseolus vulgaris; snap beans; dewinged gravid females; egg mass releases; cold storage; dispersal; biological control; defoliation index

Abbreviations: MBB: Mexican bean beetle; SSB: spined soldier bug; DWGF: dewinged gravid females; EMR: egg mass releases; PED: post-egg deposition; BCA: biological control agent; DI: defoliation index


The Mexican bean beetle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) which first appeared in Virginia in 1922 and became established in the eastern part of the state in 1928 [1], is an annual invasive pest found on snap beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L. produced in the southeastern United States. In addition, in 1922, this beetle pest had invaded Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky [2]. Between 1925-1929, the beetle had spread to Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut. At present, the beetle is established all over the continental United States. In Canada, this invasive beetle is a common pest found in the eastern provinces, from Ontario to New Brunswick to British Columbia [2]. Adults and larvae feed on plant tissue with chewing mouthparts; however, Howard [3] described the mechanism as more like the rasping and sucking technique used by thrips. Beetles use their mandibles to scrape the leaf surface, piling plant tissue together, compress the dislodged tissue, and extract the plant juices. The plant juices are ingested, while solid matter is discarded.

Most of the feeding injury of the Mexican bean beetles on bean plants occurs with third and fourth instar larvae [4]. Beetles generally feed on the lower leaf surface while avoiding veins, creating a lacy, skeletonized appearance of the remaining leaf [3]. Foliar feeding injury results in decreased photosynthetic activity and desiccation of the plant [5]. Though beetles feed primarily on the foliage, they also feed on pods and flowers once present [6,7]. Damage to pods is very critical during the time the beans are filling and maturing [8-10]. Even minor pod feeding can render the fruit unmarketable, as well as increasing the opportunity for plant pathogen entry [11]. As of 2020 [2], fresh market total snap beans planted in the United States was 95,344 ha at a value of $441 million. According to Capinera [2], the key pest of bean crops in many areas of the United States is the Mexican bean beetle. In Tennessee, infestations by these pests left uncontrolled may result in major defoliation of bean crops and even crop failure. For example, in 1978, only 5,917 ha were harvested from over 7,000 ha of snap beans planted in Tennessee resulting in a loss of over $1,014,000 [12]. Based on figures from the late 1980’s, the estimated loss of snap beans in the United States due to insect damage was $11.8 million [2]; however, these losses do not account for the cost incurred by the grower to prevent insects from causing even greater damage to their crop.

Control of the Mexican bean beetle has been primarily in the form of insecticide applications, and increasing resistance by the pest has diminished effective management with the expansion of agricultural crops into extensive monocultures. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more effective and sustainable control techniques [13]. Many arthropods are known to feed upon Mexican bean beetles; however, few native predators have proven effective at reducing populations of this pest [14]. The most common native predators of Mexican bean beetle include predatory stink bugs such as the soldier bug, Stiretrus anchorago (Fabricus), the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) [15], and ladybeetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Other predators in the families Anthocoridae (Hemiptera), Nabidae (Hemiptera), and Chrysopidae (Neuroptera) have been observed to feed on the Mexican bean beetle life stages [14]. However, the indigenous predator of North America, the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris, has been recorded as the most common predator in Mexican bean beetle infested areas east of the Mississippi River [14]. Prior to 1936, this predator was noted as the only effective predator of the Mexican bean beetle in Florida [16], South Carolina [17] and Virginia [1].

In addition to natural predators of the Mexican bean beetle, an exotic eulophid wasp Pediobius foveolatus (Crawford) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from India was accessed in the United States for its potential as a classical biological control agent of this coccinellid pest and to verify that it would not parasitize native coccinellids and other beneficial insects [18-20]. Initial screenings demonstrated this wasp was unable to successfully complete its life cycle by parasitizing native beneficial coccinellids, but that it was successful only in the target pests, the Mexican bean beetles, and squash beetles, Epilachna borealis (F.) [20-21]. After release in the United States, this wasp appeared to be the most successful classical biological control agent for management of Mexican bean beetle populations [18-19]; however, the wasp was unable to establish populations due to the cold weather and its inability to overwinter in a larval host. In addition, P. foveolatus cannot survive cold winter months because all North American Epilachna hosts overwinter as adults, not larvae [21]. Therefore, these wasps had to be released annually in the United States to provide control of Mexican bean beetle populations which can be an exorbitant cost to the grower [18], whereas the spined soldier bugs can overwinter as adults in the duff or surrounding vegetation in the field. Also, in contrast to the wasp that parasitizes only the larval stages, the spined soldier bugs can feed on all life stages of the Mexican bean beetles, but prefer the larval, pupal, and adult stages [22].

Populations of P. maculiventris have been reared successfully in the laboratory [23-27] and were utilized as augmentative control agents for Diprion similis (Hartig), Hyphantria cunea (Drury), Pieris brassicae (L.) and Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) [28-32] and E. varivestis. The utility of predators in augmentative biological control programs is often not effective where they are released under field conditions, because they tend to disperse after 24 h in many directions, and not necessarily where the target pest is located. However, greater effectiveness with the P. maculiventris adults has been achieved by dewinging the females [33]. Waddill and Shepard [15] studied the dispersal of the nymphs in soybeans and found they dispersed along the rows rather than between them. In cotton fields, after 96 h post release of the dewinged P. nigrispinus, oviposition rates on the release site were about three times greater for dewinged compared to winged females [15]. Ignoffo et al. [33] recovered 85% of dewinged P. maculiventris predators released compared to 12% of the normal winged adults after 72 h and found greater numbers of eggs deposited by the dewinged predators. Their finding indicated that limiting flight induces females to stay and lay their eggs on the foliage; thus, allowing for local establishment of a new generation of predators. Another technique utilized in biological control programs to augment the natural population of P. maculiventris populations is to mass produce the eggs under laboratory conditions, place them in cold storage for a short duration and then disseminate them in the field prior to hatching [25]. However, in our study the eggs were not placed in cold storage.

Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of augmentative mass releases of P. maculiventris treatments at different rates (dewinged gravid female adults vs. egg mass releases) for biological control of E. varivestis in small plots of snap beans in East Tennessee. Foliar damage to the snap bean leaves by E. varivestis life stages using a damage index and subsequent bean pod yield was assessed amongst the different treatments compared to no releases.

Materials and Methods

Rearing of Mexican Bean Beetles

Rearing conditions for the Mexican bean beetles (MBB) were as follows: Snap beans, Phaseolus vulgaris cv. ‘Bush Blue Lake’ seeds were planted in three rows with seven beans per row in styrofoam containers (6.25 cm x 11.0 cm x 20.0 cm) in autoclaved sterile Holston silt loam soil. Styrofoam containers were moistened daily with ~40 ml of water and fertilized as needed with MiracleGro (Scotts Miracle-Gro Co., Marysville, OH). Plants 20-30 days after planting were transferred to insect cages (20.5 cm x 30.0 cm x 40 cm). MBB adults (2-3 mating pairs) collected from the Plateau AgResearch and Education Center fields in Crossville, TN were transferred to the new bean plants. Styrofoam containers with mature plants were replaced ~once every 3 d or when totally defoliated.

Rearing of Spined Soldier Bugs

Rearing conditions for the spined soldier bugs were modified from that described by Mukeiji and LeRoux [23], Warren and Wallis [24], and Evans [35]. Native populations of spined soldier bug (SSB) P. maculiventris previously captured in the field at the East Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center-Plant Sciences Unit in Knox County, TN, were brought back to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville to be reared in a laboratory room held at 30.2 ± 0.3°C, 40-50% RH under a 16 h light: 8 h dark photoperiod using florescent lighting. In the laboratory room there were several racks which held cafeteria trays (35 cm x 45 cm) making a shelf. Under each shelf there was a 1.2 m fluorescent light fixture fitted with two Sylvania Supersaver™ 34-watt tubes located 5 cm above each rearing area. In addition, a Paragon automatic timer set for the desired photoperiod was plugged into the light fixture. On each shelf there were inverted rearing Petri dish chambers (hereafter referred to as rearing chambers) containing a SSB life stage ranging from eggs to adults. Each inverted rearing chamber was lined with a filter paper circle ( 9.0 cm diameter with a coarse surface) and replaced once every 4 days or less or as needed. In each rearing chamber on top of the paper circle, a glass shell vial (12 x 35 mm) previously filled with water and plugged with cotton was placed to provide moisture and water. A piece of clay (~ 7 x 7 x 1 mm) was placed on the side of each shell vial away from the opening to hold it stationary and allow maximum absorbance of water by the cotton plug. Colonies of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.), reared in the laboratory on Bio-Serv™ wax moth diet were provided as a constant source of live food for all nymphal stages beginning with the 2nd instar and ending with the 5th instar. The 1st instars are not predaceous, but feed only on the egg yolk and water [24]. Nymphs (2nd instars) were maintained together until the third instar with minimal loss to cannibalism with a sufficient food supply. After molting to the third instar, the nymphs were placed in individual rearing chambers as described above. The nymphs were maintained separately in individual dish chambers through the remaining instars, and as adults. Wax moth larvae were offered immediately upon completion of each molt and ad libitum thereafter. Once the 5th instars molted to the adult stage, newly eclosed and sclerotized adults were placed in a separate clean rearing chamber with MBB as food. Adults were sexed, placed in separate rearing chambers which were labelled, dated, and placed on a separate tray shelf with the other newly sclerotized adults. After 48 h post-ecdysis, a single adult SSB male was transferred to a different chamber and paired with a female SSB adult. This rearing chamber contained MBB instars and a clean glass shell vial with water for moisture. Once SSB adults were observed in copula, they were left undisturbed and allowed to copulate for ~24 h or until they separated naturally. Once separated, male SSB adults were removed from the female’s chamber and placed back into their original or a new clean rearing chamber with food and water provided as before. Gravid SSB females were provided E. varivestis as their food source prior to oviposition in the rearing chambers for both types of mass release treatments. Gravid female SSB adults 2-6 d old were used in the field release experiments. To maintain the reared colony, female SSB were paired approximately once a month to maintain fertile egg production [24,25].

Field Releases of Spined Soldier Bug Treatments

Dewinged gravid female treatments: Gravid normal winged females (80 total) were anesthetized with CO2 and one hemelytron was clipped with iridectomy scissors at the axillary region to inhibit flight and maximize predation potential. Dewinged gravid females each were color-coded by marking the scutellum with Testors® model enamel paint (Testor Corp., Rockford, IL) to differentiate them from the indigenous population (Figure 1a).