Evaluating Metabolic Responses in Mice to Nanosized Titanium Dioxide Particles Using Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolomics

Research Article

Austin J Anal Pharm Chem. 2017; 4(2): 1085.

Evaluating Metabolic Responses in Mice to Nanosized Titanium Dioxide Particles Using Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry Based Metabolomics

Singh AK1,2,$, Ratnasekhar Ch1,$, Chaudhari BP3, Singh D4, Chattopadhyay BD2, Mudiam MKR5*

¹Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Regulatory Toxicology Group, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India

2Department of Physics, Jadavpur University, Kolkatta, India

3Biochemical Sciences Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India

4Animal House Facility, Regulatory Toxicology Group, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India

5Chromatography Unit, Analytical Chemistry & Mass Spectrometry Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad, India $These authors contributed equally to this work

*Corresponding author: Mohana Krishna Reddy Mudiam, Chromatography Unit, Analytical Chemistry & Mass Spectrometry Division, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Tarnaka, Uppal Road, Hyderabad – 500 007, Telangana, India

Received: April 20, 2017; Accepted: May 18, 2017; Published: May 25, 2017


Titanium dioxide nanoparticle (TiO2 NP) is one of the most commonly used engineered nanoparticles. It has attracted lot of interest to analytical toxicologists in recent past due to its toxicity on human health and environment. The present study was aimed to explore the GC-MS based metabolomics as a tool to investigate the toxicity of TiO2 NP in comparison to TiO2 BP with doses of 300, 600, 1200 mg/kg respectively in both gender(s) of Swiss Albino mice for 7 and 14 days. Serum biochemistry and histopathology parameters were performed. Chemometric analysis by supervised PLS-DA was performed to identify the discrimination/classification between exposed and non-exposed samples due to metabolic perturbations. The morphological, biochemical, haematological and metabolomic analysis revealed that, TiO2 NP has induced toxicological effects to both female and male mice. The results showed that metabolomics along with biochemical analysis can be employed as a comprehensive tool to identify the toxicity of NPs in the model organisms at molecular level.

Keywords: Toxicity; Nanoparticles; Gas chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Metabolomics


GC-MS: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; NP: Nano Particles; BP: Bulk Particles; TiO2 NP: Titanium Dioxide Nano Particles; TiO2 BP: Titanium Dioxide Bulk Particles; PLS-DA: Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis; NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance; AMDIS: Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System; NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology; MS: Mass Spectrometry


Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs), one of the most widely engineered nanoparticles has many industrial applications in the areas of cosmetics, drug delivery, pigment in paints, ceramics and pharmaceuticals [1,2]. Globally, TiO2 NPs are abundantly produced and widely used because of their smaller size and larger surface area with high stability and anticorrosion properties. Nowadays, a large number of nanoparticles are entering into our environment due to their usage due to advances in nanotechnology, thus, causing concern as they have potential impacts on human and environmental health [3]. The conventional toxicological experiments has revealed that, TiO2 NPs can produce free radicals with strong oxidizing ability which thus induce oxidative stress and finally resulted in apoptotic cell death, fibrosis, DNA damage and pulmonary inflammation [4-6].

In recent years, metabolomics has been shown as a valuable tool to identify and quantify the global changes in small molecular weight metabolites (amino acids, organic acids, sugar, fatty acids etc.,) of an intra-cellular system to therapeutic intervention or toxicant and diseases [7]. Thus, metabolomics is considered as a potential tool in functional genomics, disease diagnosis, toxicology and pharmacology research [8,9]. This approach has been successfully used in toxicological sciences to understand the mechanism of action and to identify the biochemical responses to toxicant exposure.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) are considered to be two complementary analytical platforms to study the metabolic responses in any organism [10,11]. The separation efficiency and identification potential of mass spectrometry based metabolomics have improved by coupling it with separation techniques like gas and liquid chromatography [12-15]. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based metabolomics has various advantages over other hyphenated analytical techniques which include, high chromatographic resolution, analyte-specific detection and quantification as well as capability to identify unknowns made it a suitable tool for metabolomics in the fields of toxicity and biomarker discovery. Therefore, the study has been carried out to evaluate the molecular events following oral dose of nanosized and bulk sized TiO2 particles in Swiss Albino mice at three different doses 300, 600 and 1200 mg/kg body weight for 7 and 14 days by using GC-MS combined with pattern recognition approaches. Serum biochemistry and haematology tests were also performed.

Materials and Methods

Chemicals and reagents

All chemicals used were analytical grade. Methoxyamine hydrochloride, N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl trifluoracetamide (MSTFA) and all standards were procured from Sigma- Aldrich (St. Lous, MO, USA). Methanol was obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. Lous, MO, USA). The ultra-pure water was prepared by RiOsTM water purification system (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). IMECO ULTRA SONICS (Bombay, India) was used as sonicator. Heto GD-2 maxi dry plus (Germany) was used as lyophilizer.

Particle characterization

A stock solution of 1mg/ml of TiO2 NP in Milli-Q water was prepared and subjected to 15 min ultrasonic vibration (Sonics & Material Inc.) for dispersion. Furthermore, the surface morphology of the TiO2 NP was confirmed by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM with EDAX – Apollo XL, FEI, Eindhoven, Netherlands).

Animal selection

The present study was carried out on male and female Swiss Albino mice weighing 25-30gm. The animals were housed in polypropylene cages with stainless steel grids under optimal conditions (humidity 50 ±10%), temperature 22 ±3°C and light intensity 12-h light/dark cycle). Animals were provided with fed water and standard pellet diet ad libitum. The study protocol was approved by institutional ethics committee at CSIR-IITR.

Experiment design

Adult female and male mice were divided into 13 groups ((six groups for 7 days, six groups for 14 days and one control groups). Each group consists of 5 male and 5 female animals. These groups were given 300, 600, and 1200 mg/kg TiO2 NP and TiO2 BP administered by a single oral gavage according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 420 (OECD, 1992) to Swiss Albino female and male mice for 7 and 14 days. Body weight and clinical signs of toxicity were recorded throughout the period of experiment [16,17].

Sign of toxicity and mortality

Signs of toxicity such as diarrhea and body weight loss were observed once daily throughout the experiment. After 7 and 14 days of dosing mice were sacrificed and blood was collected in 10% ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulant containing tubes for hematology analysis and non-oxalate tubes for the separation of serum for metabolomic and biochemistry analysis.

Clinical biochemistry

The clinical biochemistry parameter of serum samples were carried out with fully automated biochemical analyzer (Clinical chemistry analyzer Randox-daytona UK) using standard kits. The following parameters were tested: glucose (GLU), creatinine (CREA), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), alkaline phosphate (ALP), uric acid (URCA) and cholesterol (CHOL).

Hematological parameters

Blood collected in 10% EDTA was analyzed for white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), platelet (PLT), neutrophils (NEUT) lymphocyte (LYM), monocyte (MONO), eosinophils (EO) and basophils (BASO) through automated cell counter Hematology analyzer (Sysmex XT-2000iV Analyzer-IDEX America) using standard kits.

Metabolite extraction and derivatization

Extraction of metabolites from serum and derivatization was implemented in a similar approach as previously described with little modifications [18]. Serum metabolites were extracted by adding 800μl of MeOH (80%, v/v) for deproteinization. After vortexing, samples were centrifuged at 10,000rpm for 15min. Then the extraction procedure with 80% MeOH was repeated thrice and then all supernatants were pooled. The pooled extract was freeze dried using Scanvac system (Labogene, Denmark). To the resultant residue, an amount of 40μl of methoxyamine hydrochloride was added and mixed vigorously for 1min and then incubated at 65°C for 30min. To this, 90μl of N-methyl- N-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide was added and incubated at 65°C for 1hr under agitation using a thermo mixer (BR BIOCHEM Life sciences, India). Samples were made up to the volume of 400μl using hexane for further analysis using GC-MS.

GC-MS instrumentation and data acquisition

The GC-MS analysis was performed for metabolomics as previously described in studies [19]. Metabolite profiling was performed on Trace GC ultra (Thermo Scientific, FL, USA) coupled to TSQ Quantum XLS mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, FL, USA). TG-5MS fused silica capillary column (30m x 250μm i.d; Thermo Scientific), chemically bonded with 5% phenyl 95% methyl polysiloxane cross linked stationary phase (0.25μm film thickness) was utilized to separate the peaks. GC injector was used in split less mode. The injector temperature was set at 2600C. Helium, the carrier gas, was maintained at a constant flow rate of 1.1ml/min during the analysis. The column temperature was initially kept at 650C for 2min, then ramped to 2300C at a rate of 60C/min and then finally increased to 2900C at a rate of 100C/min, where it was held for 20min. The interface temperature and ion source were set at 2900C and 2200C respectively. Electron impact ionization (EI+) mode was used for mass detection with electron energy of 70eV. Mass spectra were acquired with a scan range of m/z 45-800. Solvent delay was set at 7min. The sample volume of 1μl was injected in GC-MS for analysis [19].

Data pre-processing

Serum used for metabolomic analysis as a single batch in random order. AMDIS software (version 2.0) was used to identify the metabolites in serum. The mass spectra of all the detected compounds were compared with spectra in NIST library (version 2.0) or standards for confirmation. All GC-MS raw data files were exported into Net CDF format using XCalibur software (Thermo Fisher Scientific, FL, USA).

Deconvolution of the Net CDF format files was performed using the XCMS software [20]. The data was arranged on a three dimensional matrix consisting of arbitrary peak index (RT-m/z pair), sample names and peak area. The total area normalization was performed in order to reduce the systematic biases within the experiment. Normalized data was used for multivariate analysis to remove the offsets and adjust the importance of high and low abundance metabolites to an equal level.

Multivariate pattern recognition analysis

Metabo Analyst tool was used for data processing and statistical analysis [21]. To identify the differential metabolites that account for the separation between groups, supervised PLS-DA was applied. PLS-DA model was validated using the leave one out cross validation method [22]. Quality of model is assessed on R2 and Q2 scores [23]. Further, model validation was performed by 500 times permutation tests [24]. Metabolites with variable importance in projection (VIP) values of greater than 1 were taken as potential marker metabolites.

Results and Discussion

In-life parameters

Oral administration of TiO2NP at 300 and 600 mg/kg did not produce any signs of toxicity and mortality during 7 and 14 days exposure in both male and female mice. However, there was significant reduction in body weight of animals at high dose (1200mg/kg) at 14 days along with significant toxicity symptoms (Table 1).