Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Triterpenoid Derivatives Based on 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol as Potential Antibacterial Agents

Research Article

Austin J Anal Pharm Chem. 2020; 7(1): 1125.

Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Triterpenoid Derivatives Based on 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol as Potential Antibacterial Agents

Shao X1#, Zeng X1#, Zhou Y2, Zhang S1 and Zhou Z1*

¹Department of Pharmacy, Medical College, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

²Department of Quality Control, China Resources Sanjiu (Huangshi) Medical & Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Huangshi, China

#These authors contributed equally to this work

*Corresponding author: Zhiwen Zhou, Department of Pharmacy, Medical College, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, 443002, China

Received: November 25, 2019; Accepted: January 07, 2020; Published: January 14, 2020


A new series of triterpenoid derivatives were synthesized based on 20(S)- protopanaxadiol (PPD) and evaluated for their antibacterial activity against several representative pathogens. Among which, compounds 5, 9, 11, 13 and 14 displayed good antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria with MIC values of 2-16 μg/mL. Furthermore, additional testing against MRSA USA300 demonstrated that compounds 11, 13 and 14 also possess good antibacterial activity with MIC values of 2-8 μg/mL. The bactericidal effects revealed that compounds 13 and 14 displayed directly bactericidal activity against B. subtilis and MRSA USA300 with MBC values of 4-16 μg/mL. The subsequent synergistic activity assay of these derivatives was also carried out with results showing that compounds 13 and 14 could enhance the susceptibility of MRSA USA300 and B. subtilis 168 to kanamycin and chloramphenicol (FICI<0.5). Compounds 13 and 14 were then evaluated for their cytotoxicity and showed low toxicity with IC50 values about 30μg/mL against HeLa cells and about 95μg/mL against HEK-293 cells, respectively. The plausible structure-activity relationship was also concluded.

Keywords: Protopanaxadiol; Triterpenoid; Antibacterial activity; Synergistic effect; Cytotoxicity


The discovery and development of antibiotics are among the most powerful and successful achievements of modern science and technology for the control of infectious diseases [1]. Many antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial agents such as nitrofuranes, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, macrolides and oxazolidinones are still in use today. However, as a result of the widespread and irrational application of antibiotics, multidrug resistance is now recognized as a global health problem. For instance, appearance of multidrug resistant Gram-positive bacteria, in particular, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) is still a serious menace [2-3]. Some of these strains are capable of surviving the effects of most, if not all, antibiotics currently in use [4]. These problems have highlighted the urgent need for designing and developing novel antibacterial candidates, which are distinct from those of traditional classes of antimicrobial agents.

Natural products have been the single most productive source of leads for the development of drugs, particularly as anti-cancer and antiinfective agents, such as taxol, berberine and allicin [5]. Furthermore, Antibacterial agents from natural sources generally possess complex architectural scaffolds and densely deployed functional groups, affording the maximal number of interactions with molecular targets, often leading to exquisite selectivity for pathogens versus the host [6]. The triterpenoids are the most representative group of phytochemicals, which are biosynthesized in plants through squalene cyclization. The diversity of triterpenes is highly associated with their broad range of pharmacological effects [7]. Active triterpenoids like oleanolic acid (OA), ursolic acid (UA) and petromyzanonamine disulfate (Figure 1), which are widely, occur in nature in free acid form or as an aglycone precursor for triterpenoid saponins have been reported to possess good antimicrobial activity [8,9]. Although few works have examined the mode of action of these triterpenes, studies conducted by Melzig showed that triterpenoids are likely to penetrate cell membranes by forming pore-like channels, leading a series of specific biological effects such as secretion processes, ion channel activation/ inhibition or change in the membrane structure [10]. However, the molecular mechanisms of actions between triterpenoids and the bacteria are not yet fully understood.