Method Validation and Uncertainty Estimation for Total Phosphorus Determination in Animal Feed Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Research Article

Austin J Anal Pharm Chem. 2022; 9(2): 1144.

Method Validation and Uncertainty Estimation for Total Phosphorus Determination in Animal Feed Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Debnath Manika¹ and Abrham Ayele²*

¹Section of Feed Quality Control, Quality Control Laboratory, Department Of Livestock Services, Bangladesh

²College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

*Corresponding author: Abrham Ayele, College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, University of Gondar, Ethiopia

Received: May 31, 2022; Accepted: June 20, 2022; Published: June 27, 2022


Objective: The study presents the validation protocol for the determination of total phosphorus content at parts per million (ppm) (μg/L) levels in animal feed by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Methods: The measured absorbance of solutions against the blank solution was at 400 nm with the spectrophotometer. A combined ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate and ammonium monovanadate blue solution was used as a coloring reagent for detection. This method was validated by evaluation of statistical parameters such as linearity, sensitivity, limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), precision, accuracy, and measurement uncertainty using a matrix blank (MB) against the phosphorus standard.

Results: The Instrumental Detection Limit was 0.066 ppm and the Instrumental Quantification Limit was 0.22 ppm, respectively, while the phosphorus recovery and repeatability percent were 101.15% and 0.11%, respectively. However, the linearity of this method was 0.1 to 30 ppm. The measurement uncertainty of this method was 2.82%, following Commission Regulation (EC).

Conclusion: The estimated parameters in the validation protocol, were found to meet the imposed performance criteria, and the procedure was validated for the intended use.

Keywords: UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; Phosphorus; Method Validation; Animal Feed; Measurement Uncertainty


Validation is a matter of huge importance as it attests to the capability of the laboratory to provide reliable results. For any method validation study, the laboratory will require to investigate several performance characteristics- Accuracy, Linearity, Precision, reproducibility, Limit of detection, Limit of Quantification, Measurement uncertainty, etc. Exactly which characteristics are needed will depend on the analytical application. According to Eurachem, [1] method validation is the process whereby the laboratory demonstrates whether or not a method is ‘fit for purpose. Phosphorus is a very essential mineral for animal nutrition. So knowing the Phosphorus content in animal feed is hugely essential for farmers and feed producers. ISO [2] method is applicable to animal feeding stuffs with a phosphorus content of less than 50 g/ kg. Following this method, the validation in an analytical laboratory was taken and followed the Commission Regulation (EC) [3] for the statistical parameter analysis. The spectrophotometric molybdenum blue method for phosphorus determination is cheap and eco-friendly due to the application of small volumes of reagents [4]. In the presence of molybdate–vanadate reagent agents, phosphorus in the sample absorb UV light at 400 nm, depending on the phosphorus content light absorption can be stronger.

Materials and Methods

Solutions/Reagents Preparation

Preparing an ammonium molybdate solution was the initial activity. It was done by dissolving 25 g of ammonium molybdate in 300 ml of water. Allow to cool at room temperature after mixing. 1.25 g ammonium monovanadate was dissolved in 330 mL HCL acid once more. The solution was then heated until it boiled, at which point it was dissolved. Allowing the dissolved solution to cool to room temperature was the next step. Finally, the two solutions were properly mixed, and the volume was increased to 1 liter with distilled water. This final solution is kept in the refrigerator for 12 days.

Phosphorus Standard Preparation

Pure phosphorus standard solutions were created for the first time. To accomplish so, standard solutions ranging from 0.5 to 60 ppm were utilized to test the instrument’s linearity. For the results of other statistical parameters, however, standards ranging from 0.5 ppm to 15 ppm were utilized to build a calibration curve. Five ml of reagent and the needed amount of pure phosphorus standard were placed in each 25 ml volumetric flask for the calibration curve, and the volume was volumeted up to 25ml with distilled water.

Sample Preparation

Matrix Blank (MB), a laboratory-made animal feed sample, was used for statistical analysis. In a muffle furnace, 0.5g of matrix blank was burned to ash for 2 hours at 550°C. The ash was then digested for 5-6 minutes with a 1:1 concentration of nitric acid solution. The sample was filtered after cooling, and the volume was raised to 50 ml with distilled water. Then 1mL of MB solution was combined with 5mL of ammonium molybdate–vanadate reagent and distilled water was added up to the mark of a 25 mL volumetric flask. To assure color development, all of the prepared solutions were left for 20 minutes and the absorbance was measured at 400 nm against a reagent blank.

Validation Procedure

Statistical Analysis: The generic linear model approach proposed by the Statistics Analysis System Institutes [5] was used to examine all experimental data. The other data was examined automatically using the UV-Vis spectrophotometer’s software. The standard deviation and regression coefficient were used to express the data’s variability (r2). For the validation of this approach in accordance with the EC standard, the following statistical studies were conducted.

1. Linearity

2. Limit of Detection

3. Limit of Quantification

4. Accuracy

5. Recovery

6. Repeatability/ Precision

7. Reproducibility

8. Measurement Uncertainty

Results and Discussion

Linear Range and Calibration Curve: To determine the linear range and calibration curve fourteen (14) sets of standard (starting from 0.1 ppm to 60ppm) were prepared from the 1000 ppm standard solution. Each data set contains a triplicate measurement reading. According to Figures 1 and 2, it is found that linearity would be up to 30 ppm. Therefore, the calibration curve was prepared up to 30 ppm on three different days and the average absorbance against concentration have been plotted in (Figure 1 & 2), and regression coefficient (r2), SE, and RSD were calculated. Huang and Zhang [6] discussed the effects of Phosphorus analysis by the molybdate malachite green method resulting in R2= 0.9512. However, in this validation, the regression coefficient (r2) of the calibration curve was 0.9992 for up to 30 ppm level, whereas after crossing 30ppm standard in the calibration, the regression coefficient (r2) was drop down to 0.96414 and the calibration curve was not possessed in a straight line. So, the tested instrument can read and can maintain the linearity of the curve up to 30ppm. In contrast, the linearity was also up to 30 μg of phosphorus/mL during the validation of phosphorus evaluation in dairy products by UV-Vis Spectrophotometer [4]. Therefore, r2 (0.9992), Standard Error (0.00821), and RSD % (0.00783) are acceptable.