An Overview to Andrology


Austin Andrology. 2016; 1(1): 1001.

An Overview to Andrology

Lienou LL*

Department of Biochemistry, University of Dschang, Cameroon

*Corresponding author: Landry L Lienou, University of Dschang, Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry. Dschang, Cameroon

Received: May 30, 2016; Accepted: May 31, 2016; Published: June 02, 2016


I would like, here by, congratulate the great staff of the Austin Andrology for the very soon Release of the inaugural issue of the Journal and for thanking once more for accepting my modest person as Editorial Board Member of your Journal of a certainly glorious future. I have the certainty that this new periodic would bring a breakthrough in the knowledge of human Andrology in particular and the reproductive health of humans and other animals in general.

Andrology, which is the medical specialty dealing with male health and particularly relates to the problems of his reproductive system, is of great interest nowadays due to the increase in infertility and arising of new cancers touching the male reproductive tract. All these lead to impairment in the reproductive function of the male in our societies where the reproductive wellbeing is of great importance for human integrity and prosperity.

The state of art in the domain of Andrology is in progress as many male reproductive ailments are already under control, nevertheless, many is still to be done for improving the male condition as the treatment and eradication of some ailments are difficult because many patients use to hide their diseases considered as intimate for long time, an attitude which generally hinder their treatments increasing the demand for treatments of high efficacy, even on the most complicated phases of diseases.

However, the efficacy of the reproductive function is linked to the other functions of our organism, meaning the central nervous system coordinating the activities of the others such as the circulating system, the respiration, the excretion, the nutrition,……. all these systems of which the malfunction at any level can be of devastating effect on the reproductive deficiency of human. For this reason, I particularly congratulates the Austin Andrology Publishing Group which is an international Publisher of open access, peer reviewed Journals covering all aspects of science, technology, medicine and management. The diversification in science is a cornerstone for making a good Publishing Group of great interest and the free access would surely allow researchers of low funds and those of developing countries to be aware of advancements in new technologies of treatments in response to newly appearing diseases. This can also allow contact and collaboration between researchers of various origins.

Bad eating habits and sedentary lifestyle have led to a significant rise in overweight and obesity in recent years with an estimated value of approximately 2.3 billion adults in overweight and 700 million obese [1]. The results of several studies point to an increased likelihood of abnormal semen parameters among overweight men, and an elevated risk for sub fertility among couples in which the male partner is obese. Obesity is, therefore, associated with a higher incidence of male factor infertility. Several mechanisms might account for the effect of obesity on male infertility, both directly and indirectly, by inducing sleep apnea, alterations in hormonal profiles (reduced inhibin B and androgen levels accompanied by elevated estrogen levels) and increased scrotal temperatures, ultimately manifesting as impaired semen parameters (decreased total sperm count, concentration and motility; increased DNA fragmentation index) [2]. Hence, the human Andrology is severely threatened by overweight. This reinforces the need to inform people about the risks of uncontrolled feeding and fats on the impairment of fertility as well as the cardiovascular diseases linked to it. I swear that the Austin Andrology journal will also be an important channel for spreading these facts.

The male reproductive system is not subjected to regular alterations as the female’s one but can be subjected to many alterations due to the lifestyle, the medicines / illicit drugs consumption and the sexual activity. The mainly part of male reproductive disorders is generally due to these instead of being of genetic origin or of congenital transmission. For example, the general functioning of the male reproductive tract is coordinated at the hormonal level by the regular release of androgenic hormones resulting from the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) secretion in the pituitary which in the presence of FSH controls the steroid hormones synthesis in the testis, ensuring an improved production of androgens rather than estrogens. This hormonal system is under the control of the hypothalamic releasing factor (GnRH) which enables principally the pulsatile secretion of the gonadotrophic hormone LH for that purpose. It is also well known that the reproductive system is under the control of one factor released by the adipocyte namely leptin; the action of leptin is generally impaired in overweight people, hampering the fertility. There is indeed an urgent need for informing people about all the feeding, medicines or behaviors which would be safe for their reproductive health as well as improving interest in this quite important domain sometimes neglected. The Austin Andrology is then an interesting way for informing researchers, physicians, healthcare professionals and other people; it is a good gateway for collecting and spreading the recent advances in Andrology.

Let us be hopeful and, as the pioneers of the scientific world, sufficiently ambitious and volunteers to raise this newborn of the Austin Publishing group. The editorial is well composed of researchers and specialists of diverse origins, giving a certainty of a peer reviewing in manuscripts. I am sure Dear Editor in chief that this first edition of the journal will meet all expectations and bring the interest that we need in a scientific journal of international repute.


  1. World Health Organization, 2009.
  2. Shkelzen Elezaj, Zafer Gashi, Afrim Zeqiraj, Driton Grabanica, Anton Shllaku, Bujar Gruda, et al. Treatment of Infertility in Men with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with the Method of Intrauterine Insemination. 2010; 153- 161.

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Citation:Lienou LL. An Overview to Andrology. Austin Andrology. 2016; 1(1): 1001.

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