Air Conditioning Cylinder Blast Injury to Male External Genitalia-Case Report

Case Report

Austin Andrology. 2024; 7(1): 1030.

Air Conditioning Cylinder Blast Injury to Male External Genitalia-Case Report

Khan MH*; Askhaita K; Deyab A; Afana H; Bhatti A; Muwafak S; Al Hammadi A

Department of Urology, Tawam Hospital Al Ain Abu Dhabi, UAE

*Corresponding author: Khan MH Department of Urology Tawam Hospital Al Ain, UAE. Email:

Received: March 25, 2024 Accepted: April 16, 2024 Published: April 23, 2024


Blast injuries result in high morbidity and mortality in the general population. The mechanism of injury may lead to single organ or multisystem trauma

A 27-year-old adult male patient presented to our department with severe degloving injury to the penis along with loss of scrotal skin with exposure of the right testicle following a blast from an air conditioning refill cylinder. Patient was sitting beside the cylinder and sustained a direct blow to the pelvis and had associated injuries including comminated fractures of the radius and ulna on the right side.

Keywords: Blast Injury; Degloving; Penis; Trauma


Blast injuries are seen in accidents that involve pressurized containers like gas cylinders, acts of terrorism and improvised explosive devices. Poor handling of equipment and inadequate safety precautions are associated factors that lead to significant injuries.

The pressurized container produces a sudden gas expansion, which subsequently releases the potential energy hence creating a pressurized shock wave [1].

As per the EUA guidelines in event of penile avulsion injuries after initial resuscitation, surgical re-implantation of the penis is recommended if it has been recovered and is not too badly damaged [2].

Surgical re-implantation should be considered for all patients and should be performed within 24 hours of amputation [3]

A 27-year-old adult male patient presented to our department with severe degloving injury to the penis along with loss of scrotal skin with exposure of the right testicle following a blast from an air conditioning refill cylinder. Patient was sitting beside the cylinder and sustained a direct blow to the pelvis and had associated injuries including comminated fractures of the radius and ulna on the right side. Patient was hemodynamically stable with no major abdominal injuries.