Observational Study of Dynamic Ventilation Parameters during Xenon Anesthesia

Research Article

Austin J Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2021; 9(1): 1098.

Observational Study of Dynamic Ventilation Parameters during Xenon Anesthesia

Bazin JE¹*, Majoral C², Daviet C², Katz I², Godet T¹, Futier E¹ and Caillibotte G²

¹Service d'Anesthesie-Reanimation, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand and University Clermont Auvergne, France

²Air Liquide Sante International, Innovation Center, France

*Corresponding author: Jean-Etienne Bazin, Service d'Anesthesie-Reanimation, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand and University Clermont Auvergne, 1 place Henri Dunant, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand, France

Received: February 17, 2021; Accepted: March 18, 2021; Published: March 25, 2021


Background: The aim of this study was to observe dynamic pressure and flow measurements during the breathing cycle with different concentrations of xenon in patients without pulmonary disease to provide a better understanding of the mechanical-physiological effects of gas mixtures for anesthesia and other potential applications. Ventilation and respiratory data monitoring of flow rate, pressure at the Y-piece of the ventilator circuit, inhaled volume, and concentration of oxygen, xenon, and carbon dioxide for three concentrations of xenon (0, 30, and 60%) were recorded on the anesthetic ventilator station and downloaded to a portable computer.

Main Findings: The overall effects of gas concentration are compared in the superimposed flow and pressure curves recorded from the ventilator. Airway resistance increases with xenon concentration for both inspiration (p=0.0028) and expiration (p=0.0007) as expected. The compliance increased with increasing xenon concentration, but only to statistical significance between 100% oxygen and 60% xenon (p=0.0344). The percentage of pressure drop due to the breathing circuit were about 70% for all the groups (no differences statistically, p=0.8161).

Conclusions: The results show that the dominant source of the pressure loss is from the breathing circuit compared to the respiratory tract in patients without respiratory disease during inspiration.

Keywords: Xenon; Mechanical ventilation; Airway management; Airway resistance; Compliance; Pulmonary gas exchange


Xenon is a noble gas with valuable anesthetic properties such as very fast recovery and cardiovascular stability. However, due to his low potency, xenon is usually administered at a concentration of 60% mixed with oxygen to insure sufficient hypnosis [1]; at this concentration, with the physical properties of relatively higher viscosity and density, the flow resistance will be elevated. Only a relatively few studies in animals [2-4] or in humans [5-7] present data on the respiratory effects of xenon that have recorded the increase in inspiratory airway pressure associated with the elevated resistance [5]. Knowledge of only an increase of insufflation pressures with xenon, without better knowledge of the relevant respiratory physiopathology, is the reason for the restriction of use in patients with bronchopulmonary pathologies. Because xenon anesthesia is administered via positive pressure mechanical ventilation, it is important to consider the possibility of ventilator induced lung injury [8] as well as normal ventilator operating modes that are not typically encountered using gas mixtures with the high density and viscosity of xenon. It was the aim of this study to observe dynamic pressure and flow measurements during the breathing cycle with different concentrations of xenon in patients without pulmonary disease in order to provide a better understanding of the mechanical-physiological effects of the gas for anesthesia and other potential applications [9]. An in silico study has shown that the increased pressure necessary for the flow largely occurs in the breathing circuit not in the airways [10]. Thus, a secondary aim of the study was to provide in vivo data to validate the in silico model [11].


This physiological-pharmacological, observational, prospective non-randomised study was approved by the ethics committee French CPP Sud-Est 6 (IRB N° IRB00008526). A total of 10 male (6) and female (4) patients aged between 50 and 83, ASA 1 or 2 without history of respiratory disease scheduled for an abdominal surgery under xenon anesthesia were enrolled in the study (see Table 1 for patient characteristics). The nature of the study was explained to the subjects and each one signed an informed consent form.


Patients were installed in the supine position with the standard monitoring (electrocardioscope, non-invasive blood pressure, saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO2), Bi-spectral Index (BIS)) put in place. Anesthesia was induced with propofol and remifentanil administered with a target controlled technique (Base Primea Fresenius, France). Each patient’s trachea was intubated with a size 7.5 or 8 mm Edgar type tube (Rusch, Ireland). For four patients (7-10) an Endotracheal Tube (ETT) tube with a lateral catheter with distal extremity under the balloon, intended for tracheal drug administration (e.g., epinephrine during cardiac arrests) was used during this study to monitor airway pressure at the tracheal extremity. The patients were ventilated using volume controlled mode with a tidal volume (VT) between 8 and 10 mL/kg of ideal body weight and a frequency of 10 breaths per minute using a FELIX DUAL anesthetic ventilator station (Air Liquide Medical Systems, France). This ventilator was designed and calibrated to administer xenon anesthesia economically [12]. If necessary, the VT was secondarily adapted in order to maintain end tidal partial Pressure Of Carbon Dioxide (PetCO2) between 35 and 40 mmHg, with an inspiratory/expiratory (I /E) ratio of 1/2. A Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) of nominally 5 to 10 cmH2O was applied during the entire anesthesia.

After endotracheal intubation and stabilization, 100% oxygen was delivered for 10 minutes (that also allowed for partial denitrogenation [13]. of the tissues) before a first set of measurements were recorded for approximately three breathing cycles (T1). Xenon (Air Liquide Santé International, France) was then introduced into the ventilatory circuit with an ultimate target of inhaled concentration of 60%. When the xenon concentration was between 28 and 32% a second recording of data was realized (T2a). After 5 minutes of stabilization at 60% xenon the third recording of data was performed (T2). During the progressive increase of xenon concentration, the target concentration of propofol was progressively decreased in order to maintain the bispectral index values between 40 and 50. In case of laparoscopic surgery (7 patients), a recording of data was realized 5 minutes after the inflation of pneumoperitoneum (T2b). At the end of surgical procedure, after deflation of pneumoperitoneum in case of laparoscopy, a last recording was realized with a xenon concentration of 60% just before the end of administration of the gas (T3). In general, the data from measuring points T1, T2a, T2 and T3 will be presented. However, for five of the patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery data was available before and after inflation (at T2a and T2b) and for these subjects compliance data are reported for these time points in comparison to the end of surgery (T3).

Ventilation and respiratory data monitoring of flow rate, pressure at the Y-piece of the ventilator circuit, inhaled and expired volume, and concentration of oxygen, xenon, and carbon dioxide were recorded on the anesthetic ventilator station and downloaded to a portable computer at a rate of 20 Hz (50 ms intervals). All these measurements were purely observational, realized without modification of the ventilation or any other intervention on the patients. The recorded resolution of the digital pressure measurement was 1 cm H2O, and for the flow measurement it was 1 L/min. The resolution of inhaled volume, based on the time integration of the flow signal, was 1 mL. The relevant variables for each patient at each measuring point (i.e., for each gas mixture) are; VT, Respiratory Rate (RR), PEEP, peak pressure during inspiration (pin-peak), plateau pressure (pplateau), oxygen concentration (FiO2), xenon concentration (FiXe), PetCO2, inspiratory flow rate (Qin), peak expiratory flow (Qpeak) and the pressure taken at Qpeak (pex@peak).

Three other measurements relevant to ventilation management were recorded. At peak pressure, the pressure at the exit of the ETT was obtained giving a measure, when subtracted from pin-peak, of the pressure drop due to the breathing circuit. The initial rise in pressure estimated from the pressure time series is a measure of the total pressure drop including the breathing circuit and the airways. The ventilator was run for a short time in pressure controlled mode using pin-peak as the target. The resulting tidal volume during operation in this mode was recorded.

The number of patients was arbitrarily fixed to 10. The statistical comparisons of quantitative variables between gas mixtures were performed using a within patient ANOVA parametric analysis with least squares mean Tukey adjustment in SAS v.9.1 (SAS Institute, USA). Thus, where the dataset was incomplete the patient was not included in the statistical analysis. The statistical comparisons of compliance measurements before, during, and after laparoscopy were performed using a paired Student-T test in a spreadsheet (Excel, Microsoft, USA). A p value below 0.05 was considered as a statistically significant difference.


Three physiological parameters were calculated based on the flow, pressure, and volume measurements: inhaled airway resistance, Raw-in, exhaled airway resistance, Raw-ex, and lung compliance, C, using the formulas given in Equations 1.

To estimate the pressure losses through the breathing filter (Hydro-Guard Mini; Intersurgical, UK) and the ETT the following formula was used.

where p is the gas density, k is the loss coefficient, and V is the velocity. Loss coefficients for the filter, 7.5 mm and 8 mm ETTs where determined by bench experiments [10] and fitted to formulas of the form

where the Reynolds number is Re=rVD/µ; D is the diameter (0.015 mm for the filter inlet) and µ is the gas viscosity. The fit coefficients are provided in Table 2. The gas properties used in the calculations are viscosity of 2.113x10-5, 2.339x10-5, 2.395x10-5 kg/s-m for Oxygen (O2 100%), Xenon (Xe/O2 30/70%) and Xenon (Xe/O2 60/40%), respectively; and similarly for density 1.257, 2.428, and 3.599 kg/m3, respectively for the three gases mixtures.


The patient characteristics including the ETT size are given in Table 1. Figure 1 shows composite example time series plots of flow rate and pressure from patient 7. The overall effects of gas concentration can be compared in the superimposed flow and pressure curves recorded from the ventilator. In particular, not the increase peak pressure and decrease in peak flow at the start of expiration with xenon concentration.

The measured data for each patient at each time point is provided in Table 1. The related calculated data derived from the measured data are provided in Table 2. The averaged results of these data are shown for graphical comparison in Figure 2A-2C for Raw-in, Raw-ex, and C, respectively. Table 3 is a summary of the calculations for the estimated pressure losses through the breathing filter and ETT. These data averages are shown graphically in Figure 2D. The average PetCO2 results are shown in Figure 2E.