In Vitro Study of Two Flowable Composites used to Bond a Fixed Orthodontic Retainer in Simulated Bruxism Conditions

Research Article

Austin Dent Sci. 2017; 2(1): 1008.

In Vitro Study of Two Flowable Composites used to Bond a Fixed Orthodontic Retainer in Simulated Bruxism Conditions

Labunet A¹, Furtos G², Objelean A¹*, Vigu A¹ and Badea M³

¹Department of Dental Materials, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

²Department of Dental Materials, Raluca Ripan Institute of Research in Chemistry, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

³Department Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

*Corresponding author: Adriana Objelean, Department of Dental Materials, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Received: January 30, 2017; Accepted: February 27, 2017; Published: March 02, 2017


Retention is a constant concern of orthodontists and most prefer fixed retainers following orthodontic treatment. Parafunction such as bruxism may influence retainer survival and this aspect has not been tested in either in vitro or in vivo conditions.

The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate marginal infiltration of an ormocer Admira flow (Voco) and a flowable composite resin - Gradia flow (GC) used to bond a fixed orthodontic retainer in conditions of simulated bruxism.

Forty human lower incisors were randomly divided in two groups and embedded in acrylic blocks while also simulating periodontal tissues. They were bonded in pairs of two, using a flexible retainer wire with the two materials. A chewing simulator was used for creating bruxism conditions for an interval corresponding to a six month time. Specimens were immersed in 2% basic fucsine solution for 24 hours and 1 mm bucco-lingual section of each tooth was observed under a stereomicroscope at 4X and 40X magnifications. The microinfiltration was calculated and the results were statistically interpreted.

Conditions of simulated bruxism affect breakage of samples prepared when periodontal ligament is also simulated. A statistically significant difference between the two groups was obtained, showing higher microleakage for the composite group. The mean value of microinfiltrations for the composite group (0.31) is twice the mean value of microinfiltrations for the ormocer group (0.15). However, ormocer specimens seem predisposed to cohesive failure, rather than the adhesive failure of the composite, which may be increased due to higher microleakage values. The clinical significance of this study focuses on ormocer and composite usage in bruxism conditions. Both dental materials may be used for retention fixation, as most of the samples’ resistance surpassed de 6 month testing equivalent for bruxism. Differences between microleakage in bruxism versus normal masticatory patterns should be investigated further.

Keywords: Retainer; Bruxism; Ormocer; Composite


An important concern of orthodontists is relapse following orthodontic treatment. Relapse may be caused by influences of the periodontal and gingival tissues, unstable positions of teeth and continued skeletal growth [1]. Most orthodontists prefer permanent retention, as concluded by Lai et al. who studied Swiss orthodontists’ procedures in 2014 [2]. There are several types of retention available, but most [2] orthodontists prefer fixed retention, as the compliance influences greatly the removable appliances’ effects. However, failure of bonded retainers may occur in different locations in the bonding segment: at the wire-composite interface, at the adhesive-enamel interface or as a stress fracture of the wire. Fracture or loss of adhesion of a retainer may lead to unwanted tooth movement.

American Academy of Orofacial Pain [3] defines bruxism as “diurnal or nocturnal parafunctional activity including clenching, bracing, gnashing, and grinding of the teeth.” The etiology of bruxism is not completely clear. As noted by Reddy et al., [4] morphological factors such as dental occlusion and the anatomy of the structures of stomatognathic system may be associated with bruxism. Other distinguishable etiologic factors of bruxism are: psychosocial factors such as stress and certain personality characteristics, central factors and special neurotransmitters, patho-physiological factors (i.e., diseases, trauma, genetics, smoking, alcohol, caffeine intake, illicit drugs and medications), sleep disorders (sleep apnea and snoring), and dopaminergic system involvement. There is no single cause responsible for bruxism and there is no single treatment that is effective for eliminating or reducing bruxism.

Bruxism is a concern among orthodontists as it causes parafunctional stress on the dento-maxilary structures. In relation to retention, bruxism may cause rapid failure of the fixed retainer as it poses great stress and additional force on the teeth bonded, therefore on the adhesive-wire-enamel interface.

There is little research on the influence of bruxism in orthodontics during or after treatment. A simple research of Medline database using the terms “ortho bruxism” gives only 77 results and only 2 articles are also linked to retention.

The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate microleakage for two adhesives for fixed orthodontic retainers- an ormocer, which is a organic modified ceramics based composite resin, Admira flow (Voco) [5] and a flowable conventional composite resin Gradia flow (GC) [6] -in simulated bruxism conditions. Both materials chosen are currently considered by researchers and orthodontists for use in bonding fixed retainers, as they offer certain advantages, such as fluidity and application with ease, positive physical and chemical properties. The resistance of fixed retainers in relation to the materials used for bonding and in simulation of parafunctions has not been tested before. Therefore, the present study approaches a new subject and also tests the ormocer, a dental material whose use in orthodontics has not been thoroughly tested.

Materials and Methods

Forty human lower incisors, extracted because of periodontal or orthodontic reasons, were selected for this study and divided into two equal groups: Gradia and Admira. All patients provided their informed consent. The study was approved by the Commission on Bioethics of the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. After careful cleaning 2-5 minutes/tooth with an ultrasound device (Woodpecker Handpiece, Guilin, China) and polishing 3 minutes/tooth with fluoride-free pumice based paste (Proxyt RDA 36 Ivoclair, Schaan, Liechtenstein), they were kept in 9% saline solution. Before testing, they were randomly divided in two groups and underwent testing for two different materials, using the chewing simulator to create bruxism conditions. The two materials tested were composite resins: Gradia direct flo® (GC, Tokyo Japan) and ormocer Admira® (Voco, Cuxhaven, Germany).

In order to better reproduce oral conditions, the periodontal tissues were simulated in a similar manner as that described in the study published by Brosh et al. [7]. A thin wax layer was applied to the roots of the 40 teeth. Then, teeth were paired and included in acrylic resin (Duracryl). After setting of the acrylic resin, teeth were extracted and the wax was cleaned. The next step was injecting light bodied addition cured silicone into the orifices created in the acrylic resin and placement of the teeth (Figure 1). Thus, all the forty incisors had the same conditions for testing -a thin layer of polivynil siloxane ensuring similar elasticity to parodontal ligaments [7].