Two Cases of Peritonitis due to Pantoea Species at One Center with Different Outcomes

Case Report

Austin Intern Med. 2018; 3(1): 1018.

Two Cases of Peritonitis due to Pantoea Species at One Center with Different Outcomes

Essam S, Noor A, Eldin MAN, Alsaleh E, Abdurhman IS and Alhwiesh A*

Department of Internal Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding author: Alhwiesh A, Department of Internal Medicine, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Division of Nephrology, King Fahd Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Received: December 11, 2017; Accepted: January 24, 2018; Published: January 31, 2018


Peritonitis is a serious complication of peritoneal dialysis. A variety of microorganisms are identified in these cases and during recent years a new one was included, Pantoea species. In our report, we present 2 cases of patients on CCPD with a peritonitis episode caused by this organism. The source of infection in one of the cases was thought to be due to gardening of the plant Basil, while unknown in the other case. In microbiologic culture, this organism was identified and the patients were started on antibiotics with success in one case while the other requiring catheter removal. The number of reported cases with this organism has increased in last years and various infection localizations and clinical progress patterns have been identified. In peritoneal dialysis patients presenting with peritonitis, this organism must be kept in mind.

Keywards: Peritonitis; Pantoea species; Peritoneal dialysis


For patients on peritoneal diaysis, peritonitis is an important cause of mortality and morbidity. The treating physician needs to keep a high index of suspicion and treat peritonitis early to improve outcome and reduce complications. While usual gram positive and gram negative organisms make most of the cases, recently one unusual environmental gram negative family appeared to be the cause.

The organism Pantoea, belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae and is responsible for infectious diseases mainly from plant-thorn injuries, causing arthritis, osteoitis, osteomyelitis to bacteremia. Until now a number of clinical cases of peritonitis caused by this organism have been described.

We present two cases (Case A and B) of peritonitis with Pantoea species at our center, both of which had different course and outcomes requiring different treatments.

Case Reports

Case A

The first case was a 19 year old male who has been on Peritoneal Dialysis for last 2 years without complications and no history of previous peritonitis, presented with 3 days history of abdominal pain and fever. The symptoms started two days after spending time gardening a specific type of plant calledReyhan - (Basil) at his home, although the patient did not remember any event of thorn pricks while planting Figure 1.