All Those Diseases which are Idiopathic in Nature Have One Common Etiology and I.E. Stress (Pyschogenic)

Short Communication

Austin Intern Med. 2018; 3(6): 1045.

All Those Diseases which are Idiopathic in Nature Have One Common Etiology and I.E. Stress (Pyschogenic)

Saurabh Suman Prasad*

Intern, Dr. Yadubir Sinha Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bakerganj, Darbhanga, Bihar, India

*Corresponding author: Saurabh Suman Prasad, Yadubir Sinha Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bakerganj, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga, Bihar, India

Received: June 26, 2018; Accepted: July 17, 2018; Published: July 24, 2018


Stress; Vital force; Chronic Glomerulonephritis; Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Thermophillic; Hallophillic; Cryophilic; Cytokinin; Interleukin


PCOD: Polycystic Ovarian Disease; HTN: Hypertension; DM: Diabetes Mallietus; AGN: Acute Glomerulonephritis; CgN: Chronic Glomerulonephritis; SLE: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; RHD: Rheumatic Heart Disease; IL: Interleukin; TNF: Tumor Necrosis Factor.


Cells, Tissue, Organ, Organ System and then organism, every cell are a complete organism in itself. Remember bacteria i.e. unicellular prokaryotic, similar to our cells but the difference is, in our cells evolution takes place in 10000 years Because due to Billions of cells in our body.

So Evolution takes place in a year or more than that, due to which our cells get resistant with the antibiotics in every ten years. Bacteria have strength to evolve him but which is depends upon some conditions.

Such as if bacteria sense any changes around himself weather in temperature climate and medium, immediately it undergoes some changes just similar as our cells will do but the fact is that we are billion in numbers so, the effect should take whole life to come.

That’s the reason:

• Every Alcoholic person doesn’t suffer from Liver Cancer.

• Every smoker doesn’t suffer from lung cancer.

Because in all these cases cellular stress will come but stress should take many years to transmit from each cell.


If a patient age 70 years who is a chain smoker in that case cellular stress will come but it may take 80 years to overcome and normal life span of human is about 70 years so, after his death he suffer from cancer.

Now see bacteria sincerely he is quite small but its effect we see:

• If changes his atmosphere, if we put bacteria in stress environment i.e. on high temp, hyper-salinity or low oxygen, we must see some evolution will takes place out of them;

• Some changes to Thermophillic, Hallophillic and Cryophillic.

Now go back to our cell take one cell and put it in stress condition we must see some evolution will takes place that they reproduce and cellular reproduction against stress is called as cancer.

Cancer is a way of life. Now we have billions of cells and life span only 70 to 80 years we think cancer is harmless because we couldn’t understand exactly what cancer is?

Cells always want to evolve but since they have limited life span and billions of cells are interaction. So at that time similar to nature of bacterial evolution it works against their own cell. Cellular memory is same because all cell evolutes from single cell and memory of cell passes generation after generation till the whole universe exist. Evolution is for our existence. If evolution doesn’t takes place then we all extinct. Those who don’t change according to time extinct away [1].

Stress Associated with other Autoimmune Disease

There are lots of diseases which are idiopathic in nature are generally associated with stress such as; PCOD, HTN, DM, CANCER, Autoimmune disease and many more including organ failure too.

In all the above diseases the etiology is not known so the question is why stress plays so much havoc in causing such diseases [2].


The answer is simple stress makes our cell sensitive and cellular sensitivity makes our cell to produce. Cell Produce some unknown chemicals those chemicals which are short lived and they also develop their receptors both chemicals and chemical receptors are made temporarily. Now as soon as cell sense any such things which are new to our immune system it release proinflammatory factors like, cytokinin, TNF, IL2, IL10 etc.

As soon as these factors get released in blood they play havoc because it usually liberated that’s why they kill their own cells resulting autoimmune disease. Like, AGN, CgN, SLE and RHD [3].

Autoimmune Response

These responses are due to proinflammatory factors like, cytokinin, TNF, IL2, IL10 etc. Cytokinin; It is a response of cell produces under stress condition. TNF, IL2; Interleukin 2, IL10; Interleukin 10; Interleukin: It is made up of two words, Inter: Interaction and Leukin: Leucocytes Protein. Now the message transfer from one WBC to another with the help of protein called as Interleukin. If monocyte wants to transfer some message to lymphocyte, then it is transferred with the medium Interleukin. Similiarly, when bacterial invasion occur then bone marrow give order to leucocyte and monocyte will take command to the site of invasion. Both monocytes and leucocytes transfer their messages with the help of interleukin. So All those diseases which are idiopathic in nature having one common etiology i.e. Stress, and it comes from the derangement of Vital Force [4].

Co-relation of Vital Force and Stress in Causing Autoimmune Disease

Force is of several types such as; Electrostatic force (Force between two charge particles), Gravitational Force (Force between two bodies moving mass). Similiarly Vital force (force between two bodies having vitality).

Vitality means ability to exist like Vitamin (Vital+Amin); Amino acid which helps the cell to alive and necessary for their proper functioning i.e. called Vitamin.


Primarily our Vital Force gets deranged then any external stimulus is responsible for pathological changes. Vital force is a group of force which helps our cell to remain in a cell.


  1. Organon of Medicine.
  2. Autoimmune Diseases.
  3. Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease. 2015.
  4. Pathology of the Immune System.

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Citation: Prasad SS. All Those Diseases which are Idiopathic in Nature Have One Common Etiology and I.E. Stress (Pyschogenic). Austin Intern Med. 2018; 3(6): 1045.

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