Upside Down Hypopyon

Clinical Image

Austin Ophthalmol. 2020; 4(1): 1015.

Upside Down Hypopyon

Tamym B*, Chabbar I, Bouzouba T and Berraho A

Service d'ophtalmologie B, hopital de specialites de rabat, Morocco

*Corresponding author: Tamym Bouchra, Service d'ophtalmologie B, hepital de specialites de rabat, Morocco

Received: February 17, 2020; Accepted: April 16, 2020; Published: April 23, 2020

Clinical Image

We report the case of an inverted hypopyon following a rhegmatogenic retinal detachment surgery, in a 50-year-old patient, benefiting from a vitrectomy with tamponade in silicone oil Slit lamp examination revealed a "reverse hypopyon" in the right eye, which was in fact emulsified silicone oil that had migrated from the posterior chamber into the anterior chamber accumulating in a superior manner (Figure 1).

Citation:Tamym B, Chabbar I, Bouzouba T and Berraho A. Upside Down Hypopyon. Austin Ophthalmol. 2020; 4(1): 1015.