Bioethics and Bioethical Education, Where to?


Austin Biol. 2018; 3(1): 1024.

Bioethics and Bioethical Education, Where to?

Iancu M*

Compartment of Professional Orientation of the Students, Bioterra University of Bucharest, Romania

*Corresponding author: Iancu Mariana, Compartment of Professional Orientation of the Students, Bioterra University of Bucharest, Garlei Street, No 84, District 1, Bucharest, Romania

Received: March 28, 2018; Accepted: April 09, 2018; Published: April 26, 2018


To 12th World Conference Bioethics, Medical Ethics & Health Law, March 21-23, 2017, from Limassol, Cyprus, the conference president, Prof. Amnon Carmi showed that for the first fifty years of bioethics was discussed the construction and development of its bioethic concept and that we are now facing a second stage, a new task, that seems to be even more important, complex and difficult, namely the delivering of our message to society, by planting the ethical values into the soul of the people and into their daily life and behavior.

In bioethics are very important two different tools: educational tool that consist of the use of novel methods and a legal tool by translated and adopted of theory and language of bioethics by the legislator and the judiciary, e.g. the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

In actual society are many bioethical controversial issues, including: stem cell research, “in vitro” fertilization, human cloning, euthanasia, genetically modified crops, bioethics in food security, production of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), beyond species barriers, and their commercialization.

Bioethics addresses a wide array of issues and the controversies which may arise and must be tackled in academic education. For example, the ethical principles of stem cell research, embryonic cell type that can grow into highly specialized cells found in various organs, are debated upon in various states, like United States of America, Great Britain, and Japan. The main controversy is focused on whether human embryos should be obtained to be used in scientific research since they will be destroyed; also, if stem cells are used to produce organs, the embryo from which the cells are collected will be destroyed and, therefore, a life will be terminated, what is immoral. The human cloning - a multiplication without fertilization - is a bioethic problem. Current human society is not yet ready to accept the process of cloning as a method of assisted reproduction medical, there is a real danger to enable amoral evolution and even destructive actions. “Bioethics -so there is no science and no new ethics (…), but a multidisciplinary focus, the border with current ideologies, philosophy, theology and law. The fact that in this way attracts other disciplines and civil society exceeds ethics. Contribution of other disciplines gives an identity that exceeds bioethics controversies and instability” [1].

For overcoming these problems, it needs education, so bioethical education

The road opener in the bioethics science was the American biochemist Van Rensselaer Potter in 1970 that sought to integrate biology, ecology, medicine, and human values and points out that “Bioethics has emerged as a new discipline which unites biological knowledge with knowledge Bioethical education of human value systems. I chose bio - to represent biological knowledge, the science of living systems, I chose ethics - to represent human value systems” [2].

According to the scientist Denis Buican, geneticist, agronomist, historian and philosopher of sciences, bioethics represents the “ethics governing fundamental biological, medical and agronomic research on all living creatures” [3].

A study showed that “Bioethics aims to identify an ethical framework by means of a multidisciplinary debate open to the scientific community, in order to allow support to scientists involved in biomedical research [4].

In our efforts of reconceptualization, point out that Bioethics is a multidisciplinary area that studies the application of ethics laws, juridic laws to complex of Sciences, involving various branches of human knowledge: Biology, medicine and healthcare, socialcare, zootechny, philosophy, psychology, sociology, cultorology, etc.

The bioethical education aims to educate young people so as to apply moral laws in close correlation with the laws of biology in scientific research and scientific advances in biology, human medicine, veterinary medicine, agriculture, zootechny, and also in everyday aspects of their social, professional and family life and life in general on Earth.

Bioethical education, as a component and as a cornerstone of moral education, looks at the education of young people, so as they will be able to apply both moral laws and Biology laws in their subsequent scientific research and endeavours. Bioethical education it is of the utmost importance in higher education in the profile of Biology, of Food faculties, of Medicine, Environmental, Agricultural faculties etc. encompassing heuristic strategies, interactive teaching methods, active traditional teaching methods and new, modern methods resorting to multi-media and electronic platforms.

Bioethics education is the result of interference of many sciences (Figure 1), such as: Biological Sciences; Natural Sciences; Human Medical Science; Veterinary Medical Science; Agricultural Science; Zoo technical Science; Educational Sciences and Psychology; and so on.

Citation: Iancu M. Bioethics and Bioethical Education, Where to?. Austin Biol. 2018; 3(1): 1024.