Proteomic Characterization of Protein-Protein Interactions

Review Article

Austin Biol. 2021; 4(1): 1027.

Proteomic Characterization of Protein-Protein Interactions

Veenstra TD*

Cedarville University, School of Pharmacy, USA

*Corresponding author: Veenstra TD, Cedarville University, School of Pharmacy, 251 North Main Street, Cedarville, OH 45314, USA

Received: March 15, 2021; Accepted: April 10, 2021; Published: April 17, 2021


Identifying all the molecular components within a living cell is the first step into understanding how it functions. To further understand how a cell functions requires identifying the interactions that occur between these components. This fact is especially relevant for proteins. No protein within a human cell functions on its own without interacting with another biomolecule - usually another protein. While Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) have historically been determined by examining a single protein per study, novel technologies developed over the past couple of decades are enabling high-throughput methods that aim to describe entire protein networks within cells. In this review, some of the technologies that have led to these developments are described along with applications of these techniques. Ultimately the goal of these technologies is to map out the entire circuitry of PPI within human cells to be able to predict the global consequences of perturbations to the cell system. This predictive capability will have major impacts on the future of both disease diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Protein-protein interactions; Mass spectrometry; Affinity purification; Cross-linking; Proximity labeling


Living cells are the ultimate team. To function properly, the players on the cell’s team (i.e., DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites, etc.) must interact with each other at the correct location and proper time [1]. These interactions drive every cell function. For DNA to be properly replicated or transcribed, it must interact with proteins, RNA, and metabolites. For RNA to be translated into proteins, it must interact with proteins and other RNA molecules. Besides DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein translation, biomolecular interactions maintain the cell’s structure (e.g., actin filaments), transport molecules throughout the cell, interpret and propagate signals originating from outside the cell (e.g., receptors, kinases, phosphatases, etc.), orchestrate cell division (e.g., cyclins, etc.), and produce the energy required for all of these processes to occur.

While interactions between diverse groups of biomolecules are critical to cell function, understanding Protein-Protein Interactions (PPI) are especially important to decipher. For example, if a novel protein is discovered, identifying who it interacts with provides a key piece of information for determining its function. Basic research has long recognized the importance of identifying PPI as illustrated by the large number of manuscripts on this topic that are published in top tier journals. Historically, hypothesis-driven methods have been used to identify suspected PPI [2-4]. In many hypothesis-driven methods, cells are lysed under non-denaturing conditions to preserve PPI as much as possible outside of their native environment (Figure 1A). A targeted protein is captured, along with other biomolecules that are bound to the target protein, using an affinity device (usually an antibody). A series of washing steps are performed to eliminate nonspecifically bound proteins, while retaining those that are legitimate members of the protein complex. After separating the members of the protein complex using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE), they are transferred to a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) membrane. This stage is where the hypothesis comes in. The PVDF membrane is probed with an antibody that targets a protein that the investigator believes is part of the complex. If the antibody reveals a band near the anticipated molecular weight of the hypothesized protein, it is concluded that this protein interacts with the target protein. The net result is binary discovery: a second protein that interacts with the target protein is discovered [5].

While this hypothesis-driven method has proven fruitful, there are several deficiencies in this approach. Since it requires using a specific antibody probe to prove a hypothesis, incorrect hypotheses can be costly in terms of both time and money. Unexpected, novel PPI are difficult to find using this strategy. The technique is heavily reliant on antibody specificity for identifying novel PPI. Regardless of these deficiencies, hypothesis-driven methods continue to play a major role in basic research [6].

The advent of modern Mass Spectrometry (MS) technologies has made a huge impact on the identification of PPI. The characterization of PPI is arguably the biggest impact MS has had on biological sciences; even greater than its role in systems biology or biomarker discovery. There are a number of reasons for this impact. Firstly, MS has shifted PPI studies from hypothesis to discovery-driven [7]. While the sample preparation steps (i.e., isolation of the protein complex) are similar, the discovery-driven method differs in how and how many proteins can be identified in a single study. In a discovery-driven approach, the isolated complex is fractionated (generally using either SDS-PAGE or liquid chromatography) and all of the proteins present are analyzed using MS (Figure 1B). The advantages of this method are that no hypothesis is needed to identify interacting proteins and multiple members of the protein complex can be identified without the need for antibodies. Another advantage of this discovery-driven approach is that proteins that could never have been predicted to be part of the targeted complex can be identified. Finally, since protein identification is not reliant on antibodies there are no issues related to the uncertainty associated with antibody cross-reactivity.