Review Article
Austin J Biomed Eng. 2014;1(3): 1013.
Bayesian Models for Healthcare Data Analysis
Xiaoshan Xie1*, Gang Zhang1, Ying Huang1 and Shanxing Ou2*
1School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, China
2Department of Radiology, Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, China
*Corresponding author: :Xiaoshan Xie, School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China.
Received: May 15, 2014; Accepted: June 16, 2014; Published: June 18, 2014
The rapid increasing amount of healthcare data poses great challenges to data mining and machine learning study and applications. Recently a large number of algorithms and models have been proposed to discover knowledge and information from large scale healthcare datasets. In medical applications, confidence measured by posterior probability is well accepted since it can quantify the certainty or severity of targets. In this article, we propose a sparse Bayesian model for healthcare data analysis. The proposed model utilizes a set of basic functions and it learns a sparse weight vector to combine them together. Our model is a fully Bayesian method which can incoporate a prior and derive a likelihood function from a given training data set. Working with the images of Pulmonary Embolism diagnosis dataset and Breast Cancer clinical dataset from KDDCup, our experiments demonstrate that the Bayesian approach lead to 83% and 80% test accuracy in modeling principles of healthcare data and it significantly improves the performance of its couterparts.
With the increasing availability of biomedical and healthcare data with a wide range of sophisticated characteristics, healthcare data analysis has been an popular and challenging work in recent years. Therefore, a large number of algorithms in data mining have been proposed to model the uncertainties that come with the problem, including Decision Tree (DT), Neural Network (NN), Bayesian methods, association rule mining and so on. Currently, benefit from natural advantages of mining and learning in recognizing significant facts, relationships, trends and anomalies, mining and learning techniques have been widely applied in healthcare domain [1,2]. As early as 1997, to improve the quality of care as well as to help control spiraling costs in healthcare industry, Rogers et al. [3] applied the SAS technology to solve critical bussiness solutions with the healthcare industry. Moreover, Sellappan et al. [4] developed a web-based Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction System (IHDPS) by using Decision trees, Naive Bayes and Neural Network, which was considered as one of a prominent model [5]. And it also can be implemented to better understand key indicators involving quality outcomes and encounters of care. Liu Peng et al. [6] proposed to utilize decision tree, Naive Bayesian classifiers and feature selection methods to predict inpatient length of stay. A PSO-SVM based on association rules in automatic detection of erthemato-squamous diseases obtain higher accuracy [7,8]. And detection of fraudulent insurance claims, making better health policy, forecasting treatment costs are also applications of data mining in healthcare domain [9,10]. Nevertheness, according to the survey of [11], few data mining methods are treated as practically valuable tools for clinical purposes. To better solve these issues, Bayesian method has been attached more importance in theorical study and some new algorithms based on it have been proposed to solve practical problems.
Bayesian method is the powerful one that emerges as a method for discovering patterns in biomedical data and has better speed and accuracy for huge datasets [8,12,13]. Naive Bayesian Classifier (NBC) uses probability to represent each class and trends to find the most possible class for each sample, which always performs well in practice [6]. And the Naive Bayesian Imputation (NBI) proposed in [14] is used for missing data handling. Zhao et al. [15] proposed a Bayesian-based Personalized Laboratory Test prediction (BPLT) to predict laboratory tests for a given group of patients. By considering the aquisition of data from different sources, Martijin described a new formalism named multilevel Bayesian networks for the analysis of hierarchical health care data [16].
In this article, we attempt to construct a sparse model based on Bayesian learning methods. The proposed method tries to model the generative principles of the target data set. Mathematically, we often express a generative model as following:
where y∈R is a target variable and d x∈Rdis a d- dimension feature vector. Φ is a set of basic functions, where ∈ is Gaussian noise with zero mean and unknown variance. In this work, we limit Φ to be a set of random initialized Gaussian distributions. The goal is to derive the posterior distribution p(w|D) given training dataset D and the predictive distribution p(y|x,D) given training dataset D and a test example x. Moreover, to cut down the computational cost of both training and test, a sparse combination is preferred, meaning that in the weight vector w, there are a lot of elements are zero. We will show that the problem of finding a sparse weight vector can be solved by a Relevant Vector Machine (RVM), which is a Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) model [17,18]. Figure 1 sketches the main idea of this article.
Figure 1: The main idea of sparse Bayesian learning.
The remainder of this article is organized as following. In Section 2 we formally give the sparse Bayesian model. In Section 3 we present the evaluation results of the propsed model compared with some recent methods. And finally we conclude the article in Section 4.
The Sparse Bayesian Model
We aim at building a model to capture the predictive distribution of the prediction target. Let be a set of known basic distributions. Given a training dataset , the likelihood can be expressed as p(y|x,w). And if we introduce a proper prior, we can get the Maximum a Prior (MAP) distribution. Thus the optimal w* can be expressed as:
where λ is a square ratio between the variance of ε and w. p(y|w,x) is the likelihood function and p(w) is the prior for the weights w. It is well known that in SBL an ARD prior is often imposed on w by introducing a set of parameter α [19]. Thus we have:
where a is the precison controlling each element of w. If is infinity, the corresponding would be driven to zero.
The likelihood p(y|x,w) can be written as following:
where is the probability of each sample. Since the distribution is controlled by two parameters, we can use point estimation method to evaluate them.
According to Bayesian formula, we can derive the posterior distribution with likelihood, prior and the evidence as following:
where and . Note that Φ can be a kernel matrix if we make use of a Gaussian process prior. In our work, we use a radius basic function kernel over D to generate such prior, such that where . The optmial α and ε can be determined by solving a type-2 maximum likelihood problem, where we have:
According the formula of the convolution of two normal distribution, the above marginal likelihood can be solved analytically in its logarithm form as following:
[Sorry. Ignored \begin{aligned} … \end{aligned}] (7)
Where . The optimal a and e can be obtained through a iteration procedure, where we have:
An important thing should be noticed is that during the iteration procedure, a large number of αi would be driven to infinity, leading to only a small amount of non-zero wi . Hence we obtain a sparse model. The model sparsity is originated from the fitness between basic distributions and the groundtruth distribution implied in the training dataset D. If a basic distribution does not go along with some direction of the groundtruth, it will be gradually driven out by increasing the corresponding α.
After we find the optimal α and ε, we can derive the predictive distribution given a test sample xη. The predictive distribution is the marginal of w. It is the integration on w with the convolution of posterior and prior. We have:
[Sorry. Ignored \begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}] (11)
Where . Hence we can get a predictive distribution of a given test example xη. However, there is still one thing to be addressed. The proposed model is naturally based on a regression setting, meaning that the target variable y∈R. In healthcare data analysis, the target variables are discreate in many cases. To make the proposed method suitable for classification, we introduce a sigmoid function into our model. A sigmoid function can typically be expressed as , whose range is (0,1]. Each input can be compressed to a standard range. We use sigmoid function to convert the output of our model to (0,1] and then use a discriminate function to get a class label.
Evaluation and Results
Dataset description
We evaluate the proposed method on two healthcare datasets from KDDCup, a famous data mining competition. The first is a Pulmonary Embolism (PE) diagnosis dataset, and the seccond is a Breast Cancer clinical data set. We briefly denote these two datasetsas M1 and M2. For M1, the target is to classify whether an individual has PE given an image. A total of 4429 candidates were identified in the candidate generation procedure: 3038 candidates appear in thetraining set, and 1391 appear in the test set. Each candidate is a cluster f voxels (the 3-D analog of pixels) with gray values for each voxel in the cluster. Each candidate was then l abeled as a PE or not based n proximity to a 3-D landmark provided by an expert. The image is expressed as a 69-ary feature vector. The detail of M1 is listed in Table 1. For M2, the analysis target is to identify whether a patient has breast cancer. A breast cancer screen typically consists of 4 X-ray images; 2 images of each breast from different directions (MLO and CC). Each image is represented by several candidates . For each candidate, there are image ID and the patient ID, (x,y) location, several features, and a class label indicating whether or not it is malignant. For convenience,the dataset has been preprocessed and each sample has a vector-form. Table 2 lists the detail of M2. And three examples of raw clinical data have been presented in Table 3. The first one and the second one set are from train data, and the third one is from the test data. Notethat the first two columns supply the patient identifier and the PE identifier. The PE indentifier is also our target lable variable. If it is a PE, the lable is a positive number, if it is not a PE, the label is set to 0.In the test data, all labels are set to -1, which means unknown.
Patient ID
4 bits
whether or not there is PE
Size feature
image size
spatial shape feature
3-ary vector
Location feature
2-ary vector
neighborhood intensity feature
2-ary vector
simple intensity statistic
4-ary vector
neighborhood feature
4-ary vector
neighborhood intensity feature
18-ary vector
shape feature
26-ary vector
anatonical feature
4-ary vector
neighborhood feature threshold
2-ary vector
intensity contrast feature
5-ary vector
Shape neighbor feature
34-ary vector
Table 1: Description of M1.
Ground truth label
a unique non-negative identifier
identify a lesion
if the candidate was generated from the left breast
from an MLO image or not
X-pixel location
Y-pixel location
X-pixel nipple location
Y-pixel nipple location
Table 2: Description of M2.
Feature examples
Table 3: Examples of raw clinical data in M1.
We perform two kinds of evaluation to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The first is to evaluate the performance of the proposed model compared with the traditional Bayesian Model(BM) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The second is to illustrate how sparse our model is, and the relationship between the model sparsity and the performance. For both cases, we use the same setting as following. The whole dataset is randomly divided into training set and test set with ratio 3:7. We only consider two classes classification problem. Since the two datasets are multiple classes, we convert them into m sub problems, each problem is a one-versus-restclassification problem. For the compared Bayesian model, a flat prior is used in the model. For SVM, the default parameter is set and radius basic function is used as kernel function. In both cases the distancefunction between samples is Euclidean distance function. Zeroone loss is used as the loss function for accuracy evaluation. Figure 2 shows the compared results for the first case. From Figure 2, we can see that compared with the traditional Bayesian model and SVM classifier, our SBL model has the best performance in both datasets. It leads to 83% and 80% accuracy respectively.
Figure 2: Evaluation results on two datasets.
Note that the model sparsity can be controlled by a threshold, i.e. prune off the elements of w based on their absolute values. To show the relationship between the model sparsity and accuracy, we vary the threshold to obtain different sparsity levels. There are 500 basic distributions in the candidate set. Figure 3 shows the accuracy at different sparsity levels of the model. In Figure 3, SBL stands for the proposed method and all stands for the combination of all candidate distribution with equal weights. We see that a sparise combination performs a little better than the whole, which obeys the idea of selective ensemble learning. And when the sparsity level equals to 0.4, it can achieve the best accuracy [20].
Figure 3: Relationship between model sparsity and accuracy.
In this article, we propose to use sparse Bayesian learning methods to analyse healthcare data. The goal is to model the underlying principles of a given healthcare dataset. And use the learned model to classify unseen samples. The proposed method is a pure Bayesian solution. It is benefit from a Gaussian process prior and ARD prior. The optimization problem can be coverted into a standard relevant vector machine problem, which guarantees the sparsity of the target model. The proposed model can be applied in large scale healthcare data analysis tasks and real-time analysis.
publ This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61273249, 81373883), the College Student Career and Innovation Training Plan Project of Guangdong Prov. (yj201311845015, yj201311845023 and yj201311845031).
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