Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry

Journal Title: Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry

PMC Abbreviation: Austin J Bioorg & Org Chem

ISSN Number: -

Prefix DOI: 10.26420/

Peer Review: Double-Blind

Impact Factor : -

Current Volume: Volume 3

Manuscript Processing: 15 - 25 Days (After Submission)

Publication Model : Open Access

Year of Inaugural Volume : 2014

Contact EMail:

Language : English

About Journal

Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry is a peer reviewed, open access journal publishes manuscripts in the following areas but not limited to structures, synthesis, kinetics, organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemical biology.

Austin Journal of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry accepts original research articles, review articles, commentaries, Letters, perspectives, and rapid communication on all the aspects of Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry.