Dicyandiamide Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emission in Paddy Soils

Research Article

Austin J Biotechnol Bioeng. 2015;2(1): 1037.

Dicyandiamide Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emission in Paddy Soils

Wu DL1, Zheng SS1, Mahmood Q2, Li JY1, Tian GM1*, Li H1 and Li YX1

1Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang University, China

2Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan

*Corresponding author: Qaisar Mahmood, Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS, Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan

Tian GM, Department of Environmental Engineering, ollege of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Zhejiang University, China

Received: December 12, 2014; Accepted: March 09, 2015; Published: March 11, 2015


The effects of various Dicyandiamide (DCD) concentrations and variations of watering on the mechanism of nitrogen transformations and Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emission in paddy soils were investigated. The application of low concentration of DCD (0.5% of urea) delayed the N2O emission peak for 3 days while high DCD level (2% of urea) almost completely inhibited the N2O emission. Under 95% and 110% WSPF conditions, soil nitrite concentration increased and reached the peak on the 7th day with 0.5% DCD application same as in the control, while it was very low all the time in the 2% DCD treatment. Under 60% WSPF, nitrite in the soil pool decreased for all DCD treatments. Strong inhibitory effects of DCD were noted on nitrosobacterial populations without any obvious influence on soil nitrobacteria and denitrifying bacteria. At higher DCD applied level under fully moist conditions (110% Water Filled Pore Spaces (WSPF)), nitrite and nitrate concentrations kept very low throughout indicating that initial step of nitrification was completely inhibited. It was concluded that 2% DCD may be applied under fully moist conditions to increase in rice yield and to avoid release of N2O.

Keywords: DCD; Nitrous oxide; Nitrogen transformation; Water conditions


More orthodox style of rice cultivation in China involves continuous flooding of paddy fields for about a month after application of basal fertilizer, then exposed to aeration for a week or so named as Midseason Aeration (MSA) which are followed by intermittent irrigations. It was proposed that nitrification inhibitor may be inefficient during continuous flooding, as stagnant water creates anaerobic conditions, thus automatically suppressing the nitrification [1,2]. Rapid drainage and drying– wetting alternation may render the upper soil layers aerobic in rice fields. Considerable amount of N2O is produced via nitrification as well as denitrification and lost to atmosphere. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is produced as a result of natural denitrification in rice fields which contributes to global warming [3]. It is 298 times more intoxicating as than CO2 and its concentration in the atmospheric is rising at the rate of approximately 0.26% year-1 and reached 319 ppb (10-9 mol mol-1) in 2005 [4]. The global warming potential of N2O is 320-340 times higher than that of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) when calculated for a time horizon of 100 years [5].

Approximately 80% of total atmospheric N2O is released from agricultural soils caused by nitrogen fertilizers which are the most important anthropogenic sources of N2O [6]. Apart from environmental concern, such losses lead to lower crop productivity. An approach of minimizing the nitrate leaching and denitrification from soil and improving nitrogen use efficiency is to use a nitrification inhibitor [7] which delays the NO3 - production from NH4 +. Urease and nitrification inhibitors weaken the urea hydrolysis to NH4 +–N and inhibit the nitrification process of NH4 +–N, respectively, thus inhibiting the N2O formation. Traditionally, urease and nitrification inhibitors are applied into soil along basal fertilizers prior to rice transplantation. Hydroquinone (HQ) - the Urease inhibitor and Dicyandiamide (DCD) as nitrification inhibitor are currently being used in this field. DCD alone or in combination with HQ, could substantially reduce CH4 and N2O emissions during rice growth season [8,9] and effectively regulated the behavior of applied urea–N in a soil-plant system [10,11]. The collective use of DCD and urea has proven useful because they simultaneously reduced N2O emission by 53% and CH4 emission by 22% and improved crop quality [12]. Li et al. observed that DCD and HQ reduced the N2O and CH4 emissions during rice growth [13]. Boeckx et al. found that the application of Urea (U) with HQ, U with DCD, U with HQ plus DCD decreased N2O emissions by 11, 47 and 62%, respectively, and CH4 emission by 30, 53 and 58% [14].

It is well established fact that the uses of nitrification inhibitors like DCD results in minimizing the nitrogen losses from soil thus improving crop yield by effective nitrogen utilization. Previous literature shows that no research is available on the effect of DCD on the nitrogen transformations under anaerobic conditions. Little information is available on the proper conditions and the concentrations for DCD application for effective results. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of various DCD concentrations applied to different soil moisture conditions and how DCD affects soil nitrogen transformations.

Materials and Methods


Paddy soil of sandy texture (organic matter 21.3 g/kg, with initial pH 7.98, Total Nitrogen 1.27 g/kg, and Total Phosphate 0.73 g/kg) was collected from experiment farm of Zhejiang University, China. The soil samples were air-dried, ground and sieved through 2 mm mesh before experiment.


A laboratory study was carried out to demonstrate the effects of various concentrations of DCD on nitrogen transformation and emission of N2O under various water conditions. There were 9 treatments (each in triplicates) including combinations of 3 different

Water-Filled Pore Space (WFPS or degree of saturation) conditions with 2 different DCD concentrations i.e. (1) 60 % WFPS (2) 60% WFPS + 0.5% DCD (3) 60% WFPS + 2% DCD (4) 95 % WFPS (5) 95 % WFPS + 0.5 % DCD (6) 95 % WFPS + 2 % DCD (7) 110 % WFPS (8) 110 % WFPS + 0.5 % DCD and (9) 110 % WFPS + 2 % DCD. Urea was applied at the rate of 16.5 mg per treatment which was equivalent to 154 mg N/kg soil. Low concentration of DCD was 0.0825 mg+0.5% of urea while high concentration of DCD was 0.33 mg + 2% of urea.

To each jar (600 ml capacity), 50 g dry soil was placed and adjusted its water content, sealed with a lid and was kept steady through weighing. The jars were incubated at 30 °C then DCD was added into the corresponding jars in a solution mixed with urea after 3-day of prior incubation.

The N2O gas monitoring was carried out at the end of prior incubation (before fertilization) and on days 1, 9, 11, 13, 16,19,22,26 days after fertilization. In addition, soil samples were collected on the days 1, 2,4,7,10,14 after fertilization to measure nitrogen forms, and the sample of the 4th day was collected to monitor the microbial growth.

Analytical procedures

Soil nitrogen: Soil was extracted with 2M KCl solution for 60 min (soil extract ratio=1:4). NH4 +, NO2 - and NO3 - were analyzed in the soil extract using UV 1206 spectrophotometer. NH4 + was determined by indigotine colorimetry, NO2 - was determined by Griess-Ilosvay colorimetry and NO3 - was determined by phenolic-2-sulfonic acid colorimetry.

N2O: N2O was measured with a gas chromatograph (Shimadzu GC-14A) equipped with a 63Ni Electron Capture Detector (ECD) and 1.0 m Porapac N columns. The column and detector temperatures were 85 °C and 350 °C, respectively, and the carrier gases were 5% methane and 95% argon (30 ml min-1).

All the methods used for the determination of nitrogenous species were standard methods [15].

Microbial growth: Most Probable Number (MPN) enumeration technique [16] was used to monitor the populations of nitrogen cycle bacteria to describe the microbial growth situation.


Effects of DCD on the N2O emission

When lower concentration of DCD (0.5% of urea) in 95% WFPS was applied, the appearance of N2O peak was deferred for 3 days compared with the control (urea without DCD) (Figure 1), while the addition of high DCD concentration (2% of urea) resulted in the complete inhibition of N2O emission. A similar trend was noted for the other two WFPS treatments, which indicated that high concentration of DCD could strongly inhibit N2O emissions.