Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis of the Fruits and Leaves of Datura Stramonium L, and the Effect of Fungi Associated with Foliar Blight on Them

Research Article

Austin J Biotechnol Bioeng. 2017; 4(1): 1073.

Proximate and Phytochemical Analysis of the Fruits and Leaves of Datura Stramonium L, and the Effect of Fungi Associated with Foliar Blight on Them

Ibiam OFA¹*, Kalu EN², Kanayochukwu LU³ and Akpo SO4

¹Department of Biology/Microbiology/Biotechnology, Federal University, Nigeria

²Department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki

³Department of Industrial Chemistry, Renaissance University, Nigeria

4Department of Industrial Chemistry, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki

*Corresponding author: Onyekachi Francis Akanu Ibiam, Department of Biology/Microbiology/ Biotechnology, Federal University, Ndufu-Alike Ikwo Ebonyi State, Nigeria

Received: December 07, 2016; Accepted: March 16, 2017; Published: March 27, 2017


Isolation and identification of fungi associated with leaf blight of Datura stramonium L was carried out. The proximate, Vitamin C, Metallic, Non-metallic Mineral composition of the apparently healthy and infected leaves, and the fruits of Datura stramonium were investigated. After the analysis, the leaves and the fruits were observed to contain anti- nutrients such as Flavonoid, Saponin, Cyanogenic glycoside, Non-metalic Minerals as Phosphate, Phosphorus, Nitrate, Nitrogen; Metallic Minerals such as Manganese, Calcium, Sodiuma, Potassium, Iron, and trace elements Cadmium, Copper, Zinc and Lead in a negligible amount; Food Nutrients; Carbohydrate, Protein, Ash, Lipid, Fiber and water, and Vitamin C. The apparently healthy leaves contained high Percentage of Flavonoid, Nitrate, Calcium, Nitrogen, Moisture, Ash and Protein when compared with the infected leaves and the fruit samples (P<0.05). The infected leaves contained high Percentage of Alkaloid, Mn, Mg and Ca (mg/100g) when compared with apparently healthy leaves sample and the fruit samples of the same species (P<0.05). The fruits of Datura stramonium sample contained high Percentage of Saponin, Cynogenic glycoside, vitamin C, Lipid, Carbohydrate and Fiber when compared with the infected samples and apparently healthy leaf sample of the plant (P<0.05). Fusarium oxysporum and Colletortichum linedenutianun were isolated from the infected leaves of the plant.

Keywords: Analysis; Foliar blight; Fungi; Mineral nutrient; Proximate


According to Stace et al. [1], Datura stramonium is resistant to diseases and pests compared to exotic vegetables like tomatoes, and many diseases and pests. Puccinia penniseti (yellow rust), Geotrichum candidum (rusty brown leaf spot), Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium dahliae (wilt), Gloeosporium melongenae (anthracnose), Leveillula taurica (powdery mildew), Phomopsis vexans (Phomopsis rot), Phytophthora parasitica (fruit rot).have been reported to attack the crop, but most are rarely very harmful. Certain cultivars are resistant to Cercospora solani, Thielaviopsis basicola (damping-off disease), Leucinodes orbonalis, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (whitefly), Amrasca biguttula (leaf hopper), and highly tolerant to Tetranychus urticae (spider mite) and Fusarium wilting [1]. Cultivars having fruits with a tough calyx cover and high phenolic content are more resistant to fruit borers than those without [2].

Gatumber, et al. [3], reported that the plant contains Alkaliod (3.80%), Flavonoid (2.96%), Saponin (2.30%), Cynogenicglycocide (0.002%) Phosphate (0.41%), Phosphorus (0.15%), Nitrate (88.30% Nitrogen (0.126%), Vitamin C Magnesuim (31%), Carbohydrate (8.81%), Protein (6.56%), Fibre (74%), Manganese (2%), Calcium (38%), Soduim (91%). The highly soluble minerals such as Calcim (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Phosphorus (P), Iron (Fe) and Potassium (K), help in the maintenance of acid-base balance of the hydrogen ion concentration of the body tissues, and also help complete the absorption of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates of food [4]. Ca and Fe furnish all the cells and tissues of the body with the elements and nutritional enzymes which they need; and the higher Calcium contents of Solanum aethiopicum L, suggests that they would be more advantageous to the body in the functions associated with the minerals as Calcium is required for bone and teeth formation and in the proper functioning of the nervous system [5]. Potassium is required in muscles and nerve functions, [6]. According to [7], Phosphorus is important in the energy transfer of nucleic acids, its value ranging from 1.83mg/100g; and Iron is important in the formation hemoglobin of the blood. Harbone (2006) also reported that the leaves and fruit of the plant contain anti-nutrient such as Alkaloid which affects the central nervous system, including nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord which control many direct body functions and behaviour of man. The whole plant has an unpleasant taste, accidental poisoning f results from the consumption of a tea made from the seeds either for its alleged medicinal benefits or for its hallucinogenic effects [6].

Saponins can be widely used because of their effects on ammonia emission in animal feeding. Saponins are known to possess both microbial and anti-inflammatory activities [8]. Studies have reported the beneficial effects of spooning on blood cholesterol levels and stimulation of the immune system [9]. Appreciable amounts of metals like potassium, sodium, calcium are vital in regulation of water - electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body, provides both man and animal with rigidity and support, essentials for bone and teeth formation and development, blood clotting and normal functioning of the heart, nervous systems and the muscles respectively [5].

Justification for the work

The fruit of this plant is a delicacy in the rural areas of Ebonyi State, and no work has been done on the proximate and phytochemicals analysis and the fungi associated with the foliar blight of the plant.

Materials and Methods

The apparently healthy fruits, leaf and the infected leaf of Datura stramonium used in the study were obtained from the traditional farm land in Mgbabo achara Ezza Local Government Area in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. Materials used were petridishes, Potato-Dextrose-Agar (PDA) media, 70% Ethanol, Sterilized scapel, binocular microscope, glass slides, cover slips, distilled water, cheese brough clothes, refrigerator, autoclave, incubator, corn borer, inoculation loop, aluminium foil, masking tape, weighing balance, measuring cylinder, conical flask, etc.

Fungal isolation

The direct method of isolation of fungal pathogens was used. The plant materials (fruits and leaves) were each cleaned to remove soils or dirt by passing them over running water, washed with several changes of distilled water, surface sterilized with 70% ethanol and cut into small pieces (4mm2) with sterilized scapel. The work bench was also cleaned with 70% ethanol. The cut pieces of the fruits and leaves were placed on a freshly prepared Potato-Dextrose-Agar (PDA) media and incubated at room temperature 25±2oC for 48 hours, after which the fungal isolates were sub-cultured into pure culture and identified based on their habit and spore characteristics using the method of Barnett, et al. [10]. The pure isolates were preserved and sub-cultured of every fresh experiment carried out with them (Figures 1-4).