Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm: Report of a Case with Atypical Cytology and Immunophenotype

Special Article - Leukemia

J Blood Disord. 2015; 2(3): 1033.

Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm: Report of a Case with Atypical Cytology and Immunophenotype

Lamar E¹*, Roggy A2,3*, Le Calvez G¹, Marion V¹, Buors C1,4, Quintin-Roue I5, Costa S5, Morel F4,6, Brenaut E4,7, Tempescul A8, Biichle S3, Garnache- Ottou F2,3 and Ugo V1,4

¹Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, France

²EFS Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, France

³Université de Franche Comté, France

4Université de Brest, France

5Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest, Service d’Anatomie Pathologique, France

6Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest, Laboratoire de Cytogénétique, France

7Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest, Service de Dermatologie, France

8Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest, Service d’Hématologie Clinique, France

*Corresponding author: Lamar E, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, CHU Brest, Avenue Tanguy Prigent, 29609 Brest, France

Roggy A, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, EFS Bourgogne- Franche Comté, 8 rue du Docteur François-Xavier GIROD (BP 1937), 25020 Besançon Cedex, France

Received: August 28, 2015; Accepted: November 16, 2015; Published: November 26, 2015


Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) or Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Leukemia (pDCL) is a rare and aggressive malignancy, whose diagnosis is mainly based on phenotypic characterization of the blastic cells with CD4+/CD56+ antigens. We report a BPDCN case with a blastic population expressing CD4 with no CD56 expression. In cytology, the classical “pearl necklace” aspect was missing. The diagnosis was made thanks to the specific BPDCN markers, namely CD303 (BDCA2), CD304 (BDCA4), and cTCL1. Biologists should be aware of this atypical presentation.

Keywords: Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN); Leukemia; Plasmacytoid dendritic cell; Diagnosis; Immunophenotyping

Case Report

Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN), also called Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Leukemia (pDCL), is a rare and aggressive hematological disease described as a subtype of acute leukemia in the 2008 World Health Organization classification [1]. The diagnosis is often delayed because of an indolent initial clinical presentation, most frequently with asymptomatic solitary or multiple skin lesions, which usually progress towards aggressive systemic dissemination. The diagnosis is mainly based on phenotypic characterization of the blastic cell population expressing CD4+ and CD56+ antigens, in the absence of myeloid and lymphoid markers. However, phenotypic variations can be observed [2,3]. The blasts’ morphology can also be suggestive, usually with a large amount of cytoplasm, sometimes forming pseudopodia, with faint basophilia, no granulation and a peculiar arrangement of small vacuoles along the cytoplasmic outline with a “necklace” aspect [4].

We report the case of a 66 year old Caucasian male who was hospitalized in the dermatology unit for multiple cervical adenopathies and cutaneous lesions. One month previously, a lesion had appeared on the right cheek and had grown rapidly. On examination, he presented a large infiltrated purplish lesion with a diameter of about 5 cm on the cheek, which was not painful. Numerous ecchymotic lesions on the top of the trunk appeared about two weeks later (Figures 1A & 1B). The blood count was normal, except for macrocytic anemia (hemoglobin (Hb) 11.5 g/dL, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 103.8 fL). After having excluded infection, the skin lesions were biopsied. Histology and immunohistochemistry studies showed proliferation of hematological cells that were CD45+, CD20- CD3-, CD138-, with cCD79 a weakly expressed by a few large cells, consistent with possible large B-cell lymphoma. Cervical lymph node biopsy was performed and also showed proliferation of undifferentiated cells expressing CD45 and weakly expressing CD79a. The proliferation cell fraction as detected by Ki67 was 50% and the diagnosis of large B-cell lymphoma was retained. The patient was treated by COP-CDEA chemotherapy. A few months later, before the third chemotherapy course, the patient was in poor condition, presenting new cervical lymphadenopathies, hemorrhagic syndrome with ecchymosis, new skin lesions, neurological symptoms and respiratory distress. Laboratory findings showed anemia (Hb: 9 g/dL), thrombocytopenia (50 G/L) and leukocytosis (85.8 G/l) with 83% blast cells. Morphology was heterogeneous, with some poorly differentiated large-to-intermediate blasts and abundant basophilic cytoplasm; some cells containing azurophilic granulation; few blasts showing large pink granules (pseudo-Chediak-Higashi granules); and some smaller blasts presented pseudopodia with or without small granulations. No Auer rods or dysplasia were observed. Bone marrow aspirate revealed a massive infiltration of blast cells with more nuclei irregularities than in blood cells (Figure 2A). Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid showed large blastic infiltration.

Citation: Lamar E, Roggy A, Le Calvez G, Marion V, Buors C, Quintin-Roue I, et al. Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm: Report of a Case with Atypical Cytology and Immunophenotype. J Blood Disord. 2015; 2(3): 1033. ISSN 2379-8009