Comparison between Giemsa, Harris Hematoxline & Eosin and Lieshman Stain in Peripheral Blood Picture

Review Article

J Blood Disord. 2018; 5(1): 1051.

Comparison between Giemsa, Harris Hematoxline & Eosin and Lieshman Stain in Peripheral Blood Picture

Ali AS*, Dafaalla AAEA and Eltyeb Babeker YM

Medical Laboratory Sciences, Hematology and Immuno Hematology Elimam, Elmahadi University, Sudan

*Corresponding author: Ali AS, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Hematology and Immunohaematology Elimam Elmahadi University, Sudan

Received: March 02, 2018; Accepted: April 16, 2018; Published: April 23, 2018


This was a Descriptive comparative study was performed the compare the morphology of peripheral blood picture when stained by giemsa lieshman and harris hematoxline and eosin. The study was performed in El-imam El-Mahdi University faculty of medical laboratory science, in Kosti town -white Nile state, Kosti is 315 km from Khartoum to south of Sudan, total area of 39701km and population about 159500. That lies south of Khartoum on western bank of the white Nile river. Kosti bridge linked between Kosti and Rabak which is the capital of the state, The town have the important Nile port in Sudan which linked between south Sudan and Sudan. Study duration From September to November /2017. The target population of this study was the student of Medical laboratory technology in university of elemam almahdi.50samples was collected to make 150 thin blood films, three films from each samples and stained with Giemsa, lieshman, H&E the comment of this films as the following:

In all type of stain the morphology WBCs, RBCs, and platelet were normal. the different in color of RBCs and cytoplasmic granules of WBCs. In Lieshman stain RBCs was stained by pale red color. In Giemsa stain RBCs was stained by pale gray color. In hematoxline stain RBCs was stained by strong red color. In hematoxline and eosin stain the white blood cell cytoplasmic granules was stained as the following: neutrophils is stained by fine pink, with light purple or violate color of nucleus, lymphocyte: blue cytoplasm with light purple color nucleus. Eosinophils: course red granules. Monocyte blue: gray cytoplasm with clear vacuolated nucleus. In Giemsa and lieshman stain white blood cell cytoplasmic granule was stained as the following: neutrophil is stained by fine purple with violate color of nucleus, lymphocyte: stain pale blue cytoplasm with condensed nuclear chromatin. Eosinophil: orange–red cytoplasmic granule. Monocyte: stained by blue–gray cytoplasm with clear nucleus. And Platelet in Giemsa stain is stained by purple color in Lieshman stain platelet was stained by purple –blue color and in hematoxline & Eosin was stained by orange red color. The type of stain was different in WBCs cytoplasmic granule, present of deposit and background of stain. In Giemsa stain: the cytoplasmic granule out of total 50 blood film 35 which represented 70% is valid appears and 15 represented 30% is not appear. The background out of total 50 blood sample 40 blood films is valid clear that represented about 80%, while the 10 film is not clear that represented about 20%. And deposit of stain 40 blood film had no deposit that represented about 80%, while the 10 blood film with deposit that represented about 20% from total blood film.

In Lieshman stain the cytoplasmic granule out of total 50 blood film 33 is valid appear that represented about 66%, while the 17 blood film is not appear that repress ended about 33%. The background 32 blood films is valid clear that represented 64% while the 18 is not clear that represented about 34% from total blood films. and deposit of stain 33 blood film is absent from deposit that represented about 66%, while the 17 blood film is present of deposited of stain that represented about 34% from total blood film. In hematoxline & Eosin stain the cytoplasmic granule from 50 blood film 50 is valid clear that represented about 100%. The background 50 blood film is valid clear that represented about 100% from total blood film. The deposit of stain 50 blood film had no deposit of stain that represented about 100% from total blood film.


The stained blood film is one of the world s most widely and frequent used tests. Since its introduction in the late nineteenth century basic elements of the blood film preparation and analysis have change little modern technology improvement and refinement have enhanced the availability of good quality commercial Romanowsky stain. Automated and semi-automated slide makers [1].

Wright-Giemsa Stain Solution was developed by Romanowsky in 1891. He observed that this combination of dyes gave excellent selective staining of blood films. Also in1891, Giemsa modified Leishman’s stain to provide better stain intensity and fine cellular detail. The stain, however, required an extended staining process. The Wright-Giemsa Stain Solution has been developed to incorporate the exceptional brilliance and resolution of cellular details obtained from Giemsa Stain with the rapid staining time of Wright’s Stain [2].

Leishman's stain is applied in conventional staining techniques to uniformly stain chromosomes. These techniques leave centromers constricted, thus enabling the measurement of chromosome length, centromeric position, andarmratio. Slides can be easilydistained and banded by most banding procedures. Orceinstained chromosomes cannot be distained! Leishman's stain belongs, as Giemsa and Wright's stain, to the group of Romanovsky stains. It is considered as an easy to do technique which gives a fairly acceptable contrast. For the detection of malaria parasite Lieshman staining seems more sensitive than e.g. Field's stain [3].

Harris hematoxline Newcomer Supply Hematoxline Stain, Harris Modified is a ready to use high quality regressive hematoxline that does not require filtering, incompletely mercury-free and can be used in either manual or automated staining platforms. This modified Harris formulation contains glacial acetic acid for more precise and selective nuclear staining and ethylene glycol to increase solution stability and reduce surface precipitate.

The routine Hematoxline & Eosin (H&E) stain is used for screening specimens in anatomic pathology, as well as for research, smears, touch preps and other applications. Its two primary coloring agents stain all cellular material including nuclei (blue), and cytoplasmic elements (pinked). Popularity of this stain is due, in large measure, to its simplicity, ability to clearly demonstrate a wide variety of different tissue components, dependability, repeatability, and speed of us [4].

In this research we were modified the method H&E to stain peripheral blood picture.


Peripheral blood picture is important tool in diagnosis of hematological diagnosis disorder. So in order to perform this function, the blood film should be well prepared and stained. Many stain can be used for staining peripheral blood picture. eg.’Geimsa’s, lieshman and have advantage and disadvantage in this study we will examine new type of stain and compare it with the routine hematological stain to choice the best for staining of peripheral blood picture.


General objective: To make comparison on peripheral blood picture when stained with giemsa, lieshman, Harrishematoxline and eosin stain.

Specific objective

  1. To examine the affect of giemsa stain on peripheral blood film.
  2. To examine the affect of lesishman stain on peripheral blood film.
  3. To modified method of harris hematoxline and eosin examine the affect of this method on peripheral blood film.

Literature Review

Romano sky Stains

Romano sky stains are universally used in hematology. They are composed of Methylene blue, oxidative products of Methylene blue (Azure A, Azure B, Azure C and Thionin) and eosin dyes. Giemsa, a commonly used stain does not adequately stain red blood cells, platelets or white blood cell cytoplasm’s when used alone. A second Romano sky stain is therefore often used in combination with Giemsa and contains azure dyes to intensify the staining of nuclear features and of azurophilic and toxic granulation. Wright, Wright-Giemsa and May-Grunewald Giemsa are commonly used combinations of Romanowsky stains. Rapid or “quick” stains, developed for ‘stat’ situations or for small laboratories, are adequate for assessing normal cell morphology [5].

Giemsa stain

Intended use: Giemsa and May Grunewald solutions are intended for use in staining blood film or bone marrow films. Solutions are for “In Vitro Diagnostic Use.” Giemsa stain is a buffered thiazine-eosinate solution designed to provide coloration of blood cells similar to the original product described by Giemsa. It may be used separately or in combination with a May Grunewald Stain, also available from Sigma-Aldrich.

Preparation: To prepare 500 ml of Giemsa stain:

  1. Geimsa powder 3.8 g
  2. methanol alcohol 250ml
  3. glycerole 250ml.

Storage: Store Giemsa at room temperature (18-26°C) Reagent label bears expiration date [2].

Leishman's Stain

Description: Leishman's stain is applied in conventional staining techniques to uniformly stain chromosomes. These techniques leave centromers constricted, thus enabling the measurement of chromosome length, centromeric position, and arm ratio. Slides can be easily distained and banded by most banding procedures. Orcein stained chromosomes cannot be distained! Leishman's stain belongs, as Giemsa and Wright's stain, to the group of Romanovsky stains. It is considered as an easy to do technique which gives a fairly acceptable contrast. For the detection of malaria parasite Lieshman staining seems more sensitive than e.g. Field's stain [6].

Storage: Room temperature Keep away from moisture.

Preparation of Leishman’s Stain solution: Mix and dissolve 0.15 g of Eosin-Methylene blue in 100 ml Methanol dried at 56°C. When the stain is dissolved completely remove the solution from the heater. (Alternatively, dissolve at RT over night. Cover container with Para film in order to prevent contamination by moisture). After the solution reached RT clear the solution by using a dry what man paper filter. Collect filtered solution in a clean and dry brown glass bottle. Age the solution at least 2-3 days before using it the first time.

Store Leishman’s Stain solution at RT in tightly sealed bottles, protected from light and heat. Do not store the solution near bottles containing acid. If stored correctly Leishman’s Stain solution is stable for approx. 3 months [6].

Harris Hematoxline

The word hematoxline is derived from the old Greek words Haimato (blood) and Xylon (wood), referring to its dark red color in the natural state, and to its method of manufacture from wood. Hematoxline is the most widely used histological stain. Its popularity is based on its comparative simplicity and ability to demonstrate enormous number of different tissue structures. It can be prepared in numerous ways. It stains nucleus blue/ black, with good intra nuclear details, while Eosin stains cytoplasm [7]. Hematoxline is extracted from the bark of the logwood tree (Haematoxylon campechianum). When oxidized it forms haematein, a compound that forms strongly colored complexes with certain metal ions, notably Fe (III) and Al (III) salts. Haematein (US spelling) or haematein is an oxidized derivative of hematoxline, used in staining. Haematein must not be confused with haematein, which is a brown to black Iron-containing pigment formed by decomposition of hemoglobin. In the Colour Index (but nowhere else), haematein is called haematein, a confusing word that wrongly implies that the compound is an amine. Haematein is anionic, having poor affinity for tissue, and is inadequate as a nuclear stain without the presence of the mordant. The useful mordants for hematoxline are salts of Aluminum, Iron and Tungsten.

The mordant/metal cations confer a net positive charge to dye- mordant complex and enable it to bind anionic tissue. Haematein is produced from hematoxline in two ways:

Natural oxidation (ripening)

  1. By the exposure to air and light.
  2. Slow process (3-4) month.
  3. The resultant solution retains its staining ability for long time.
  4. Ehrlich & Delafield's are examples.

Chemical oxidation: By using chemical oxidizing agent that converts the hematoxlineto hematein almost immediately [8].

Harris’shematoxline (Harris 1900): This alum hematoxline was traditionally chemically ripened with mercuric oxide. As mercuric oxide is highly toxic, environmentally unfriendly, and has detrimental and corrosive long-term effects on some automated staining machines, sodium or potassium iodide is frequently used as a substitute for oxidation.

Harris is a useful general-purpose hematoxylin and gives particularly clear nuclear staining, and for this reason has been used, as a progressive stain, in diagnostic exfoliative cytology. In routine histological practice, it is generally used regressively, but can be useful when used progressively. When using Harris shematoxylin as a progressive stain, an acetic acid-alcohol rinse provides a more controllable method in removing excess stain from tissue components and the glass slide. The traditional hydrochloric acid-alcohol acts quickly and indiscriminately, is more difficult to control, and can result in a light nuclear stain. A 5–10% solution of acetic acid, in 70–95% Alcohol, detaches dye molecules from the cytoplasm/nucleoplasm while keeping nucleic acid complexes intact (Feldman & Dapson 1985) (Table 1).