Mini Review
Austin J Bus Adm Manage. 2017; 1(2): 1008.
Analysis Concept of Entrepreneurship on Emphasis Reflexivity Approach
Esfandabadi HM*
Development and Economics Sociology, University of Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding author: Esfandabadi HM, Development and Economics Sociology & Editor Assistant at Journal Entrepreneurship Development (JED), University of Tehran, North Karegar Ave, Tehran, Iran; Email:
Received: May 10, 2017; Accepted: May 31, 2017; Published: June 08, 2017
As entrepreneurship is a process and due to the fact that entrepreneurial activities involve a combination of the individual and the team, it calls for a reconsideration of entrepreneurial studies. Focus on the individual or collective aspects of the entrepreneurship phenomenon cannot be helpful in understanding entrepreneurial studies. The main aim of paper is Analysis concept of entrepreneurship on emphasis reflexivity approach. The concept of reflexivity is a new method. An author uses some methods on your research.
But, the authors should use method of reflexivity on your research. Thus, we present the cases include: What is the concept of entrepreneurship action? What is the concept of reflexivity method? Why and how create entrepreneurship action with reflexivity method?
Concept of Entrepreneurship Action need to analysis and identify different methods. The EA is a concept of complexity. We want to analysis EA on specific approach. One of methods (approach) is reflexivity and it should discuss on the entrepreneurship action studies at present.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Reflexivity; Entrepreneurship process
What is Entrepreneurship suitable method? Today, there are various methods (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, and mixed) for evaluating the concept of entrepreneurship. Somehow all these methods contribute to our understanding of entrepreneurship. However, the existing methods of understanding entrepreneurship have proved perplexing for students. In other words, understanding the nature of entrepreneurship contributes to the understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship.
Also, Entrepreneurship scholars have long focused on why some individuals become entrepreneurs and others do not [1-10].
Entrepreneurship is a context-dependent social process through which individuals and teams create wealth by bringing together unique packages of resources to exploit marketplace opportunities. But, the entrepreneur is always a speculator. It deals with the uncertain conditions of the future. Its success or failure depends on the correctness of his anticipation of uncertain events. If he fails in his understanding of things to come he is doomed [11]. Thus, the main aim of paper is analysis strategic development of entrepreneurship methods on emphasis reflexivity.
Entrepreneurship is a process
As entrepreneurship is a process and due to the fact that entrepreneurial activities involve a combination of the individual and the team, it calls for a reconsideration of entrepreneurial studies. Focus on the individual or collective aspects of the entrepreneurship phenomenon cannot be helpful in understanding entrepreneurial studies. Therefore, the entrepreneurship is among the uncertain conceptual studies in terms of time and place. This process-oriented concept of entrepreneurship is being developed based on its uncertainty is terms of time and place.
Entrepreneurs are those persons (business owners) who seek to generate value, through the creation or expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new products, processes or markets. Entrepreneurial activity is the enterprising human action in pursuit of the generation of value, through the creation or expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new products, processes or markets. Entrepreneurship is the phenomenon associated with entrepreneurial activity.
Entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial function, can be conceptualized as the discovery of opportunities and the subsequent creation of new economic activity, often via the creation of a new organization [12].
Entrepreneurship is “a process by which individuals –either on their own or within organizations– pursue opportunities”. Entrepreneurial action is conceived as a human attribute, such as the willingness to face uncertainty.
Combined, then, we see that entrepreneurship is merely a set of practices that individuals perform over time and that as individuals conform their practice more or less to the image that has evolved over time, they are accepted more or less as an entrepreneur by the community to which the aspire to belong.
Based on the above, the game of chess can be an instance of an entrepreneurial activity. In chess, the individuals and the game conditions are important. Personal and environmental characteristics are also important. This contest relies on the state of the mind and performance of the individual in a given time. As the game goes on, the contestants understand each other better and hence, the game becomes harder and more uncertain as a result.
Furthermore, among the studies Entrepreneurship praxis orientated researchers have sought to explain the role of narrative in the emergence of entrepreneurial processes.
Entrepreneurship process and reflexivity
Reflexivity similarly imposed itself in other social sciences that produced similar critiques of positivism, such as sociology and anthropology/ethnography.
Entrepreneurship is phenomenon which due to its characteristics such as uncertainty [11] and destructive creation need to be explored from a pragmatic point of view. If we consider entrepreneurship an uncertain phenomenon and examine the uncertain action based on the creative destruction approach, it will not be necessary to employ statistical methods to test hypotheses or examine the significance of relationships/effects.
The entrepreneurial process is significantly dependent upon contextual circumstances. Entrepreneurship is the process of evaluating, committing to and achieving, under contextual constraints, the creation of new value from new knowledge for the benefit of defined stakeholders.
Therefore, entrepreneurship involves a scientific process from cognitive conditions to social conditions based on a reflexive approach. In other words, this process involves an understanding of the individual, personal experiences about the environment, and entrepreneurial experiences in a bilateral (reciprocating) state. In this sense, ‘process’ does not suggest a unilateral study. A bilateral process is when the entrepreneur reaches the point of saturation regarding entrepreneurial performance.
Entrepreneurial regeneration of the individual and the team leads to entrepreneurial business startups. Strategies used for entrepreneurial studies suggest and confirm the existence the regenerative approach.
Therefore, as a process, the concept of entrepreneurship should be reconsidered. In other words, the present study attempts to develop a new approach to a more careful study of entrepreneurial action.
Reflexivity approach
In different ways, theories of reflexive modernization and the increasingly influential work of critical realists (in particular that of Archer) have argued that attention to reflexivity is necessary for understanding the nature of identity, the structuring of biographies and the relationship between subjectivities and social structure.
Entrepreneurial studies require the reflexive method in order to develop this concept. Challenges in the field of entrepreneurial studies also need to be reconsidered in light of the reflexive methodology. Although all the modern methods effectively contribute to our understanding of entrepreneurship, the reflexive method can provide a more comprehensive insight about it.
Reflexivity is commonly used in qualitative research and is accepted as a method where qualitative researchers can validate their research practices.
It is perceived as an integral process in qualitative research whereby the researcher reflects continuously on how their own actions, values and perceptions impact upon the research setting and can affect data collection and analysis.
Morrow suggests reflexivity as a strategy that researchers can use for the purpose of understanding the phenomenon under exploration and accurately portraying the meaning made by participants and where self-examination allows assumptions and biases that could affect the study to be understood.
The use of the reflexive method for the concept of entrepreneurship can help with the development and improvement of entrepreneurial studies. The reflexive method is an internal approach toward concepts. It can be applied to pragmatic concepts. Entrepreneurship consists of the concept of pragmatism which requires a reflexive approach in terms of time and place.
The main aim of paper is Analysis concept of entrepreneurship on emphasis reflexivity approach. The concept of entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of uncertain. The word of uncertain is a complex index on concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship should analysis with a reflexivity method. The reflexivity method is returning for studies of entrepreneurship. The reflexivity application on research of entrepreneurship is important. Thus, the entrepreneurship is a method and it need to analysis of reflexivity on studies.
Therefore, the entrepreneurship is among the uncertain conceptual studies in terms of time and place. This process-oriented concept of entrepreneurship is being developed based on its uncertainty is terms of time and place. If we consider entrepreneurship an uncertain phenomenon and examine the uncertain action based on the creative destruction approach, it will not be necessary to employ statistical methods to test hypotheses or examine the significance of relationships/effects.
Therefore, entrepreneurship involves a scientific process from cognitive conditions to social conditions based on a reflexive approach. In other words, this process involves an understanding of the individual, personal experiences about the environment, and entrepreneurial experiences in a bilateral (reciprocating) state.
Also, Entrepreneurial studies require the reflexive method in order to develop this concept. Challenges in the field of entrepreneurial studies also need to be reconsidered in light of the reflexive methodology. Although all the modern methods effectively contribute to our understanding of entrepreneurship, the reflexive method can provide a more comprehensive insight about it.
At final, we need to apply the reflexivity approach/method on entrepreneurship action studies at present. The authors should apply consideration concept of reflexivity on their studies. The concept of reflexivity is a strategic on studies of entrepreneurship. Use of reflexivity lead to promotion of entrepreneurship completely.
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