Increasing Access to Cost Effective Home-Based Rehabilitation for Rural Veteran Stroke Survivors

Special Article - Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation

Austin J Cerebrovasc Dis & Stroke. 2016; 3(2): 1046.

Increasing Access to Cost Effective Home-Based Rehabilitation for Rural Veteran Stroke Survivors

Hous ley SN¹, Garlow AR¹, Ducote K¹, Howard A¹, Thomas T¹, Wu D¹, Richards K¹ and Butler AJ1,2,3*

¹Department of Physical Therapy, Georgia State University, USA

²Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Atlanta Rehabilitation Research and Development Center of Excellence, USA

³Neuroscience Institute, Joint Center for Advanced Brain Imaging, Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Georgia State University, USA

*Corresponding author: Butler AJ, B.F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions, Department of Physical Therapy, 140 Decatur Street, Suite 819, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

Received: July 16, 2016; Accepted: August 23, 2016; Published: August 25, 2016


Introduction: An estimated 750,000 Americans experience a stroke annually. Most stroke survivors require rehabilitation. Limited access to rehabilitation facilities has a pronounced burden on functional outcomes and quality of life. Robotic devices deliver reproducible therapy without the need for real-time human oversight. This study examined the efficacy of using homebased, telerobotic-assisted devices (Hand and Foot Mentor: HM and FM) to improve functional ability and reduce depression symptoms, while improving access and cost savings associated with rehabilitation.

Methods: Twenty stroke survivors performed three months of home-based rehabilitation using a robotic device, while a therapist remotely monitored progress. Baseline and end of treatment function and depression symptoms were assessed. Satisfaction with the device and access to therapy were determined using qualitative surveys. Cost analysis was performed to compare home-based, robotic-assisted therapy to clinic-based physical therapy.

Results: Compared to baseline, significant improvement in upper extremity function (30.06%, p= 0.046), clinically significant benefits in gait speed (29.03%), moderate improvement in depressive symptoms (28.44%) and modest improvement in distance walked (30.2%) were observed. Participants indicated satisfaction with the device. Home-based robot therapy expanded access to post -stroke rehabilitation for 35% of the people no longer receiving formal services and increased daily access for the remaining 65%, with a cost savings of $2,352 (64.97%) compared to clinic-based therapy.

Conclusion: Stroke survivors made significant clinically meaningful improvements in the use of their impaired extremities using a robotic device in the home. Home-based, robotic therapy reduced costs, while expanding access to a rehabilitation modality for people who would not otherwise have received care.

Keywords: Stroke; Telerehabilitation; Veterans; Home-based; Rural


HM: Hand Mentor; FM: Foot Mentor; UE: Upper Extremity; LE: Lower Extremity; AROM: Active Range of Motion; FIM: Functional Independence Measure; ADL: Activities of Daily Living; MCID: Minimal Clinically Important Difference; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; VA: Veterans Affairs; RUCA: Rural-Urban Commuting Areas; ARAT: Action Research Arm Test; 6MWT: 6 Minute Walk Test; 10MWT: 10 Meter Walk Test; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression; HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996; CIMT: Constraint- Induced-Movement-Therapy


Stroke is one of the leading causes of long -term disability [1] with an estimated 795,000 incidences of stroke in the United States annually [2]. Of the approximate 665,000 survivors [3], 80% experience moderate to severe upper extremity (UE) impairments [4] and two-thirds experience lower extremity (LE) impairments [5]. Most require long-term rehabilitation to regain functional capacities required to perform activities of daily living and ambulation. This represents an approximately $34 billion cost to the healthcare system with an estimated average yearly rehabilitation cost of $11,689 per stroke survivor following acute and subacute rehabilitation discharge [6]. This substantial burden to the healthcare system has emphasized the need to investigate opportunities to improve care for stroke survivors while reducing mounting costs.

To date, best practice for successful rehabilitation often involves intensive, repetitive practice that actively engages the participant in goal-oriented and task-specific activities to regain functional capacities in upper and lower extremities [7]. Unfortunately, the quality of stroke services for rural patients is suboptimal and limited access to rehabilitation facilities has a pronounced burden on functional outcomes and quality of life. A recent study demonstrated, using logistic modeling, that rural stroke survivors were less likely to receive stroke rehabilitant therapy than their urban counterparts [8]. Moreover, with the prevalence of stroke being predicted to increase by almost 25% by 2030 [9] and rural populations being identified as being particularly vulnerable to stroke [10], there is a great need to develop accessible, cost effective therapy to minimize functional disability and optimize functional motor recovery for rural stroke survivors.

Robot-assisted therapy is a promising option for improving voluntary upper extremity (UE) movement in stroke survivors with finite access to conventional therapy [11-13]. Additionally, several recent studies have concluded that robotic assisted therapy improves lower extremity (LE) strength and locomotor function [14,15]. Recent advances in robot-assisted therapy have greatly increased the level of function patients can achieve. Successful rehabilitation techniques involve highly intensive, repetitious practice that actively engages the participant in goal-oriented and task-specific activities. Many studies have observed that home-based, robotic-assisted therapy demonstrate equivalent outcomes compared to one-on-one therapeutic delivery [11,16,17]. The results of these studies indicate that robot-assisted therapy provides reliable, reproducible treatment while measuring performance without the need for real-time human oversight [18].

Although the goals of using robotic assistive devices are to improve active range of motion (AROM), strength, and function in the distal musculature of stroke survivors is promising, these modalities are underutilized in the home. Therefore, combining telemedicine with in -home robot-assisted therapy (telerehabilitation) for people with residual impairment following stroke has the potential to reduce barriers while proving cost-effective, consistently highquality treatment to patients with limited access to rehabilitation clinics because of location or availability of treatment modalities [19]. This relatively new idea of telerehabilitation is defined as the provision of rehabilitation services at distance using information and communication technologies [20]. A recent systematic review examining studies published after 2000 cites positive outcomes for patients and caregivers who have utilized telerehabilitation [21]. Additionally, caregivers and patients report high levels of overall satisfaction and acceptance of telerehabilitation interventions. Recently, a prospective, single blinded, multisite, randomized controlled trial successfully paired robot-assisted therapy and a telerehabilitation intervention [22]. Equivalent outcomes were observed in the dose-equivalent robot-assisted therapy group and the usual and customary care group. Further, specific evaluation of LE robotic intervention found that 12 weeks of home-based rehabilitation elicited improvements in locomotor function and strength [14]. Recently, preliminary data investigating robotic telerehabilitation in stroke survivor’s homes, reported improvements in residual upper and lower limb impairments, while reductions in the cost of care decreased the burden on the healthcare system [15]. However, to date, a paucity of evidence regarding the efficacy and cost effectiveness of telerehabilitation interventions in rural stroke survivors persists and a knowledge gap exists as to what effect participation in telerehabilitation has on utilization of available therapy.

This study aimed to examine the efficacy of using a homebased, tele robotic-assisted device to: improve functional ability, reduce depression symptoms, and create a satisfactory experience, increase access to, and monitor participant utilization of cost efficient rehabilitation when compared to the cost of clinic - based therapy for rural stroke survivors.

Materials and Methods


The following inclusion criteria were utilized to screen volunteers for consideration for either hand or foot telerehabilitation: (1) between the ages of 45 and 90; (2) unilateral ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke within the previous 24 months; (3) Persistent UE or LE paresis as defined by having a score on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) of 1-3 and a Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score of 17-88 that limited activities of daily living [23]; (4) Participants possessed some degree of upper or lower extremity voluntary activity, as indicated by the ability to move their proximal and/or distal joints against gravity.

Exclusion criteria were the following: (1) Those with clinically significant comprised mental status within three days of enrollment; (2) Severe receptive or expressive aphasia, as indicated by a score of 2 on item #11 Extinction and Inattention, a score o f 2 on item #8 Sensory, or a score of ≥1 on item #9 Best Language of the NIHSS, respectively; (3) Participants who were not independent before their stroke; (4) not able to follow simple instructions to operate the robotic user interface; (5) Prior Botox injections within six months of enrollment; (6) Additionally, due to the physical nature of the robotic rehabilitation therapy, volunteers with significant UE or LE contractures or injuries limiting the use of the more affected side were excluded.

Recruitment was centered on the Atlanta Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center. VA physicians and nurse practitioners screened a total of 31 veteran stroke survivors for eligibility and interest. A total of 20 mostly rural and highly rural stroke survivors with mean age of 67 (±11.4) years and a mean time since stroke of 20.4 months, ranging from 1.8-136.7 months met inclusion criteria and were enrolled. The 20 participants were comprised of: 1 female, 19 male, ten participants with UE impairments, and ten participants with LE impairments.

The VA-Office of Rural Health defines urban, rural, and highly rural by the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCA) system. Urban is defined as “Census tracts with at least 30 percent of the population residing in an urbanized area as defined by the Census Bureau.” “Highly Rural” is defined by as “Sparsely populated areas, less than 10 percent of the working population commutes to any community larger than an urbanized cluster. Rural is defined as “Land areas not designed as Urban or Highly Rural”.


Following enrollment, participants were granted use of either a foot or hand, home-based robotic rehabilitation device. Home-based robotic rehabilitation was delivered using either the Hand (HM) or Foot Mentor (FM) ™ devices (Motus Nova, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30345). A study therapist trained in HM or FM arranged in-home setup and training with the volunteers. Each person was instructed to start at lower daily activity levels (one hour), progressing to the standard two -hour therapy dosage within the first week, for the three-month study duration. Due to the scheduling flexibility of the robotic device, participants were able to complete the two hours of daily prescribed robotic rehabilitation in any permutation. A review article by Linder, et al. [24] provides a more detailed rationale for the training principles and exercise dosage prescription for robotic-assisted therapy. Linder, et al. [24] also provides a detailed explanation of the implication of spasticity and tone on participation in robotic therapy.

The HM and FM devices were designed for use by individuals with residual upper and lower extremity impairments after stroke. The goal of using the device is to improve AROM and strength in the distal musculature of the paretic limb of patients with hemiparesis and weakness secondary to stroke through highly intensive, task-specific, and interactive practice [25,26]. The participants use their affected wrist or ankle to complete game-like training programs to challenge motor control initially at an easy level, requiring only a small degree of wrist or ankle motion. However, as participant’s motor control consistently improves (eight successes in ten attempts), the robotic device progresses difficulty levels, requiring greater AROM to achieve the goal. Conversely, if the user is experiencing difficulty (less than eight successful attempts out of ten), the device will decrease the difficulty level.

A study therapist remotely monitored daily metrics on a clinical dashboard through a secure server. Participant performance, including daily usage time and number of daily cycles (total and for each individual program), resistance to passive movement, passive range of motion angles and active range of motion angles achieved were monitored and discussed with each participant on weekly phone calls.

Clinical measures

Pre-assessment of all clinical measures was completed prior to receiving the robotic rehabilitation device by a study therapist trained in the use of standardized clinical measures. Following completion of the home-based therapy, post-intervention assessment of all the clinical measures was completed to assess changes from baseline. In addition, a qualitative satisfaction questionnaire was completed at the post - intervention assessment to ascertain participant perceptions of the home -based therapy.

Upper extremity functional limitations were evaluated using the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) [27]. Quality of movement is scored on a 4-point ordinal scale (0-3), with a score of 3 indicating normal performance of the task within 5 s and a score of 0 indicating the inability to perform any part of t he task within 60 seconds. With a maximum score of 57, indicating normal performance, the test is comprised of 19 items divided into 4 subscales: grasp, grip, pinch, and gross movement. The ARAT is a valid and reliable tool for UE deficits following stroke [28,29] with previously defined minimal clinically important difference (MCID) [30].

Lower extremity functional status was assessed using the 10-meter walk test (10MWT) to measure gait speed [31] and the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) to measure gait performance over short distances [32]. Both the 10MWT and the 6MWT are valid and reliable measures to assess lower extremity function following stroke, with previous studies reporting MCIDs of 0.06 m/s [33] and 34.4m [34] respectively.

The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) instrument is a reliable and valid measure to assess motor and cognitive disability for stroke survivors as it relates to burden of care [35,36]. The FIM instrument is comprised of 18 items divided into two statistically and clinically separate indicators, of which 13 assess disability in motor functions and 5 in cognitive functions. The total scoring ranges from 18 (minimum) to 126 (maximum) and ranges for the motor and cognitive subscales are 13 to 91 and 5 to 35, respectively. Each item is scored on 7 levels of performance independence (7 is total independence, 1 is total dependence).

The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale is a questionnaire used to screen for depressive symptomology due to the possible impact on the quality of life of stroke survivors [37,38]. The test consists of 20 questions that capture how well a patient is coping emotionally. Scores range from 0-60 with scores greater than 16 indicating the patient is at risk for depression. The CES-D has been found reliable and valid for the subacute stroke population [39].

Usage and utilization

Both robotic devices are programmed to record a variety of relevant participant usage data. Daily usage and performance data were collected including: number of therapy sessions uses over the entire study duration, daily and average usage time. Overall device utilization is determined by calculating the ratio of number of uses over the number of days the devices are in the home. Device data were accessible remotely via secure server and adherence to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy rules were strictly maintained.


Following completion of the home-based telerehabilitation therapy, a self-report questionnaire was distributed to participants to assess satisfaction and to provide greater insight into any unanticipated challenges of home-based robotic telerehabilitation. Both questionnaires included positive and negative statements about the device and required respondents to select one of seven choices anchored by: 0 = strongly disagree, 3 = neutral and 6 = strongly agree. Satisfaction questionnaires were evaluated based on how strongly patients agreed or disagreed with positive and negative statements. One additional question was included where participants were asked to state what they would change about the device.


To assess the impact of the home-based, telerehabilitation on increasing access to therapy, participants current and past exposure to occupational or physical therapy was collected during initial assessment. Investigators asked participants either in person or via telephone whether or not they were participating in therapy during the time period they were using the device to determine the effect of the robotic therapy on Veteran access to treatment.

Cost analysis

Cost analysis was performed to compare home-based, telerehabilitation therapy to clinic-based physical therapy. Device and deployment costs were calculated, including the cost of home delivery, support, monitoring and connection, and pickup. Monthly maintenance and server connection costs were added to the device costs and were amortized to zero over the course of an expected usable lifetime of five years. Costs of in-home delivery were totaled across the 90-day treatment period and compared clinic-based physical therapy. Projected outpatient therapy transit and therapist costs for three one-hour sessions held weekly at the Atlanta VAMC were based on average patient mileage reimbursements and the projected cost of a physical therapist taken from the 2015 State of Georgia Bureau of Labor Statistics [40].

Statistical analysis

Data were checked for accuracy against data entry forms and expressed as means, SDs, and ranges using Microsoft Excel. Deidentified usage data for each participant were extracted from the secure server and entered into the Microsoft Access database. All remaining analyses were completed using SPSS, version 22 (IBM, Armonk, NY). Mean and percent change scores from baseline were calculated for each measure, along with 95% confidence intervals. Changes in functional outcome scores from baseline were analyzed using paired t-tests. Changes from baseline for all clinical outcome measures were compared to the corresponding estimated values for the minimum clinically important difference (MCID) in chronic stroke for these measures. Finally, mean scores were calculated for participant responses to surveys measuring satisfaction with use of the robotic devices. The level of significance was set at p≤0.05 and all tests were 2-tailed. All data met the assumptions of the tests used to analyze them. Summary data are presented as mean±standard deviation, unless otherwise noted.


Figure 1 shows the flow of the participants through each stage of the study. Twenty, mostly rural and highly rural Veteran stroke survivors (67.0±11.4) years old at enrollment) with UE hemiparesis resulting from unilateral stroke (mean time since stroke of 20.4±9.26) months) met inclusion criteria and were enrolled in this study. All 20 participants showed UE or LE impairment secondary to corticospinal tract infarcts. Overall the home-based, telerehabilitation therapy was safe and well tolerated. No adverse events occurred. Participant demographic and geographic location information is presented in Table 1. Nineteen participants completed the study, consisting of three months of home-based, telerehabilitation. One participant in the HM group dropped out after device deployment due to medical reasons unrelated to the study. This participant did not complete postintervention assessments and the data was excluded from all analyses. Means and SD for clinical outcome measures for participants at baseline and postintervention are presented in Table 2.