Chemical Shrinkage During Hydration Reactions of Calcium Aluminate Cement

Research Article

Austin J Chem Eng. 2014;1(3): 1011.

Chemical Shrinkage During Hydration Reactions of Calcium Aluminate Cement

Ukrainczyk N*

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

*Corresponding author: Ukrainczyk N, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Marulicev trg 20, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia

Received: October 07, 2014; Accepted: October 24, 2014; Published: October 27, 2014


Calcium Aluminate Cement (CAC) is special cement used in versatile high performance applications. Hardening of CAC is primarily due to the hydration of mono-calciumaluminate, in idealized pure form CaAl2O4, but other minerals also participate in the hydration process especially at higher temperatures and in long term. During the hydration reactions of cement, absolute volume of hydration products formed is smaller than that of its reactants, cement and water, resulting in chemical shrinkage. Chemical shrinkage is the main driving mechanism leading to desiccation and early age cracking of cement based materials. Its evolution is an overall result of complex kinetics of many simultaneous hydration reactions. Even same minerals can have different reaction schemes due to the transformation process of metastable hydration products to the stable ones, which are promoted by temperature.

In this paper the hydration of synthetic CaAl2O4 and commercial iron-rich CAC were investigated at 15 and 55 °C by measurements of chemical shrinkage evolution and quantitative powder X-ray diffraction analysis. Design of an experimental configuration for measuring the chemical shrinkage during CAC hydration is discussed. A model is proposed to predict the evolution of chemical shrinkage during hydration. The model is based on the main chemical reaction schemes of the CAC hydration and showed good agreement with the observed experimental results.

Keywords: Calcium aluminate cement; Hydration; Chemical shrinkage; X-ray diffraction; Mathematical modeling


CAC: Calcium Aluminate Cement; PC: Ordinary Portland Cement; C: CaO (cement chemistry notation); A: Al2O3; F: Fe2O3; S: SiO2; H: H2O; CA: CaAl2O4; C12A7: Ca12Al14O33; C4AF: Ca4Al2Fe2O16; Ff: Ferrite Phase (C4AF); CT: CaTiO3; vH: Specific Volume of Water; vm: Specific Volume Of Cement Mineral; vhydrates: Volume of the formed hydration products per 1 g of reacted mineral m; m: cement mineral: CA, C12A7 or C4AF; h: hydration product: CAH10, C2AH8, C3AH6, AH3, FH3, CH or C4AFH16; stoichiometric coefficient; M: Molar Mass; ρ: density; CSm: Chemical Shrinkage of fully reacted pure mineral m; αm: fraction of reacted mineral m; wm mass fraction of the mineral m in cement; W: Weight; V: Volume; Vpaste: the Volume change of the cement paste; t: time.


Calcium Aluminate Cement (CAC) is special cement used in versatile high performance applications [1-8] such as those requiring: resistance to chemical attack, high early strength, refractory, resistance to abrasion, and/or low ambient temperature placement. Setting and hardening of CAC is primarily due to the hydration of CA (cement chemistry notation: C=CaO, A=Al2O3, F=Fe2O3, S=SiO2, H=H2O), but other compounds also participate in the hardening process especially in long term strength development [1,2] and at higher temperatures of hydration. The hydration of CAC is highly temperature dependent [1-3,9], yielding CAH10 as main products at temperatures less than 20 °C, C2AH8 and AH3 at about 30 °C, and C3AH6 and AH3 at temperatures greater than 55 °C. Platy (hexagonal) CAH10 and C2AH8 [10] are metastable at ambient temperature and convert to the more stable C3AH6 and AH3 with consequent material porosity and permeability increase and loss of strength [1]. The conversion is accelerated by temperature and moisture availability.

Chemical shrinkage occurs during cement hydration reactions because the absolute volume of hydration products formed is smaller than that of its reactants, cement and water (i.e. νhydrates < νcement+ νH2O). Chemical shrinkage is generally considered as the main driving mechanism (at microscopic scale) leading to early age cracking and, thus, to the loss of durability of cement based materials at macroscopic scale (e.g. concrete structures) [11-13]. The external (macroscopic) dimensional shrinkage of cement based materials is very similar to the chemical shrinkage until the establishment of a semi-rigid skeleton around setting time [11]. After setting time chemical shrinkage results in vapor filled internal porosity that develops capillary related internal stresses. To quantify chemical shrinkage, cement paste specimen must be kept water saturated so the imbibed external water needed to replace the volume decrease can be measured. Techniques for measuring chemical shrinkage and the discussion on systematic errors and critical design of an experimental configuration are presented in next section (Chemical shrinkage tests).

There is a lack of knowledge related to the volume change behaviour of CAC. Recently, Ideker et al. [12,13] studied the early-age volume change behaviour during hydration of low-iron grade CAC. To the best of our knowledge there are no experimental data showing the evolution of the chemical shrinkage during pure CA and iron-rich CAC hydration. Chemical shrinkage evolution is an overall result of complex kinetics of many reactions of several cement minerals. Even same minerals can have different reaction schemes due to the transformation process of metastabile hydration products to the stable ones, whose rate is increasing with temperature. Mounanga et. al. [14] successfully described chemical shrinkage evolution during hydration of Portland cement. The information about hydration kinetics of individual minerals during CAC hydration is not yet fully available [15]. In literature there is still not yet an adequate cement paste model for CAC hydration analog to PC hydration [14]. However, in first approximation the early age of CAC hydration, especially at lower temperatures (T < 20°C) could be described by hydration reactions of the principal minerals [15,16]. This paper comes within the scope of a larger study conducted to build a model for CAC hydration that requires complementary experimental results on evolution of various properties. For this non-destructive continuous experimental tests are desired, such as calorimetry [7,15,17], chemical shrinkage, thermal properties [9], ultrasonic wave propagation [18,19], which need to be combined with destructive tests to determine the chemically bounded water [10,20], fractions of reacted cement minerals [15], hydration products formed [8], density of the cement paste solids (volume fraction of the solids) [18], porosity, and strength [8,17,18].

In this paper the hydration of synthetic CaAl2O4 and commercial iron-rich calcium aluminate cement were investigated by Quantitative Powder X-Ray Diffraction (QXRD) analysis and measurements of chemical shrinkage evolution. A model is proposed to predict the evolution of chemical shrinkage during hydration based on the main chemical reaction schemes of the CAC hydration. The model predictions of the chemical shrinkage hydration are compared to the experimental results.

Chemical shrinkage tests

There are three basic techniques for measuring chemical shrinkage: dilatometry, pycnometry and gravimetry [11,21,22]. In dilatometry test procedure a drop of water level in a capillary tube above a specimen is monitored manually or automatically [23]. Pycnometry consists of a pycnometer filled with paste and water on top. At different ages water is added to refill the pycnometer, and the weight increase relates to the total volume change. In gravimetric test procedure the volume change due to water imbibition in the hydrating specimen is obtained by measuring submerged weight according to Archimedes law. This paper employed the gravimetric method that is relatively simple to automate and is described in detail in section Chemical shrinkage measurement.

Recent review of chemical shrinkage methods in cement based materials at early ages is given in [11]. The test methods for measuring chemical shrinkage have experimental difficulties that must be adequately accounted for in order to avoid systematic errors in results. First, the specimen must be thin enough (especially for specimens with low water to cement mass ratio, H/CAC) to easily imbibe the clear water above the cement paste and thus avoid the creation of vapor filled internal porosity created by chemical shrinkage [11,23]. In other words, the rate of water supply (or transfer) from the top to the bottom of the specimen must be higher than the rate of chemical shrinkage. For Portland cement paste with a low water to cement ratios, this scale effect is not significant for sample thickness inferior to 10 mm during the first 24 h of hydration [14]. Second, the specimen must be de-aired, because the entrapped air bubbles going from water to paraffin change the submerged weight during the measurement. Third, the amount of the clear water above the specimen, and its chemical composition influence the results, especially in initial stage. Larger amount of clear water above the cement paste accelerate the initial reaction because of the dilution of the cement paste pore solution [11]. To obtain measurements on water to cement ratios closer to practical values with lower dilution one should employ paraffin oil as buoyancy fluid. Moreover, as the chemical shrinkage begins instantly upon water contacting cement (during initial mixing), the measurement results depend on the delay of the starting time. The data have to be carefully referenced to the time of starting the measurements which is about ten minutes after mixing the cement with water due to sample preparation. And lastly, the temperature gradients of the sample should be kept low. This is important if the measurements of chemical shrinkage of cements (especially calcium aluminates) are performed at higher temperatures when the reactions rates, and thus the heating rates are high. During the hydration of CAC a large quantity (70-90 % [6-9,15]) of heat is liberated within one day that may cause a considerable increase of temperature in CAC based material. All the aforementioned effects must be considered when designing an experimental set-up and interpreting the results of the chemical shrinkage measurement.

Materials and Methods

Commercial CAC ISTRA 40 was taken from a regular production of Istra Cement, Croatia (CALUCEM Group). The cement has the oxide mass fraction composition listed in Table 1. Physical properties of used cement are given in Table 2. The main compounds are CA (45%) and ferrite phase (C4AF, 21%), with mayenite (C12A7, 5%), gehlenite (C2AS) and β-C2S as minor compounds. For the syntheses of CA, ferrite phase and C12A7, precipitated calcite (CaCO3 analytical grade purity, Kemika), gibbsite (Al(OH)3, Sigma-Aldrich) and Fe2O3 have been wet homogenized in planetary mill (FRITSCH, Pulverisette 5, α-Alumina pot and grinding balls) in the required stoichiometric mole proportion, dried at 105 °C and then fired at 1350 °C for 3 h in an air atmosphere electric furnace. Synthetic minerals were milled in a ring agate mortar and sieved below 40 μm. XRD analysis of the synthesised CA (Figure 1) shows its high crystallinity and purity, with only small traces of detected Cμ12

Aμ7 and corundum. Specific surface of the prepared CA used for chemical shrinkage measurements was 4960 cm2/g (Blaine). Decarbonated and deionised water is used and exposure of the samples to the (CO2) atmosphere is kept to a minimum.