Quantification of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Retention Pond Waters Using Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Research Article

Austin Chromatogr. 2014;1(3): 5.

Quantification of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Retention Pond Waters Using Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Poulain M1, Geffroy Rodier C1*, Canaff C1, Ruban V2 and Ambles A1

1Institute of Chemistry of Poitiers : Materials and Natural Resources, University of Poitiers, France

2Ifsttar Nantes, French Institute of Science and Technology, France

*Corresponding author: Geffroy Rodier C, Institute of Chemistry of Poitiers : Materials and Natural Resources, UMR 7285, B 27, 4 rue Michel Brunet, B27-TSA51106, 86073 Poitiers, France

Received: September 25, 2014; Accepted: October 21, 2014; Published: October 30, 2014


The individual quantification of 16 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in French retention pond water samples is reported. The full analytical protocol including Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and tandem mass spectrometry detection allowed the detection limit in the range of 0.5–5 ng L-1. PAHs quantification is achieved using a seven point calibration plot with internal calibration. Real sample analysis proved that the procedure is convenient for PAHs determination in environmental water. Due to the high levels of PAHs in retention pond waters care must be taken when considering the reuse of such samples.

Keywords: Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry; PAHs; Water; Retention ponds


During the last decades, tremendous improvements in analytical instrumentation have allowed a better detection of pollutant in diluted systems such as water. However monitoring of pollution of ecosystems is still an ongoing challenge. Due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties [1,2], PAHs are included in the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) priority pollutant list [3]. PAHs are derived from natural or anthropogenic sources. Natural sources include forest and prairie fires [4] or post-depositional transformations of biogenic precursors [5]. Anthropogenic sources include combustion of fossil-fuel [6], long-range atmospheric transport of PAHs [7,8]; urban runoff [5] and spillage of petroleum and its refined products [9]. These organic pollutants are ubiquitous. They are found, for example, in food [10], water [11], soils, sediments [12] and air particulates [13]. In recent years, they have received considerable attention as, in addition to their toxicity, they are highly persistent and can accumulate in environmental aqueous systems. Presence of PAHs in water is now part of environmental concern.

Over the past few decades, retention ponds have been built alongside highways and motorways with the initial role of controlling water flow during rainstorms. Urban and road runoff waters contribute to pollution of receiving ponds, streams and lakes. Previous studies show that PAHs are highly concentrated in sludge of some retention ponds, i.e. 400-900 times the Dutch threshold value for polluted soils [14,15]. Thus, concentrations of such compounds in water retention ponds must be evaluated.

Many analytical techniques have been developed for the determination of organic compounds in water samples. PAHs can be extracted from aqueous matrixes by various methods such as liquid/ liquid extraction [11-16], Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) [17,18], Solid- Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) [19,20] or Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) [21,22]. Detection is performed by Gas Chromatography (GC) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Detection limits for the EPA–PAHs depend on the selected concentration method and the detection. SPE coupled to HPLC / fluorescence is the most common procedure to quantify PAH traces in water with a detection limit in the range of ngL-1. Compared to single stage MS modes, tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS–MS) offers a higher degree of sensitivity. MS–MS enables the analysis of organic molecule trace levels in the presence of interfering compounds without losing identification capability due to a drastic reduction of the background signal [23,24]. Triple quad technology directly enables the recovery of three different mass spectra (precursor ions, product ions and neutral fragments).

This paper presents GC-MS-MS as a sensitive alternative to HPLC for the analyses of PAHs in environmental samples. Validation parameters such as linearity, reproducibility, limits of detection and quantification are determined. Finally, the procedure is applied to the quantification of PAHs from two French retention pond waters.

Material and Methods

Chemicals and reagents

HPLC grade solvents (acetonitrile, dichloromethane and methanol) are purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) and are re-distilled before use. Water is purified on a Milli-Q SP reagent water system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Standard mixture of the 16 priority PAHs, at 10 mgL-1 in acetonitrile, is purchased from Sigma- Aldrich. The surrogate internal standard is a mixture containing perpetuated PAHs ([2H8] naphthalene (Np-d8), [2H10] acenaphthene (Ace-d10), [2H10] phenanthrene (Ph-d10), [2H12] chrysene (Chry-d12), [2H12] perylene (Pe-d12) purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.

SPE is performed onto Waters Oasis HLB Sorbent cartridges (6cc/200mg) purchased from Waters. Stir bars (Twisters), 10 mm long, coated with a 0.5 mm film thickness layer (24 L) of PDMS, are from Gerstel (Mulheim, Germany).

Sample description

The Wissous pond was created in 1999. Located in the industrial area of Villemilan (France), it drains the A6 motorway area. The Saint Joseph pond is located at the North of Nantes (on the French West coast). It was created in the midth of the 20th century; it is of urban type, draining the St Joseph district.

Solid phase extraction

SPE cartridges are conditioned with 5mL dichloromethane and 5mL methanol. Before loading on cartridges acetonitrile is added to avoid PAHs adsorption upon glassware. Standard solutions and water samples (50mL) are loaded at a flow rate of 1 mL.min-1. Then the cartridge is rinsed with 5 mL Milli-Q water. Organics are extracted using 8 mL dichloromethane, evaporated and reconstituted in 200 μL dichloromethane. Pure dichloromethane processed through SPE units is used as the procedural blank.

Stir bar sorptive extraction

Stir bars extraction is performed according to Garcia Falcon et al. (2004) on PDMS coated bars. PAHs desorption is performed with an ultrasonic device (Sonorex Digital 10P, Bandelin GmbH, Germany) for 10 minutes in 200 μL acetonitrile.

Gas chromatography-mass mass spectrometry

GC-MS-MS analyses are carried out on a Varian 3800 GC gas chromatograph coupled to a Varian 1200 L triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer (Varian, Les Ulis, France). The GC system is equipped with a PTV injector with a SGE Liner. All analysis is carried out in split less mode at the temperature of 300 °C. The split less valve is closed for 0.75 min, and then operated in the split mode at 20 mL/ min. All injections volumes are 1μL.

Separation is achieved on a 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d.VF-5ms (Factor Four, Varian, France) coated with 5% phenyl, 95 % dimethylpolysiloxane (film thickness 0.25μm). The temperature program is 1 min at 50 °C, 10°C/min up to 100 °C, 9°C/min up to 310 °C and temperature is finally hold for 4 minutes at 310 °C. The carrier gas is Helium and the column head pressure is 15 psi to reach a constant flow rate of 1.2 ml/min.

The Quadrupole mass spectrometer is operated under electron impact ionization (70eV). The filament emission current is 500μA. The source and transfer line temperatures are at 250°C and 310°C, respectively. The electron multiplier is set at 1880 V. The acquisition mode chosen for mass spectrometry analysis is MRM mode (Multiple Reaction Monitoring). The scantime is 0.3 s/scan. Peak detection and integration are carried out using Varian Workstation version 6.3. Precursor ions are isolated using 0.7 amu isolation window and subjected to Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) in the second Quadrupole (Q2). The dissociation is induced by collisions with neutral target species of the collision gas: Argon. In the third step, ions are transmitted in the third Quadripole (Q3) for separation. In MRM mode the fragment ions are also selected in the third quadripole. Different collision energies and multiple transitions are studied for each compound.

PAHs quantization is achieved using a seven point calibration plot with internal calibration over the linearity GCMS-MS range (1- 100 μg/L) established with 40 μg/L internal perpetuated standards and 1,5,10,25, 50, 75 and 100μg/L PAH solutions. Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ) are estimated at the lowest concentration of analytes having clear discerned peaks with Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) of 3 and 10 respectively.

Results and Discussion

Mass spectrometry and quantification

In order to improve sensitivity and selectivity, the MRM acquisition mode is used. In a triple quadripole instrument, the ions generated in the EI source are transmitted to the first Quadripole (Q1) where precursor ions are selected. A preliminary study is carried out in MS-MS mode under full scan conditions on Q3 in order to determine the fragment ions to be used for further MRM experiments. For each PAH from one to three ions are observed. In most cases these ions are molecular ions (M)+, (M-H)+, (M-H2)+ or (M-C2H2)+ fragment ions. The collision energy is selected for each PAH to obtain the maximum signal dissociation of the product ions (table 1). The optimization of the CID voltage of each transition is performed using multiple scan function in different channel for each retention time window (segment). The influence of CID voltage is studied from 10V to 40 V at 5V steps. The example for chrysene is given in Figure 1: 10eV for (M-H)+ (227), 35eV for (M-H2)+ (226) and 20 eV for (M-C2H2)+ (202). The argon collision gas pressure is set at 2.2 mtorr. The higher pressure of 4 mtorr is discarded because of the lower sensibility obtained at each transition (Figure 1).