Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Methods for Analysis of Polyphenols in Food Samples

Special Article – RP-HPLC

Austin Chromatogr. 2015;2(1): 1028.

Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography Methods for Analysis of Polyphenols in Food Samples

Cacciola F1*, Russo M2, Beccaria M2, Donato P1, Farnetti S3, Dugo P2,4,5and Mondello L2,4,5

1Department of Environmental Science, Territorial, Food and Health Security, University of Messina, Italy

2Department of Drug Sciences and Health Products, University of Messina, Italy

3Chromaleont s.r.l., c/o “Department of Drug Sciences and Health Products, University of Messina, Italy

4University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italy

5Chromaleont Ltd, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Products Department, University of Messina, Italy

*Corresponding author: Francesco Cacciola, Department of Environmental Science, Territorial, Food and Health Security, University of Messina, Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31, 98166 Messina, Italy

Received: February 19, 2015; Accepted: March 09, 2015; Published: March 11, 2015


Phenols and flavonoids presenting an enormous structural variability are receiving special interest because of their broad spectrum of pharmacological effects. The identification of these polyphenol derivatives in food samples is a difficult task due to the complexity of the structures and the limited standards commercially available. So far, one-dimensional chromatography was the most widely applied analytical approach for their analysis. However, when dealing with very complex media, a single separation system often does not provide sufficient resolving power for attaining rewarding results. Comprehensive twodimensional Liquid Chromatography (LC×LC) is a technique of great analytical impact, since it offers much higher peak capacities than separations in a single dimension. The present review describes the applications carried out in the field of LC×LC for polyphenol separation in food and food-related products.

Keywords: Polyphenols; Food; Comprehensive liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry


LC: Liquid Chromatography; MS: Mass Spectrometry; LC×LC: Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography; ESI: Electro Spray Ionization; APCI: Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization; GC: Gas Chromatography; CE: Capillary Electrophoresis


Phenols and flavonoids presenting an enormous structural variability (5000 derivatives are known today), are receiving special interest because of their broad spectrum of pharmacological effects [1]. The identification of these polyphenol derivatives in food samples is a difficult task due to the complexity of the structures; from a chemical viewpoint, they can be classified in different groups, i.e. phenolic acids, flavan-3-ols, flavanones, flavones, flavonoids, lignans, and so on. To this regard, the most common separation techniques used to determine these kinds of bioactive compounds in such samples have been Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), Gas Chromatography (GC), and Liquid Chromatography (LC). CE provides high efficiencies in short migration times with small amounts of reagents and sample volumes needed [2], although its main disadvantage is the low concentration sensitivity. GC is the least used technique for this purpose, since a derivatization step is necessary. LC in combination with Mass Spectrometry (MS), using Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) and Electro Spray Ionization (ESI) as interfaces under positive and negative ionization modes, is usually adopted, for identification and structural characterization of these compounds. However, when the polyphenol content is very complex, onedimensional LC is not sufficient for attaining rewarding results. As a consequence, to overcome such a limitation multidimensional Liquid Chromatography (2D-LC) techniques, where the two dimensions

are based on different separation mechanisms, could be exploited [3-6]. Multidimensional LC (MD-LC) techniques can be classified into “heart-cutting” and “comprehensive LC”, abbreviated as LC-LC and LC×LC respectively, according to the well-known established notations [7]. In both approaches, the columns are connected by means of a switching valve. The main difference between these two techniques is the amount of the primary column effluent that is transferred. In the former approach, only a few selected fractions of the effluent, containing the analytes of interest are directed from the primary to the secondary column (dimension) [8,9]; in the LC×LC, the entire sample is subjected to separation in both dimensions [10]. The first LC×LC application can be dated back to 1978 thanks to the pioneeristic work by Erni e and Frei [11]; since then, especially in the last decade, an ever continuous increase of papers have been published in this field to suit dedicated case studies and some of them were devoted to polyphenol analysis [12-42].

LC×LC: General aspects and method development

2D-LC methods can be operated either under “off-line” or “online” mode depending on the way to transfer the first dimension (1D) effluent to the second column (2D). In the former case, fractions of the 1D effluent are collected manually or via a fraction collector, and afterwards re-injected on the 2D column. “Off-line” approaches are time consuming, difficult to automate, non-reproducible and prone to sample loss and contamination and artefact formation. “On-line” approaches are faster and more reproducible, but more difficult to operate because of the use of special interfaces. Whatever “off-line” or on-line” approach employed, a 2D-LC separation is considered “orthogonal” if the two separation mechanisms provide complementary selectivity [43]. Orthogonal separations can be achieved when suitable mobile and stationary phases are selected, taking into account the physicochemical properties of the sample components including size and charge, hydrophobicity and polarity. In particular, LC techniques offer a wide variety of separation mechanisms, such as Normal Phase (NP), Reversed Phase (RP), Size Exclusion (SEC), Ion Exchange (IEX) or Affinity Chromatography (AC), characterized by different selectivities.

The development and optimization of an LC×LC method requires the adjustment of many parameters. An LC×LC system is composed of at least two pumps, two columns, an injector, an interface and a detector. The interface has the function to hyphen the two dimensions and in the most common set-up, small volume fractions of the effluent from the 1D are transferred via a multi-port switching valve into the 2D. Before coupling, the methods in both dimensions should be optimized, considering the sample characteristics and the parameters that affect the peak capacity. For the 2D analyses, separation time should be fast enough to ensure both complete fraction elution before the subsequent transfer and adequate 1D sampling [44]; this time is slightly enhanced if a regeneration step needs to be considered when running gradient programs. Analysis speed in the 2D, can be increased in different ways. For polyphenol analysis, monolithic columns were the first to be used, due to their short regeneration characteristics and high permeability, thus allowing operation at high flow rates without loss in resolution [12,16-18]. Another way to speed up the 2D analysis is to use conventional columns packed with stationary phases of reduced particle size such as partially or superficially porous stationary phases [19-25] or sub-2μm particle packed columns [33]; in the latter case, a more sophisticated hardware capable of withstanding such high pressures (PMAX= 440 bar) viz. Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) is required [33]. To speed up the 2D analysis, the use of elevated temperatures in the 2D have been also exploited aiming to strongly increase the flow rate thanks to the reduced mobile phase viscosity, even though the stability of the stationary phase and analytes must be taken into account [14].

Both dimensions can be operated under either isocratic or gradient conditions. As an interface for the automatic transfer of the 1D effluent to the 2D, many configurations have been proposed. The most widely used interface involves the use of a 2-position/10-port switching valve [12-37], despite also two 2-position/6-port switching valves have been used as well [31,33,42]. The loops are alternately emptied and filled with the 1D effluent prior to the 2D analysis in a “continuous” way. The empty storage loops can be replaced by loops packed with stationary phase. Under these conditions, the 1D mobile phase is preferably a weak solvent and the solutes are focused in the loop prior to be transferred to the 2D; fast desorption by a strong solvent is afterwards performed by the 2D mobile phase [12,16]. Also, two parallel 2D columns have been employed in absence of storage loops using columns of the same batch and adapted tubing system [14,15,29]. As far as columns are concerned, the 1D consists usually of micro (1.0 mm ID)- or narrow-bore (2.1 mm ID) columns providing flow rates compatible with conventional 4.6 mm i.d. columns in the 2D. An issue of utmost importance is the compatibility of the mobile phases used in the two dimensions. The mobile phase eluting from the 1D column should preferably consist of a weak solvent constituent of the 2D mobile phase, in order to create a satisfactory peak compression thus achieving “peak focusing”. Such a requirement is a must whatever combination of LC mobile phases is employed, especially if the solvents or solvent mixtures are not completely miscible. In the case of polyphenol analysis being most RP-LC×RP-LC separations, fully compatible 2D solvents are employed. A recent promising column combination in LC×LC employs the use of Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) and RP conditions in the 1D and 2D, respectively. In the last two separation mode combination, the mobile phase used in the 1D has a higher elution strength than the one used in the 2D. For such a reason, the employment of micro-flowrates in the 1D is highly beneficial in order to minimize dilution and provide flow rates compatible with 2D injection volumes [36-41].

LC×LC: Instrumentation and data handling

Commercial ready-to-use LC×LC systems are currently available from various manufactures, making the methodology much easier for practical uses, allowing matching specific 2D-LC requests. All conventional LC detectors, such as UV Photo-Diode-Array (PDA), Mass Spectrometric (MS) and Evaporative Light Scattering (ELS) detectors can be used in LC×LC. Usually, a single detector is installed after the 2D column, although an additional detector can be used to collect the 1D data, with the 1D separation monitored only during the optimization step. The high speed of the 2D analysis requires a very fast detector acquisition rate to ensure the adequate sampling which is critical for quantification purposes otherwise loss in resolution, due by a low number of data points, may occur. MS detection can be considered a third dimension to the LC×LC system, since the MS can be capable of identifying the co-eluting non-isobaric peaks when they are not resolved by chromatography. ESI and APCI MS interfaces receiving the 2D effluent are preferably used for effective ionization of all polyphenolic compounds. For both visualization and quantification of 2D data, at least two commercially available software, specially designed are available on the market (https://www.;

Comprehensive LC techniques for polyphenol separation in food analysis

On-line LC-LC have been successfully used for analysis of food polyphenols in only two works [15,45]. In the first case, natural polyphenolic antioxidants were separated using a C18 column in the 1D and two parallel Zirconia Carbon columns working in alternating cycles in the 2D. The combination of the two columns, run under temperature and solvent gradients, provided great differences in separation selectivity in each dimension and an almost orthogonal 2DLC system. Temperature gradients provided shorter separation times in comparison with solvent gradients (Figure 1). Such an approach was applied to the analysis of beer and wine samples. The more recent example was investigated for simultaneously determination of 12 major components, namely seven flavonoids, four phenylpropanoid glycosides, and N-trans-feruloyltyramine in tartary buckwheat.