Late Nosocomial Purulent Diffuse Peritonitis

Case Report

Austin J Clin Case Rep. 2024; 11(2): 1318.

Late Nosocomial Purulent Diffuse Peritonitis

Teymurov EZ*; Namazov AE; Bayramov NY

Department of 1st Surgical Diseases, Azerbaijan Medical University, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Teymurov EZ Department of 1st Surgical Diseases, Azerbaijan Medical University, Samad Vurghun, Baku, Nasimi, AZ1022, Azerbaijan, Turkey. Tel: +994 513340859 Email: [email protected]

Received: March 01, 2024 Accepted: April 08, 2024 Published: April 15, 2024


A 31-year-old male patient was admitted with complaints of widespread abdominal pain, high temperature (Tmax 39.2°C), lack of appetite, weakness, weight loss. The patient underwent “Laparoscopic fundoplication in Toupet modification” for GERD 10 days ago. The early postoperative period passed without peculiarities. On the 5th postoperative day, the patient had abdominal pain, lack of appetite, weakness. The patient was treated with symptomatic therapy according to the doctor’s recommendations, but without any effect. On the 10th day the patient with the above complaints came to the clinic. On examination “plank-shaped abdomen”, peritoneal symptoms were positive, intestinal peristalsis was sluggish. In laboratory parameters the level of CRP - 339 mg/ml, no changes in clinical blood analysis were detected. The patient underwent diagnostic laparoscopy, the revision revealed diffuse purulent peritonitis, no defects of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract organs were revealed, the place of fundoplication without features, the sutures were sound. The abdominal cavity was drained: right and left lateral canals, subhepatic space and small pelvis. Antibacterial therapy has been assigned: meropenem 1.0 x3 i/v, metronidazole 500 mg x2 i/v, massive infusion therapy and parenteral nutrition. Positive clinical and laboratory dynamics was observed in the postoperative period. On the 9th postoperative day, the level of CRP decreased to 43 mg/ml, the patient was discharged for outpatient treatment in satisfactory condition.

Keywords: Spantaneus peritonitis; Laparoscopy surgery; MRSA; Sepsis

Abbreviations: HR; WBC; Hb; PLT; CRP; ALT; AST; ALP; GGT; MRSA; SBP; UTI; CT; PIAI, AbSeS


The article describes a case of idiopathic (spontaneous) purulent peritonitis developed after surgical treatment, describes the tactics of surgical and conservative treatment of this pathology.

Case Report

A 31-year-old male patient came to the clinic with complaints of "widespread abdominal pain, hyperthermia, nausea, lack of appetite, general weakness and fatigue, weight loss". On examination - skin and visible mucous membranes are pale, clean, peripheral lymph nodes are not palpated, no edema. Auscultation in the lungs vesicular breathing, no rales. Heart tones are rhythmic, HR - 118/min. The abdomen on palpation is board-shaped, painful in all parts, Shchotkin-Blumberg and Mendel's symptom is positive. Intestinal peristalsis was weakened. Diuresis is free, oliguria is noted. There's been no defecation since last day. Laboratory parameters at the moment of hospitalisation: WBC- 7.1 x109/l, Hb-13.1 g/dL, PLT- 327 x109/l, CRP - 339 mg/ml, ALT - 23, AST - 41, ALP - 80, GGT - 18, Total bilirubin - 0.6, Direct bilirubin - 0.4, Albumin - 2.8, Amilaza - 39, Kreatinn - 0.9. The patient underwent computer tomography of abdominal cavity organs and diffuse peritonitis was confirmed. The patient underwent diagnostic laparoscopy (Figure 1, Figure 2). At revision the abdominal cavity was diffusely covered with purulent contents, the consistency of the fundoplication site, integrity of the stomach, small and large intestine walls was assessed - no defects were revealed (Figure 3, Figure 4). During the intervention, 100 ml of methylene blue solution was administered through a nasogastric tube. When assessing the anastomosis integrity, no extravasation was detected, the integrity of the anastomosis was preserved. Purulent film was taken for bacterial culture. Sanation of the abdominal cavity was performed. Drainage of the right and left lateral canal, subhepatic space and small pelvis was performed. Antibacterial therapy was started for the patient in the postoperative period - meropenem 1.0 x3 i/v, metronidazole 5%-100.0 i/v, massive infusion therapy at the rate of 30 ml/kg/day, parenteral nutritional support was started. On the 1st postoperative day positive clinical dynamics was observed: abdominal pain decreased, diuresis normalized, the patient became active, the volume of infusion therapy was reduced to 20 ml/kg/day. Serous-purulent content with a total volume of 130 ml was noted from the drains. On the 2nd day CRP level decreased to 298 mg/ml. On the 24th day no contents were released from the left lateral canal drain, the drain was removed. On the 3rd day parenteral nutrition was suspended, enteral nutrition was administered, Srb level decreased to 139 mg/ml. The drains from the pelvis and right lateral canal were removed. On the 4th postoperative day, there was no discharge from the drain installed in the subhepatic space, the drain was removed. According to the results of bacteriological analysis of purulent abdominal cavity contents, MRSA and Streptococcus anginosus were isolated, sensitive to meropenem, linezolid and ceftazidime with sulbactam. On the 9th postoperative day, the patient underwent control abdominal CT - pathological changes wasn’t detected and he was discharged for outpatient treatment in satisfactory condition.