Addressing Obesity and Inactivity in Females with Severe Mental Illness [SMI]

Research Article

J Community Med Health Care. 2017; 2(1): 1009.

Addressing Obesity and Inactivity in Females with Severe Mental Illness [SMI]s

Rock KM*

Department of Nursing, Frostburg State University, USA

*Corresponding author: Rock KM, Department of Nursing, Frostburg State University, USA

Received: October 28, 2016; Accepted: January 23, 2017; Published: January 25, 2017


Obesity in the Severely Mentally Ill [SMI] has become a significant problem and cause of morbidity and early mortality. SMI clients are 50% more likely to be obese compared to the general population. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this population. To date, little has been done to address this epidemic in either the primary care or psychiatric settings. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an advanced practice nurse-run intervention utilizing 10 weekly sessions across three domains: weight loss, time spent in physical activity, and changes in basic health knowledge. A psychiatric rehabilitation model served as a naturalistic framework for the study, as this model’s strategies to facilitate goal achievement are thoroughly integrated in community mental health settings. The review of literature supported behavioral interventions across mental health treatment settings and largely found modest improvements in multiple outcomes including weight and physical activity. The current research study was a pilot project employing a descriptive, pretestposttest design. Of the 32 women who met inclusion criteria, 18 enrolled in the study. Pre- and post-intervention paired t-test results indicated statistically significant weight loss and increased time spent in physical activity among the completers and partial completers with no significant difference found in basic health knowledge. While the pilot-study nature of this project imposes limitations on the findings, implications include that advanced practice nurses are well positioned to develop, design and implement strategies that promote collaborative, integrated physical and mental health care with the primary aim of reducing medical co-morbidities in this vulnerable population.

Keywords: Severe Mental Illness (SMI); Females; Obesity; Medical comorbidities


Obesity is a considerable problem in America today, and is even more prevalent among those who suffer from Severe Mental Illness [SMI] [1]. The epidemic of obesity and interrelated health co-morbidities has been documented extensively in this special population. The chronically mentally ill are 50% more likely to be overweight or obese compared to the general population [2]. Obesity doubles the risk of developing coronary artery disease, stroke, and Type II Diabetes Mellitus [3] as well as increases the risk of developing hypertension, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea [4]. Obesity in those with SMI is associated with a significant decrease in life expectancy, decreased quality of life, early mortality [5], multiple medical comorbidities, and substantial economic burden [6]. Heart disease, not suicide, is the leading cause of death among the chronically mentally ill [7]. The risk of premature death for those with SMI is 2.4 times that of the general population [8]. Those with SMI lose decades of potential years of life compared to their general population counterparts, stemming largely from an increased risk for cardiovascular disease [9]. Among certain subgroups of those with SMI, the mortality gap in recent decades has continued to widen, despite advances in mental health treatment [10]. According to results of a nationwide cardiometabolic screening program for consumers from 219 mental health facilities, group practices and community behavioral health centers between 2005 and 2008, the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors was “substantial and frequently untreated” [11].

The problem of obesity in those with SMI is complex and multifaceted. Scientists have identified numerous contributing factors with varying degrees of causality. Current literature is inundated with information linking multiple psychotropic medication classes to the development of side effects such as weight gain, obesity, elevated triglycerides, diabetes and hypertension [12]. In addition, the role of gender is beginning to reveal implications in metabolic diseases and associated co-morbidities. It is only recently that gender medicine and gender-specific aspects in diagnosis, treatment and disease prevention are utilized shape policy, care and research [13]. Recent evidence suggests that there may be a genetic predisposition for components of metabolic syndrome in those with mood disorders and schizophrenia [14]. Though causality has not been directly identified, an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle are thought to contribute to the incidence and prevalence of obesity in this population [2]. The significance of these lifestyle factors is that they are potentially modifiable risk factors; and therefore, are an important focus of the current project.

Though health promotion initiatives targeting nutrition and physical activity have increased over the last decade, those with SMI remain largely neglected [15]. Mental health treatment centers do not routinely offer health and wellness interventions that address nutrition and physical activity [8]. Primary health care providers often lack the resources necessary to manage and treat medical co-morbidities in the SMI population as a result of multiple obstacles. Though there is evidence of an increased interest in improving collaboration between primary and psychiatric health care professionals [16-18], this has not translated into mainstream clinical practice in the United States. Routinely in general practice and mental health treatment settings, little is done to intervene and improve the health risk profiles of those living with SMI [19,20].

Psychiatric nurses and, more specifically, advanced practice psychiatric nurses, play vital roles in the lives of SMI consumers. Advanced practice psychiatric nurses are in a unique position not only to legitimize the priority of addressing obesity and related health comorbidities in this population [21], but to implement evidence-based practice strategies through a more integrated and holistic nursing role in mental health care. Psychiatric nurses, like the mental health care system as a whole, can no longer afford to ignore the epidemic of obesity in this vulnerable population. As influential patient advocates, psychiatric advanced practice nurses are well suited to lead the efforts to improve the physical health of mental health consumers.

Theoretical framework

The early work in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation was pioneered in the 1970s by those who recognized the value of reconceptualizing and re-defining ‘recovery’ in the context of severe mental illness. The basis of psychiatric rehabilitation is built upon guiding values of empowerment, competence, and recovery [22]. Many themes and concepts that originated in the psychiatric rehabilitation literature have become public domain. Ideas, concepts and guiding principles have become embedded in mainstream mental health treatment settings [23]. Recovery, in this context, is not synonymous with cure or absence of illness. Instead, recovery refers to assuming the highest level of responsibility over one’s life and functioning as actively and independently as possible in society within the context of SMI [24]. Goals of psychiatric rehabilitation have been well established, as have strategies that can be implemented to facilitate those goals. These strategies include instrumental and social support, goal setting, skills training, transfer training, and cognitive rehabilitation among others [25]. These strategies take the unique needs of the SMI consumer into account. Because of the focus of the psychiatric rehabilitation model, principles and strategies of this model served as a natural theoretical framework for this study.

Literature Review

The epidemic of obesity coupled with a sedentary lifestyle among consumers with SMI has been explored extensively in the literature. Those in primary care and psychiatric settings have acknowledged this problem and have worked to identify causative factors and barriers to treatment. Though researchers have identified a combination of factors that contribute to this problem, the degree of causality has not yet been strongly supported by scientific literature. Beyond identification of the epidemic of obesity in this select population and exploration of causative factors, scientific support of interventions to adequately address obesity in those with SMI is lacking. Until recently, there has been little interest in improving and addressing the physical health of mental health consumers.

According to the literature reviewed for this study, modest improvements in weight and physical activity can be achieved in SMI consumers utilizing a comprehensive and integrated approach focusing on a combination of nutrition and physical activity components. Caution must be exercised regarding these findings, as there are significant limitations in the current literature that remain to be addressed. Primary among these limitations are the small sample sizes, high attrition rates, and short duration of most studies. There have been few studies that measure outcomes beyond a few months. In addition, the designs of most studies have been found to have a high degree of variability and a lack of consistent outcome measures of interest.



The current research study was a pilot study employing a descriptive, pretest- posttest design. All subjects were assigned to receive the intervention.


A naturalistic, convenience sample was used from a single site private, non-profit community mental health center. Subjects were recruited for the study through self-referrals based on printed advertisement material displayed in the mental health center, or were referred to the project through mental health clinicians. Inclusion criteria included females with a diagnosis of a serious mental illness, body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 25, women who are responsible for at least 50% of household grocery shopping and meal preparation, aged 18 and older, and had obtained medical clearance from her primary care provider. Exclusion criteria included a recent history of non-adherence to prescribed treatment, a diagnosis of intellectual disabilities (previously mental retardation), physical conditions that prevented participation in physical activity, acute mania and/or psychosis, history of anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia nervosa, and history of gastric bypass or other surgical obesity treatment.


The research study was approved by the Carlow University Institutional Review Board (IRB) after an expedited review. The IRB administers both the General Assurance of Compliance with the United States Department of Health and Human Services Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects and the Carlow University policy covering the protection of human subjects. Approval for this study was also obtained by the study agency’s Executive Director, under the direction of the Board of Directors, and the Medical Director. Administrative staff were easily accessible to the primary nurse researcher and supportive of the current study.


A number of different instruments were utilized to measure outcomes. A single, standard doctor’s office scale was used to measure height and weight. A manual Omron brand blood pressure cuff was used to measure blood pressure. Both normal adult and obese cuffs were utilized, dependent on the arm circumference of each participant. Waist circumference was measured using a standard tape measure at the level of the umbilicus. One tracking log was utilized to track the number of food group servings consumed by each subject on a weekly basis. One tracking log was utilized to track time spent in physical activity on a weekly basis. Tracking logs were both selfreport measures and subject to error.

Intervention curriculum

The primary researcher developed a 10 week manualized psychoeducation intervention (Get Rolling on Wellness [GROW]) (Figure 1) tailored for females with SMI using nutritional recommendations from the United States Department of Agriculture ( Physical activity recommendations were based on guidelines from the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Supplementary material was adopted from other reliable resources. Each weekly session was approximately 90 minutes in length and followed a structured format. At the conclusion of the 60 minute educational portion, participants were invited to complete a commercial 25 minute walking video.