Constant Warm Body Temperature Ensures High Response Reliability of Neurons in Endothermic Brains

Review Article

Austin J Comput Biol Bioinform. 2014;1(1): 5.

Computational Analysis to Study Successive Development of Adaptable Protein Structure and Function during Evolution

Yuguo Yu1*

1Centre for Computational Systems Biology, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

*Corresponding author: Yuguo Yu, Centre for Computational Systems Biology, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China

Received: April 28, 2014; Accepted: July 28, 2014; Published: Aug 05, 2014


Mammals and birds have developed remarkably larger brains as well as a constant and warm body temperature, in contrast to other vertebrates and invertebrates. What is the benefit of a constant and warm temperature on brain signaling and large size brain development? Our previous experimental and computational studies [1] demonstrated that cortical action potentials are remarkably more energy efficient in a warm temperature rather than in a cold temperature. This study revealed that a constant temperature is critical in ensuring the reliable and accurate neural coding to sensory signals based on computational studies of the classical Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal model. An increase of temperature variance during neural responses to a repeated signal is correlated with a gradual degeneration of neural response reliability. In addition, computer simulations also suggested that temperature around 36-40°C may be a special range for cortical neurons to firing spikes more reliably than other temperature conditions. These results suggest that a warm and constant temperature have been critical for the accurate neural coding and reliable intra-neuronal communication that may be necessary for development of large brain circuit for endothermic animals.


Evolution develops larger brains in Mammals and birds than do fish, reptiles and amphibians [2]. Living mammals and birds are also distinguished as endotherms by their maintenance of a high body temperature around 36 -40°C, while fish, reptiles and amphibians are ectotherms whose body temperature generally varies with that of environment [3]. An enlarged brain and endothermia are thus two unique features of mammals and birds. Is this a coincidence, or is there some causal link between them? Energy required for the large brain increases greatly as the size of the brain circuit, the computational power and duties increase largely. The major part of brain energy is consumed for generating action potentials for coding signals of sensory world and synapse signals for communication among neurons. In a previous study, we found that the increase in body temperature associated with the evolution of warm-blooded animals had an energetic benefit [1]. The metabolic cost of generating action potentials is 4 to 10 fold lower in warm body temperature than in colder temperatures [1]. These results indicate that mammalian brains, although requiring a great deal of energy to operate, are actually more efficient than expected due to a warm body temperature.

If a warm temperature facilitates energy efficient cortical spikings in saving energy, what is the benefit to have a constant body temperature for mammalian and bird's brains? Is it necessary for development of a large complex brain circuit with multi-layers? In cold-blood animals, their body temperature fluctuates with natural environments, by several to tens of degrees per day. How is this temperature condition variance correlated to the accuracy of neural coding and neural signal propagation. Surprisingly there is almost no study in this topic till now. Hence, to address the above issues, I have carried out a set of computational studies to examine how temperature fluctuations affect neural code based on Hodgkin- Huxley types of cortical neuronal models that were developed in my previous experimental studies on cortical neurons [1,4].


An aperiodic signal s(t) was presented repeatedly to the neuronal model for a hundred times (for each trial there was an additional Gaussian colored which mimicked synaptic noise added to the neuron was repeated without change for all trials). The temperature value of the model neuron for each trial had a fluctuation (quantified by standard variance σT) around an average value (e.g., 35°C in Figure 1A). Computer simulations revealed that temperature variance may heavily degrade the reliable neural response to an input signal. Figure 1A shows that with a trial to trial variance in temperature (mean 35°C, standard deviation σT = 5°C), the spiking responses of the model neuron to the repeated signal were much less reliable with larger spike timing jitters than those in the responses of the neuron nearly constant temperature ((35°C) with a very small temperature variance σT = 0.1°C cross the trials (Figure 1B)). The raster plot (see Figure 1C) shows clearly the degeneration effect of temperature variance on the response reliability of the sensory neuron for the one hundred repeated trials of same input signal. Although at the beginning of the stimulus onset, the spiking responses were reliable for both situations, the spiking timings for case of σT = 5°C started to lose its timing precision after a hundred millisecond period of signal presentation. The post-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) ((yellow in Fig. 1C)) indicates that the neural coding responses lost their precise timings for each stimulus event in the situation of large temperature variance across stimulus trials. On the contrary, for the situation σT = 0.1°C, the spike timings for each stimulus event can be reproduced reliably with very small spike jitters (Figure 1D), and the PSTH displayed highly repeatable neural responses for all the stimulus features.

Citation: Yu Y. Constant Warm Body Temperature Ensures High Response Reliability of Neurons in Endothermic Brains. Austin J Comput Biol Bioinform. 2014;1(1): 5. ISSN: 2379-7967