Journal Title: Austin - Critical Care Journal
PMC Abbreviation: Austin Crit Care J
ISSN Number: 2379-8017
Prefix DOI: 10.26420/austincritcarej
Peer Review: Double-Blind
Impact Factor : 1.9 🠉 Based on Google Scholar
Current Volume: Volume 12
Manuscript Processing: 15 - 25 Days (After Submission)
Publication Model : Open Access
Year of Inaugural Volume : 2014
Contact EMail:
Language : English
Austin - Critical Care Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Austin Publishers. It provides easy access to high quality Manuscripts in the branch of intensive care medicine dealing with diagnosis and management of life threatening conditions requiring emergency such as support for instability, airway or respiratory compromise, acute renal failure, cardiac arrhythmias, multiple organ failure, etc., This journal is directed towards specialists who treat patients in all aspects of acute and emergency care for the critically ill or injured patients, including physicians, cardiologists, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
Austin Publishing Group is a successful host of more than hundred peer reviewed, open access journals in various fields of science and technology with intent to bridge the gap between academia and research access.
Austin - Critical Care Journal accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, mini reviews, rapid communication, opinions and editorials on all related aspects of acute and emergency care for the critically ill or injured patients.