Interdisciplinary Conservative Approach of A Geminated Tooth

Case Report

J Dent & Oral Disord. 2016; 2(8): 1042.

Interdisciplinary Conservative Approach of A Geminated Tooth

Falcón BE*

Department of Periodontics and Implantology, National University Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Perú

*Corresponding author: Falcón BE, Department of Periodontics and Implantology, National University Jorge Basadre Grohmann, Tacna, Perú

Received: October 19, 2016; Accepted: November 09, 2016; Published: November 10, 2016


Gemination in the incisors is a rare anomaly in permanent teeth, causing malformed teeth, functional and psychosocial that leads the patient to be introverted and not to express his smile to others. It is therefore an imperative conservative interdisciplinary approach for rehabilitation. We describe a case of dental gemination, successfully treated by an interdisciplinary conservative treatment. A case study involving a 14 year old male patient, having tooth gemination causing marked dental crowding. Opting for conservative interdisciplinary treatment that included orthodontics, periodontics and aesthetic. With this conservative approach we are able to maintain the vitality of the tooth; improving the aesthetics, function and patient self-esteem.

Keywords: Gemination; Geminated; Double crown; Dental anomaly


Dental abnormalities may be the result of many factors, including genetic and environmental, although genetic defects have higher incidence [1]. During the odontogenesis, dental anomalies can be produced by nutritional deficiency, hypervitaminosis a pregnant mother, endocrine influences, infectious/inflammatory processes, congenital diseases, local traumas and by ionizing radiation [2,3].

The correct diagnosis is very important for the success of any treatment. Dental gemination occurs when two teeth trying to develop from a single germ that leads to a larger tooth; characterized by invagination, resulting in incomplete formation of two teeth. The crown is duplicated or bifid with a slot extending from the incisal edge to the cervical region [4]. Crown halves are commonly symmetrical [4-6].

The differential diagnosis between fusion and germination is established because in gemination one root canal is shown, while in the fusion are separate root canals. Furthermore, tooth fusión results in a decrease in tooth number, whereas tooth gemination results in an increase in the number of teeth [1,6]. Fusion and dental gemination together account for 1% of dental anomalies [2].

Monitoring is important because geminated teeth often cause aesthetic problems and malocclusion, as diastema, crowding or protrusion of the teeth [6].

Several treatment methods have been described in the literature with respect to different types and morphological variations of geminated teeth, including endodontic restoration, surgical, prosthetic, periodontal and orthodontic treatment [7].

The aim of this paper is to describe a case of dental gemination treated satisfactorily by an interdisciplinary conservative treatment in an adolescent patient.

Case Presentation

A male patient of 14 years old was presented to rate their permanent upper incisor teeth, which will cause aesthetic and chewing problems besides creating you afraid to express her smile (Figure1).