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Austin J Dent. 2016; 3(4): 1042.
Pseudo- Double Arch- Ectopic Eruption Pattern
Nayak V*, Kini R, Rao PK, Bhandarkar GP and Kashyap RR
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, AJ Institute of Dental Sciences, India
*Corresponding author: Vijayendranath Nayak S, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, AJ Institute of Dental Sciences, Kuntikana, NH-66.Mangaluru, PIN– 575004, Karnataka, India
Received: August 12, 2016; Accepted: August 24, 2016; Published: August 26, 2016
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A 26 year old male patient reported with a chief complaint of extra teeth in his oral cavity. Past medical history dental and personal history was non-contributory. Intraoral examination of tooth revealed irregular placement of the upper and lower anterior teeth which was non syndromic. Ectopic eruption of maxillary canines at the place of maxillary laterals was appreciated. Retained maxillary canines were labially placed which was suggestive of delayed exfoliation. Palatal eruption pattern of left maxillary central incisors and Maxillary anteriors was evident, resembling a pseudo double arch. On examination of mandibular anterior teeth, retained deciduous right lateral incisor was labially placed. Lingually erupted right incisors and left lateral incisor was appreciated. A provisional diagnosis of ectopic eruption due to delayed exfoliation, resembling a pseudo double arch. A treatment plan of removal of deciduous teeth was advised and referred to the Department of Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics for correcting malocclusion.