Clinical Profile of Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents

Research Article

Ann Depress Anxiety. 2024; 11(1): 1125.

Clinical Profile of Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents

Afif Al-Nabhi¹*; Mohammed Sallam¹; Ahmed Al-Gharati¹; Amin Abdulrab¹; Ali Ahmed Al-Zaazaai²

1Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Science - Sana’a University

2Department of Pharmacy, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou

Corresponding author: Afif Al-Nabhi, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Science, Sana’a University, PR, China. Email:

Received: September 20, 2024 Accepted: October 10, 2024 Published: October 17, 2024


Background: Stroke is the leading cause of mortality and disability across the world.

Objectives: The Objectives of the study were, to study the clinical profile of stroke, risk factors, and hospital outcomes among stroke patients attending a tertiary hospital in Sana’a city

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Al-Gomhouri Hospital from 2015 to 2018. Every patient enrolled in the study underwent a clinical examination, history of risk factors, and investigation. We followed all cases during their hospital stays.

Results: Of the total 117 stroke cases, the main clinical presentation was hemiplegia or hemiparesis accounting for 53%, While altered sensorium and speech disturbances occurred for 15%. The majority had an ischemic stroke (76.2%). And hemorrhagic stroke in 28.2%. The incidence of stroke was higher in the 51–60 years age group with male preponderance. (30%) of ischemic stroke patients had hypertension, currently cigarette smoking (31.6 %) Qat Showers (47.8%), a small percentage (7.7% and 13.6%) had DM, and had dyslipidemia respectively. The mortality rate was (12%), and complete recovery and partial recovery were found in (40.2% & 30% respectively. However, no recovery was detected in (17.1%).

Conclusion: Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke in the age group of the 5th–6th decade with male preponderance. hemiplegia & hemiparesis being the most common presentation. hypertension, smoking, and Qat showing were Preventable risk factors associated with poor prognosis.

Keywords: Cerebral vascular stroke (CVS); Risk factors; Outcome; Yemen


Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) or stroke is defined as the abrupt onset of a neurological deficit that is attributable to a focal vascular cause [1].

It is a leading cause of mortality, and morbidity and is considered to be a leading cause of long-term disability worldwide [2,3].

Cerebrovascular accidents include hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, and cerebrovascular anomalies such as intracranial aneurysms and Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs). Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke accounts for about 85% and 15%, respectively [4].

Stroke and its sequel are important issues for healthcare planners and medical services everywhere. The cost of treatment and long-term care are very high. The incidence of stroke is increasing due to the aging of the population in many countries [4].

Risk factors for CVA include non-modifiable factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, geography, and a family history of stroke [1,4].

Modifiable risk factors are smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and heart disease [5,6]. Stork can be prevented by effective risk factor modification. measures that will reduce the incidence of stroke [1].

Data regarding CVA in Yemen are scarce, this study is conducted to identify the risk factors and etiology in patients with CVA. This study has attempted to know the prognosis of CVA with reference to risk factors.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out in AL-Gomhory Hospital in Sana’a among patients with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA), who were admitted to the medical department during 20015- 20018

Study Protocol

ALL files of patients admitted to the department with suspected CVA were Reviewed. Every patient who fulfilled the following criteria was included in this study

Inclusion criteria

• Patients of either sex with CVA are admitted to the medical department with symptoms and signs of loss of focal or global cerebral function.

• Age greater than or equal to 30 years.

• Evidence of ischemia or hemorrhage on CT scan or MRI of brain.

• Patients with first episode of CVA.

Exclusion criteria

• Patients with a history of epilepsy, migraine, and head injury.

• Ischemia or hemorrhage on CT brain due to infection, connective tissue disorders, and tumors.

• Patients with Cortical venous thrombosis.

• Patients presented with transient ischemic attack.

• Patients with metabolic encephalopathy

Data Collection

The special sheet was designed to collect demographic data, clinical history, clinical examination, and investigations. Risk factors for CVA like hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia; family history of CVA was evaluated. All investigations of patients were reviewed and recorded such as CT scan of brain MRI brain, CT Angiography, Magnetic Resonance Angiography.

The other relevant investigations about their clinical status including biochemical and the factors profile of each patient such as; smoking, DM, lipid profile, and blood analysis were reviewed and recorded. The approval for the study was obtained from the hospital Ethics Committee.

Statistical Methods

The data was entered in Microsoft Excel and was analyzed using SPSS Package version (18) In descriptive statistics: results were expressed in percentages and proportions and were represented by using tables, bar diagrams, and pie charts. In analytical statistics: Two sample proportion tests using Z value were applied.


The total number of patients who fulfilled the criteria of CVA in this study was 117 patients, 60 were males and 57 were females, and Male: Female ratio was 1.05:1.

The mean age of the patients was 55 for males and 56 for females’ sex and age distribution of the patients is shown in Table (1). Most patients 38 (32.5%) presented with CVA were in the age group of 51-60 years. The age group 41-50 and age group 61-70 years represented (17% and 16.2%) respectively. No males were below 30 years, while females were 4 below 30 years. Most patients (51.3%) were from Sana'a, followed by Amran governorate which accounted for (15.5%). Thirty-nine patients came from Thamar, the other cases were from Al Mahweet, Ibb, and Taiz governorates which presented in (11.1%, 4.2%, 6.8%, 5.1%, 6.0%,) respectively. 7 cases came from 3 governorates (Al-Hudaidah 3 cases, Lahj 2 cases, and Mareb 2 cases) see table 2.