Childhood Granulomatous Perioral Dermatitis with Good Responses to Minocycline and Topical Tacrolimus, Extraordinary Significance

Case Report

Austin J Dermatolog. 2015;2(1): 1034.

Childhood Granulomatous Perioral Dermatitis with Good Responses to Minocycline and Topical Tacrolimus, Extraordinary Significance

Sami Loai and Changzheng Huang*

Department of Dermatology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

*Corresponding author: Changzheng Huang, Department of Dermatology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430022, China

Received: February 04, 2015; Accepted: February 25, 2015; Published: February 27, 2015


Childhood Granulomatous Perioral Dermatitis (CGPD) is a rare disease characterized as an eruption, which is seen predominantly in children and represents a granulomatous form of perioral dermatitis or of acne agminata. It is a condition of unknown etiology affects prepubescent children of both sexes and typically persists in several months, characterized by asymptomatic papular eruptions generally confined to the central area of the face with clustering around the mouth, eyes and ears. The histopathology shows a granulomatous pattern. We report a 24-year-old Chinese girl with multiple, discrete, red to brown papules on erythematous base of 2-months duration on the perioral and periocular areas. Histopathological examination demonstrated dermal granulomatous infiltrates. The patient show good response to the combination treatment of oral Minocycline and topical Tacrolimus. CGPD is the disease of children, but in this rare case the disease occur in adult, with good response to oral Minocycline and topical Tacrolimus.

Keywords: Granuloma; Perioral Dermatitis; Childhood


Childhood Granulomatous Perioral Dermatitis (CGPD), also known as Facial Afro-Caribbean Childhood Eruption (FACE), is a distinctive granulomatous form of perioral dermatitis [1]. The histology has been variously described as showing non-specific inflammation with hyperkeratosis or, as granulomatous with the inflammatory changes often, but not invariably, being perifollicular. Complete resolution few months after the appearance of skin lesions, either spontaneously or in response to treatment. Some time with small pitted scars. Systemic treatment has been achieved with erythromycin or metronidazole [2,3].

Case Report

A 24-year-old Chinese girl presented with a Two-month history of pruritic papules on the face. The eruption started on the perioral area with red papules on the erythematous background. After twenty days, the eruption spread upward to involve the side of the nose and periorbital areas include upper and lower eyelids. She had neither past history of skin disorders, nor drug history whether topical or systemic. She was otherwise healthy. No remarkable family history could be found. Laboratory evaluation including routine blood, urinary, liver and kidney function analysis, Purified Protein derivative test, chest X-ray show no significant foundlings. Clinical examination of the patient show multiple small red to brown colored papules on the base of erythematous plaque located on central areas of the face including the perioral area , around the nose and periorbital area with upper and lower eyelids involved (Figure 1a). However, no pustules or papulovesicles were found. A biopsy of facial papules had been done and shows a granulomatous infiltration composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, epitheliod cells and multinucleated giant cells, but without caseation necrosis in dermis (Figure 2) PA and acid-fast stain was negative. Cultures for fungus were also negative. A final diagnosis of childhood granulomatous perioral dermatitis in adult patients was established based on the clinical manifestation and histopathology. The patient received oral Minocycline 50mg bid and topical Tacrolimus ointment 0.03% twice daily with good responses and resolving of the majority of the skin lesions after 21 days and more improvement after 50 days . Follow up to the patient after 10 weeks shows better improvement include to decrease from the number of the papules and diminish the color of the eruption without observed scars (Figure 1b).

Citation: Loai S and Huang C. Childhood Granulomatous Perioral Dermatitis with Good Responses to Minocycline and Topical Tacrolimus, Extraordinary Significance. Austin J Dermatolog. 2015;2(1): 1034. ISSN:2381-9189