Tattoo Associated Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Special Article - Dermatology Clinical Cases and Images

Austin J Dermatolog. 2015; 2(2): 1037.

Tattoo Associated Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Dikicier BS*, Yaldız M, Çetinkaya R and Erdem T

Department of Dermatology, Sakarya University Medical School, Turkey

*Corresponding author: Bahar Sevimli Dikicier, Department of Dermatology, Sakarya University Medical School, Turkey

Received: October 29, 2015; Accepted: November 06, 2015; Published: November 09, 2015


The term tattoo describes the deliberate placement of permanent colors into the skin or the accidental entry of pigmented material [1]. Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a delayedtype of induced sensitivity (allergy) resulting from cutaneous contact with a specific allerge into which the patient has developed a specific sensitivity. This allergic reaction causes inflammation of the skin manifested by varying degrees of erythema, edema, and vesiculation. We report a case of tattoo associated allergic contact dermatitis due to specific pigment materials, green and white.

Case Presentation

A 17-year-old boy presented with a severely pruritic, erythematous, oozyreaction in the location of a tattoo on his right arm. He had placed the tattoo 3 weeks ago and told that it had been discharging fluid for one week. Severe edema, causing the tattoo appear like a total bullous lesion was observed (Figure1). Some erythematous and crusted papules were also presenton his arm distant from the tattoo site and on his abdomen. He refused to have a biopsy from the reaction site. He had another tattoo on his left arm, he told that it was placed at the same time; but no reaction was present on this one (Figure 2). Both tattoos were permanently made, the difference was the pigment types: permanent green and white coloured tattoo turned to a pruritic wound while the black colored tattoo remained intact on the other arm. Systemic and topical corticostreoids and antihistamine was started , but the reaction never cleared totally (Figure 1). Patient had decided to have a laser tattoo removal and lost follow-up.

Citation: Dikicier BS, Yaldız M, Çetinkaya R and Erdem T. Tattoo Associated Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Austin J Dermatolog. 2015; 2(2): 1037. ISSN:2381-9189